EducationThe science

Chromic acid

In order to find out the contents of chromic acid, you need to familiarize yourself with a certain theoretical course of chemistry. If you do not have any desire or time for this procedure, then this article is especially for you. Chromic acid is a crystalline substance predominantly red. It is an electrolyte of medium strength and can be actively used in industry. Although the substance itself does not conduct electric current , but its solutions and melts possess this ability. In addition, chromic acid salts are sufficiently poisonous and are oxidizing agents.

Chromic acid solutions are used in a variety of areas of human life. In a chemical laboratory, chromic acid sometimes becomes an irreplaceable substance, without which certain experiments are impossible. With its help get rid of organic residues, which are practically insoluble when using other reagents. The most common use of chromic acid is to clean laboratory utensils from various chemicals that can not be removed with a simple rinse with water. This allowed us to obtain relatively clean dishes for experiments, which inevitably leads to significant savings in money.

Chromic acid is a very important element in the etching process. The chromium mixture is capable of revealing the structure of many materials for manufacturing conductive paths and membranes. One of the most unusual uses of the substance is the artistic processing of materials, because due to its properties it is capable of modifying the outer surface of the processed materials. Most often it is used to apply relief to metal, although other decorative materials are possible. Chromic acid treated products retain their aesthetic properties for a long time and do not react with the environment.

In the automotive world, chromic acid has also found its application. Basically, the composition is used to create catalysts. In this case, thanks to it, there is a decrease in the production of harmful substances by exhaust gases. This feature allowed world-famous automotive brands to create environmentally friendly cars with minimal emissions of exhaust gases, and therefore, with the lowest pollution of the environment. In addition, very often used and another technology for the use of chromium - chromic acid processing parts that can be damaged in the process of friction. Acid and acid anhydrides in this case significantly increase the hardness of the surface of the part. This effect is achieved as a result of the chromium process, the required thickness of the chromium layer is increased by the action of an electric current on it.

Thanks to a solution based on chromic acid, it is possible to reduce the corrosion of metal. The film of zinc oxide in this case sufficiently densely covers the treated surface, and the part itself acquires a slightly golden hue. The protective oxide film on the metal is also created by the passivation process. In this case, thanks to special solutions based on chromic acid, the metal is transferred to a passive state and becomes more resistant to external changes and the influence of an aggressive environment. Another area of application of chromic acid is the process of creating ultra-strong surfaces and materials. In general, it is especially appreciated when creating molding and core mixtures, which acquire new shapes due to the heating process.

Chromic acid has firmly taken its place in the life of man, it is now difficult to imagine a heavy industry without this substance. And if you take into account that this acid is not so expensive, it does occupy a leading place in the formation of the industrial world!

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