Food and drinkBeverages

Carrot and apple juice for the winter and ways to prepare it

How often did one of you have to meet on the shelves of supermarkets juices containing carrots and apples at the same time? Probably not. Nevertheless, this drink is very useful for health and human immunity in general.

Benefits of juice from carrots and apples

However paradoxical it may sound, talking about the benefits of juice using apples and carrots should be separated from each other. After all, an apple and carrots are two independent products, and each of them has a set of certain useful qualities and vitamins for the human body. A carrot and apple juice for the winter - is an indispensable option for a delicious drink for the whole family, which is able to give a charge of vivacity and good mood all season.

How useful is apple juice?

The apple itself refers to foods that are easily assimilated and, as a consequence, dietary. Despite the fact that the average fruit contains about 80% of water and only 20% of vitamins and nutrients, the benefits of apples have been proven for a long time.

Apple of medium size and weight contains:

  1. Organic acids.
  2. Carbohydrates.
  3. Proteins.
  4. Fiber.
  5. Vitamins of different groups (A, B, C, etc.).
  6. Tannins, etc.

In addition, apple juice:

  1. Has a beneficial effect on the lungs of smokers, protecting the respiratory system.
  2. It removes unnecessary waste from the body due to the content of pectin.
  3. It is useful for anemia, because it contains a large amount of iron, which the patients need so much.
  4. Restores strength after excessive physical exertion.
  5. Has a positive effect on the skin, hair and nails.
  6. It serves as an excellent preventative for constipation.
  7. Useful for all kinds of diseases in the joints.
  8. It is recommended for the prevention of colds, flu and ARVI, etc.

How useful is carrot juice?

  1. Carrots have a tonic effect and thus have a beneficial effect on the whole organism.
  2. It improves the digestive system.
  3. Many mistakenly believe that it is a direct source of vitamin A, which is not entirely true. The fact is that carrots contain beta-carotene, which only after getting into the human body turns into vitamin A, protecting the cells of the human body from the negative influence of free radicals from the inside.
  4. Accelerates the regeneration (renewal) of skin cells.
  5. It blocks inflammatory processes, which are especially needed by the mucous membranes and our skin as a whole.

Those who have already studied and personally tested all of the above magical properties of a drink made from carrots and apples will be able to confirm with full certainty that carrot and apple juice for the winter for a homemaker is a dream. In principle, nothing complicated or unusual in this.

How to cook apple-carrot juice?

How to make a dream a reality at home, read right now. Carrot-apple juice for the winter is not only pleasant, but also very simple. Your attention is offered several recipes, from which it is very easy to choose the one that will suit only you and your family members.

So, the classic recipe for fresh from apples and carrots.

Carrot and apple juice for the winter is easier than simple to cook according to the classic recipe, which has been preserved since the days of our great-grandmothers and passed down from generation to generation.

You will need:

- Carrots - 4 pieces.

- Apple - 1 piece.

Cooking does not take much time and will be interesting not only for adults, but for children who are always happy to try what they have prepared with their own hands.

  1. Rinse carrots and apple well under running water.
  2. Remove the carrot from the carrot, and remove the apple from the core and peel.
  3. Put everything in turns in the juicer and pass through it.
  4. A ready-made drink can be served immediately at the table.

Carrot and apple juice, the recipe of which has been described, is designed for a standard family of two or three people and is useful for those who did not have time to make stocks from the fall, and indulge themselves with a delicious and fragrant mix.

For more thrifty hostesses, the recipe below is suitable.

Preserved apple-carrot juice, freshly squeezed or already insisted, it will taste to the whole family in any form.

For its preparation you need:

  1. Carrots - about three kilograms.
  2. Apples are about two kilograms.
  3. Sugar - 100 or 200 grams.

Remember that the amount of sugar is determined depending on the degree of your love for it. But do not overdo it, because in the case of a large concentration of granulated sugar, the ready juice risks losing the vast majority of its useful components.


  1. Wash apples and carrots thoroughly.
  2. Clear.
  3. Then you need to pass them a steep boiling water and pass through the juicer.
  4. After that, mix the finished juice in enameled dishes.
  5. Put in the sugar.
  6. Stir thoroughly.
  7. Bring to a boil.
  8. Soak at minimum heat for five minutes.
  9. Do not wait until the juice has cooled down, pour it over the jars and tighten the lids tightly.

Such carrot-apple juice, the recipe of which you just read, is a very useful and tonic universal drink. Its use throughout the winter will significantly strengthen immunity and help cope with infections.

Is it tasty or useful?

Preparing apple-carrot juice for the winter, I want to note that you do not have to choose between its useful and taste qualities, since this drink combined all the best indicators and therefore has long occupied pride of place on the shelves of true housewives.

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