Automobiles, Cars
Car alarm StarLine A91: reviews. StarLine A91: connection, price
For each driver, the integrity of his transport always comes first. In order to protect your car from theft, some leave it in expensive parking lots. But this method does not always help either. Plus, it's not the car itself that steals, but some parts of it, for example, wheels or the contents of the trunk, a glove box. How to be? For several years, the car alarm StarLine A91 has been the top of the ratings among the best protection systems for cars. What is the reliability and efficiency of this device? How does the StarLine A91 signaling installation work, what do users say about it?
Issue and difference in the A91 series
Security system "StarLine" A91 is available in two versions. One is called "Dialogue", and the second one has the digital designation 4 × 4. There is only one difference - the badge on the key ring. And that's all. There are no more differences in anything, they are configured and run the same way.
Why manufacturers produced two almost identical models is not clear, but the fact that they are trustworthy is unequivocal. Further about both devices will be spoken of as "StarLine" A91. So, than such system of protection of the car so differs from others?
Most often you can find positive feedback about the system. StarLine A91 is able to ignore radio interference. Thanks to this, you can enable or disable alarms from a small or rather impressive distance. A pleasant bonus is the "Megapolis" regime.
Moreover, it can be controlled by the engine. This is especially useful in a cold winter. You can set the "StarLine" A91 so that it starts as soon as the engine temperature drops below the permissible mark. In other cases, you can configure self-activation after the alarm or once in a certain period of time. Such an intelligent autoplay will allow the driver not to worry for his car at any time of the day and the most unpredictable weather.
Speaking about the weather, we can not fail to note the thermal stability, which distinguishes the car alarm StarLine A91. On its performance will not affect even the heat of 85 degrees, which reaches the interior of the car on a hot sunny day. The permissible limit of negative temperature is 45 degrees.
The StarLine A91 keychain is covered with a special protective rubberized plastic, which makes it shockproof. Curiously, we are talking about both key fobs that are included in the car alarm kit, not everyone knows that they are different, the cover on them, by the way, goes in a single copy. We'll talk later about how to set up the keychain correctly. Let's start with what is still included in the full set of car alarms.
Complete alarm system
When you purchase the StarLine A91, you will receive in the basic configuration:
- Directly the central unit.
- Engine temperature sensor.
- Two key fobs with two-way communication (one with LCD, the other without) and one single cover.
- Instructions for installation and operation.
- Two buttons - hood and service.
- All necessary wiring in several separate bags for easy recognition.
- Transceiver.
- Siren.
- Antenna to search for the remote.
- Light-emitting diode.
- Two-level shock sensor.
- Warranty card.
- A large illustrated map of the installation.
- User's memo.
Everything is securely packed in a box in individual bags. What else is able to surprise and make you think about purchasing such a device for your car?
Dialogue authorization
This function completely eliminates the intelligent electronic hacking, which is available to many car alarms. In fact, the connection StarLine A91 - is full of resistance to all known at the moment coggrabbers. This is a special coding algorithm, which is based on encryption of 128 bits in tandem with jumping frequencies. Like this?
When a command is given, the transceiver repeatedly affects the frequencies, changing them. This happens according to a special program and is called the method of extensions with frequency hopping. Such protection can be considered innovative, so it is almost impossible to hack it. The security of the code can also be confirmed by the fact that StarLine company has concluded a long-term contract for specialists with extensive experience in electronic burglary for five million Russian rubles. For the sake of this amount, many are trying to crack this code, but there is no result.
Dialogue authorization deserves the highest reviews. StarLine A91 is a special encryption in both key fobs.
Megapolis mode
In large parking lots it is not so easy to turn on or off the alarm on your car. The reason for this is radio interference. In our age, there are so many of them that budget alarms need a "token" key fob in the "nose" of the alarm system. Developers StarLine A91 keychain equipped with a narrowband patented OEM-transceiver with frequency modulation. Simply put, now the reception and processing of the signal pass in a narrow band with a doubled force.
Some nuances of the key fob
In addition to what was mentioned above, the key chain is completely in Russian. This greatly facilitates the operation. Icons that are in it, large enough and different, to miss or to mix up became much more difficult. Despite the fact that in the box with car alarm there is a whole booklet with information about how to decode each icon on the screen, to understand what is what, you can even intuitively. The key fob with LCD display has a soft backlight. The second key ring reminds just a small box with a few buttons.
Regarding the frequency range of the radio signal control, its indicators fluctuate between 433.05 and 439.79 MHz. If you translate this into a footage, the result will impress anyone - up to 1800 meters the range of reception of alert signals and up to 800 meters the range of control of the keyring itself.
Connection features, configuration
The operating and installation instructions included with the StarLine A91 are there for good reason. If you carefully examine it, there will not be any problems with the installation, and all the details will be necessary and appropriate. Let in some domestic cars there will be not a full coincidence with a card which the manufacturer gives, the general principle is simple and clear.
