
Chemeritsa (tincture): instructions, reviews. Tincture of a chamois: application in veterinary science

The benefits of medicinal plants are now spoken more and more. They are already used in official medicine, various tinctures can be purchased at the pharmacy. Do not think that the herbs are all safe. There are among them and poisonous, which can only be used externally or in strict dosage and under the supervision of a doctor. One of such plants is a chicken. Tincture of this herb is sold in pharmacies, but most often it is used in veterinary practice. This plant is very poisonous, and taking in just 1 gram can lead to death. Therefore, those who decided to use a cheating for the treatment of some diseases, it is necessary to carefully study its properties and ways of using. But it's better not to take risks and use the plant in the way it is done most often - for the treatment of animals.

What is a cheerleader

The tincture of this plant, like itself, is very poisonous. It is a semi-transparent liquid of brown color and is made from the crushed roots of the hellebore filled with alcohol 1:10. It can be purchased at the pharmacy or prepared independently. But because of the high degree of toxicity of the plant, one must act very carefully. Chester grows on the fringes of forests and in river floodplains.

In the central zone of Russia, this herb is found everywhere. This perennial plant is about a meter high, with a round fleshy stem and large leaves. It blossoms all summer with yellow-green or white flowers, collected in paniculate inflorescences. The most poisonous qualities of plants appear in the spring. After collecting and grinding the raw materials, you should thoroughly wash your hands. And you can buy the drug in the pharmacy.

What properties does the tincture have?

This drug contains alkaloids, nerve, protoveraterin and others, tannins, gums, resins and sugars. Due to the fact that the chicken is very poisonous, its tincture is applied only externally. It has strong antiparasitic properties. In addition to lice, scabies and fleas, it effectively drives out worms and destroys the fungus. In addition, it relieves pain of a rheumatic and neuralgic nature. In some cases, small doses of tincture are taken orally. It causes severe vomiting and lowers blood pressure. For these purposes, the tincture of the hellebore for animals is most often used. But all the same it is necessary to strictly monitor the dosage, as its excess threatens to be poisoned strongly. Some healers add small doses of tincture to homeopathic medicines and are used to treat people.

It is believed that such funds have the following actions:

- antiparasitic;

- antibacterial;

- antifungal;

- painkillers;

- diuretic and choleretic;

- promote hair growth and destroy dandruff;

- relieve from seizures, depression and migraines.

When a plant is used

It is best known how to use the tincture of the helper in veterinary medicine. It is used to treat cattle, goats and pigs. Chemeritsa is effective, because it:

- Restores chewing gum in cows;

- heals atony of animals' anterior animals;

- is used for occlusion of the esophagus, paresis and tympanias of the rumen in cows;

- Strengthens the motility and secretion of prednis in ruminant animals;

- very often tincture of chieher in veterinary medicine is used to kill fleas, mites and lice in animals;

- used as an emetic in the poisoning of pigs or dogs;

- It is useful tincture of the hellebore also in agriculture, sometimes it is used to destroy pests of cultivated plants.

What side effects can cause

For humans and small animals, a chicken is very dangerous. Tincture in the amount of even 1 gram can already cause severe poisoning and cardiac arrest. Therefore, it is better not to use it inside. What signs show that an overdose has occurred and the medicine has a negative effect on the body? It:

- slowing of the pulse;

- nausea and severe vomiting.

When these symptoms occur, you must enter a 1% solution of atropine subcutaneously to the patient, rinse the stomach and give an activated charcoal drink.

Tincture of a chic: instruction

For animals, this remedy is used quite often. Cattle are given a medicine inside by 5-12 ml, goats and pigs - from 1 to 4 ml, depending on the weight. Before use, the desired dose of the drug is diluted with water. The bigger the animal, the more water there should be. The drug is poured through the mouth with a rubber bottle. Sometimes intravenously, also used tincture of chieher. Instructions for animals recommend doing this very slowly and in small doses - for cattle - not more than 2-3 ml, so as not to cause cardiac arrest. But most often the drug is used externally: the tincture is diluted and sprayed on the back of the infected animal. In this case, it effectively destroys mites, fleas, lice, scabies and other parasites.

Can I apply for pets

Sometimes the tincture of chieftains is used as an emetic for poisoning in dogs. Together with vomit, it helps to remove all toxins and toxic substances from the body. But it must be used very carefully, the dosage should be calculated in accordance with the weight of the animal, but not more than 1-2 grams. Usually, the drug treatment is allowed only in large breeds of dogs, for small animals is not used, except that only externally. Usually, this is the way most often used and used in the veterinary medicine. The instruction recommends to dilute the necessary dose of the drug with water and sprinkle the back of an animal infected with fleas, mites or lice. Dosage is the same as for ingestion: 0.05 ml per kilogram of dog weight. But now for pets almost do not use such a poisonous remedy. There were many other drugs that are safer and more convenient to use. Therefore, the tincture of chieftains is very rarely used by dog breeders. And for cats and other domestic animals it is not used at all because of their low weight and the danger of overdose.

Special instructions for the use of the drug

1. Very careful you have to be the one who uses the tincture of the crook. This is a very poisonous drug, so when using it, you should use gloves and keep it separate from food. The dispensed vial of the medicine should not be used for anything.

2. It is very important to strictly observe the dosage of the drug even when applied externally. Tincture is rarely used for dogs and cats, since they can lick it and get poisoned.

3. In spite of the fact that some people successfully use the tincture of the hedgehog for treatment, it is better not to take risks and use it only for animals.

4. Contraindicated drug for horses and pregnant animals.

Feedback on its application

One of the cheapest drugs is a tincture of chaerie. Application in veterinary medicine, however, has recently become less common. Although among the drugs for animals is rarely found such a price - about 50 rubles. But basically the drug is used for farm animals. A home pets are trying to buy a more expensive, but safe drug. Those who used tincture to destroy fleas and ticks, note that it helps quickly get rid of parasites. True, it is not very convenient to use, and still need to watch, so that the animal does not lick itself.

A lot of positive reviews and treatment of infusions of chickens of pediculosis. Those who tried this way to get rid of lice, note that the insects and their larvae perished for half an hour, and there was no re-infection.

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