
"Covinan" for cats: manual and reviews

All owners of cats are faced with such a phenomenon, when a cute fluffy lump turns into an yelling and placing everywhere a fragrant label creature. It is in the pet that the instinct of reproduction awakens. One of the most frequent questions asked by the owners of cats to a veterinarian is "what to do, so that she does not ask for a cat?". The most reliable way is sterilization, but not all owners are dealt with because of the complexity and high cost of the operation. There are many other drugs, for example, "Sex barrier", "Stop-intim" and others. But they all have a temporary effect and soon cease to act on the animal. In this case, the exit for many owners is "Covinan" for cats. This injection protects pets for a long time from the problems associated with "sexual hunting". Among the "cat-owners" it was called "magic shot".

What is "Covinan"?

This is a veterinary hormonal preparation in the form of a suspension, intended for injection. Its action is based on the main component - a synthetic analogue of the female hormone progesterone. This is the progestogen, which is contained in 1 ml of the drug 100 mg. The basis of the suspension is distilled water. In addition to the hormone, substances that improve its penetration and assimilation are dissolved in it: dihydrogenphosphate, sodium citrate, sorbitan and others. Doctors do not recommend without the need to do an injection to the animal. After all, this drug, like other hormones, is quite dangerous and can cause negative consequences.

Why use "Covinan"

Most often this medicine is used to prevent heat in the cat. Hormonal drugs are used in the event that the owners plan to ever get her offspring from her. They protect the animal from unwanted pregnancy. Many people have heard about this effect of the drug and use it on their own, without knowing about the features of the action. After all, veterinarians use "Covinan" in such cases:

  • To prevent manifestations of sexual instinct in cats;
  • For preventing the development of false pregnancy and pseudolactia;
  • In the complex treatment of false pregnancy ;
  • In the event that breeding of offspring is dangerous to the health and life of the animal.

As a contraceptive "Covinan" for cats, it is advisable to use to give rest to thoroughbred producers in nurseries. Do not do without such a means and those animals, which for medical reasons are forbidden to perform surgical sterilization.

Composition and features of the drug

The main active substance of "Covinan" is the proligheston. This synthetic hormone prevents the appearance of estrus. It acts in several ways: reduces the concentration of luteinizing hormone, increases the viscosity of mucus in the uterus and depresses the activity of the mammary glands. This all provides contraception to the animal. In addition, the progestogen also has this effect:

  • Inhibits the development of the follicle, which prevents the appearance of estrus;
  • Blocks the production of estradiol and other sex hormones;
  • In addition to affecting the pituitary and estrogen receptors, it is able to alter the metabolism in tissues.

"Covinan" for cats: instructions for use

The drug is administered strictly subcutaneously. It is necessary to avoid injections into deep layers of the skin or in muscle tissue. Therefore it is better, if the injection "Covinan" for cats will make a specialist. In addition, it is important to accurately observe the dosage, depending on the purpose of the drug. To prevent sexual hunting, it is used in this dosage: an animal weighing up to 7 kilograms is administered 1 ml of suspension, a larger one - 1.5 ml. In the treatment of psevdooperemennosti 1 ml of the drug is used regardless of the weight of the cat. After the introduction of the drug, the sexual cycle in a cat is restored somewhere in six months. In order to avoid one heat, the drug is administered once a month before its intended start.

Long-term contraception with the help of "Covinan"

Sometimes injections are used to obtain a lasting effect. In this case, the preparation provides in the animal's organism a very low concentration of luteinizing hormone and, accordingly, sexual rest. Proligeston is able to accumulate in fat cells and have a long-lasting effect. For this, you need to regularly inject Covinan for cats. The instruction recommends that they be led according to the following scheme:

  1. The first injection should be done after the end of estrus in the animal or a month before the proposed start.
  2. Repeat the injection in three months.
  3. The next injection of "Covinan" - in 4 months.
  4. All further treatment consists of regular injections every 5 months.

It happens that against the background of using the drug in the cat there are still signs of estrus. In this case, you must immediately make an extraordinary injection. After that, further injections are continued according to the scheme, but the first one needs to be done earlier for a month.

Who should not make an injection

Despite the "magic" properties of the drug, not all owners can use it. It is desirable that it is in the veterinary clinic that the "Covinan" injection is made. Cats are examined before injection, because the drug has many contraindications. You can not use it:

  • During the estrus;
  • Pregnant and lactating animals;
  • Those who have diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Young cats before the first heat;
  • Those with vaginal discharge;
  • Animals that were treated with hormonal drugs containing progestogens and estrogens.

With care, you need to treat cats with diabetes. In this case, it is necessary to constantly monitor the glucose level.

Side effects of the drug

The owner of cats who want to find a "magic" means that prevents sexual hunting, it is important to know that such drugs can not be completely safe. In addition, that you must follow special rules for the injection, it is worthwhile to treat only after consulting a specialist. He will warn what can be dangerous "Covinan" for cats. Side effects do not appear so often, but they are quite unpleasant for both the animal and its owner:

  • Many cats have an increased appetite, and they start gaining weight;
  • Some owners note the lethargy and apathy of the animal after treatment;
  • May increase breast and even develop a tumor;
  • Sometimes there is purulent inflammation of the uterus;
  • May affect the endocrine system;
  • Among local reactions, hair loss or lightening at the injection site is observed.

Application Features

Unfortunately, some unscrupulous doctors sometimes inject an animal, despite contraindications. They give in to the persuasion of the master, who is tired of the cats' cries and asks to do anything. As a result, side effects are manifested. After all, the use of hormonal drugs is still unsafe. Therefore, doctors recommend those owners who decide to use the "Covinan" for cats, do it right:

  • The drug is administered strictly subcutaneously, it should not be allowed to get into soft tissues;
  • The injection should be done only in the absence of estrus;
  • Before injection, the vial with suspension should be well shaken, and the injection site should be thoroughly wiped with alcohol;
  • The person doing the injection should take precautions so that the medicine does not get into the mouth or on the mucous membranes.

Does the behavior of the cat change after "Covinan"

This question interests all owners who come to a veterinary clinic with a similar problem. Doctors can not always give a detailed answer and explain everything in detail. Therefore, it is desirable to know in advance what effect the "Covinan" preparation has. Cats after its application become more compliant and calm. Their estrus no longer bothers them, so the tenants of the house do not suffer from the concert of neighbor cats. The animal becomes obedient and does not run away.

Reviews about the drug

There are animals that have been constantly injected with Covinan for several years. They feel good, but the owners are generally happy. They note that the cat has become calm and complaisant. But doctors do not recommend that the drug be administered for life. With age, the animal has more opportunity to get complications.

Not everyone likes "Covinan" for cats. There are also negative reviews about the drug. Some owners note that treatment is quite expensive, and the scheme of its application is complex. The injection causes severe pain to the animal, so the cat will bite and break away.

There are also negative reviews not about the drug itself, but about veterinarians. Some doctors make an injection without telling the owners about the possible consequences and not having examined the cat. Therefore, the owners of the animal themselves must know when it is impossible to do the injection, because they will have to cope with its consequences.

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