The installation of the StarLine A91 alarm system takes quite some time due to the large number of sensors and other elements. But the time spent is worth it. Remember that for the StarLine A91 autostart there is a six-pin connector.
The method of mounting the signaling "StarLine" is connected according to the attached scheme. The only thing, if there is a terminal 15/2, then it is connected, and in machines with manual transmission the loop is cut on the main terminal block.
Crawler connection
Since there is a possibility to control the motor in the car alarm, it is necessary to correctly realize this possibility. To do this, the black-and-yellow power wire is connected to the relay winding, whose contacts, when closed, repeat the button.
Then the blue cord will connect to the brake pedal connector. When you press the pedal in the wire appears voltage. Our goal is to emulate the depression of the pedal in cars with the "start" button. So the function 8 is programmed.
Alarm setup
Many buyers do not have very good reviews. StarLine A91, they emphasize, is difficult to install and configure. But following the simple rules prescribed in the instructions, the setup will not take much time. Setup, namely the most difficult part of it - is, in fact, the configuration of key fobs. It takes place in several stages:
- It is necessary to press the Valet button from six to ten times with the motor completely turned off. Find this button can be in three places: under the glove box, under the steering wheel or in a block with fuses. This will be the beginning of registration of key fobs.
- We start the motor. Do not be alarmed if the siren is triggered. She will "sing" at least seven times (but not more than ten). This is proof that everything is done correctly: the system that is responsible for the anti-theft detects the necessary signals.
- Holding the keys 2 and 3 on the remote simultaneously, you need to wait for the characteristic signal and then release it. One signal will prove to you that the alarm works and the keyfob is set up correctly.
Shock sensor
One of the minor shortcomings of the car alarm StarLine A91, the price of which usually attracts, after all, on average it reaches 7-8 000 Russian rubles, is a shock sensor. Some say, with good reason, that the apparatus is too sensitive. Those who have this alarm can complain that it sometimes works for no apparent reason.
In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to look at what the StarLine A91 instruction manual recommends doing in this case. A tip there is something like this: lower the sensitivity through the device control unit. Disable such a sensor in any case impossible, because then the car alarm simply does not make sense. If the long tuning does not bring results, contact the specialists.
Trunk opening
In some cases, even if the instruction in the StarLine A91 is followed, the trunk can not be opened by pressing the button. There may be several reasons, but the most common one is a battery that has been worn out. If you have everything correctly connected, and the battery was replaced not so long ago, it makes sense to show the car alarm to the master.
Advantages of this security system
The main advantage is security. About how good this phone is, many reviews say. StarLine A91 is not the newest, but reliable and time-tested car security system. Its online control code guarantees reliable protection.
Even at record temperatures, alarms do not fail. Everything works smoothly and clearly. And thanks to the engine startup, you can protect the car from hypothermia.
StarLine A91's operation is so simple that even a child can master it, and its shockproof key chain is insured against bumps and falls. Its external and internal design is simple and understandable.
The alarm can be configured both according to the scheme and the cursor method. However, when setting the autorun for temperature, if the icon is not activated, it means that not all is observed in the StarLine A91 instruction.
Thanks to advanced technologies, the alarm system is quite energy-efficient. If to speak the language of numbers, then in the mode of battery protection the device lasts for two months.
As mentioned above, the package includes one unusual device - an antenna that helps in finding keyfobs, if they are lost. This is a very original move. One misfortune would not be to lose this assistant.
From the obvious shortcomings can be identified that the installation of the alarm system is complex and has a number of small things that must be taken into account. Many say that the alarm system "StarLine" A91 is beautiful, but the installation is better to entrust to professionals. The most "popular" faults that occur in this system are often associated with improper installation, but at times it's not just that.
Although the manufacturer assures in the energy efficiency of the device, the keychain with the screen often needs to replace the battery. The discharge rate increases with frost.
After several seasons of active use, the shock sensor becomes unusable. In rare cases, you just need to configure it, but more often the replacement saves the situation.
By the way, if we talk about sensors, it is especially difficult to set up a siren - a sensitivity sensor. We have already described how to solve this problem, but whatever one may say, this is a drawback.
This is what, on the one hand, is a virtue, but some attribute the value of the security system to shortcomings. The reason for this is the generally accepted opinion that a good product can not have a low cost. Part of this thinking is justified: for a good device you need to pay well to the developers, those who have calculated and produced everything. Plus taxes and a patent. But the company "StarLine" is Russian. This means that its goods are assigned fewer commissions for the sale of goods in the producing country. This significantly reduces the cost in relation to popular European brands. On average, the kit will cost 8,000 rubles.
So, what do we have? Quite high quality domestic alarm system at a pleasant price. Its special type of encryption will protect the car from theft and allow the car owner to receive an instant notification that such an attempt was made. Moreover, in the cold season, you can remotely turn on the engine of the car. This may not all car alarms. There are drawbacks, but they are not catastrophic.
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