
Children and a foreign language: where to start.

On which only sections and circles do not have to go to modern children. There are also all kinds of dances, and circles for drawing, as well as other kinds of applied art, and numerous sports disciplines. Some additional exercises should be combined with the school curriculum in some way, so that the child's childhood sometimes passes in a rather tense schedule. Many parents connect the hopes placed on their child with the study of English or another foreign language. This is not surprising, since in many industries today the knowledge of a foreign language is desirable and can be a tangible advantage when employing. Guided by this logic, some parents try to teach children a foreign language from the earliest possible age. It is important not to overdo it and, from a young age, develop a desire for self-education in the child. To do this, you should try to cause the child to have a sincere interest in learning, necessarily adding to the lessons an element of the game, and the younger the child, the more often the linguistic load needs to be alternated with the playing moments. Mechanical "cramming", like the many hours playing gamble on the piano, rarely helps to successfully master a foreign language. But the use of creative approach to learning will certainly entice the baby and help make the first steps to a new language easier and more interesting.

The systems of teaching a foreign language to children, probably, exist no less than already for adults. But if for the second the most important parameters of the courses or classes with the instructor are the speed of mastering the language and the thematic focus, then the methods based on the game are usually used for teaching children. Of course, there are parents who, for the development of language skills, decide to send their children, for example, to an international summer camp. But for this, the child must, at a minimum, have a solid language base, laid down for school and preschool education. Some people question the advisability of preschool education for a foreign language, they say, children have not learned to speak well in their native language. And yet it is in early childhood that it is easier for a child to perceive a new one and try to talk in more than one language. Our mother tongue has been around us since childhood, so we are quite well off to the age of maturity. For the same reason, children who grew up in bilingual families, becoming adults, freely communicate in several languages and often become excellent professional translators, demonstrating a perfect example of learning.

People who are more or less acquainted with any foreign languages at present are not too few: the elder brother or sister of a child can study it at school, mother - remember something from the institute, the father - to pass an accelerated course of study on work. However, at home, when communicating, they almost certainly will communicate exclusively in their native language. At the same time, the child's parents can easily take him to additional classes in a foreign language, without using the cost-effective and effortless opportunity to create an alternative language environment at least sometimes at home, communicating with each other. If a foreign language is known only by one of the household members, it is better to entrust the child to him. With a relative or family friend, it may be easier for children to communicate and memorize new words and phrases than with a teacher and a group of other students. Also, when a child is taught a foreign language in the school curriculum, he will feel much more confident and achieve better results if he has acquired enough knowledge in the course of pre-school preparation.

As a rule, the best results in mastering a foreign language can be achieved if its study begins in childhood with the participation of members of his family. Such training, which usually takes place in a relaxed atmosphere, allows the child to acquire knowledge better than with a boring "cramming". Of course, without classes in the group and large home studies can not do, but these methods are more suitable for school-age children. One of the most effective ways to teach a child a foreign language is to try at least from time to time to create for him a language environment in which he could communicate freely and learn new things.

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