
Can I connect my computer to the TV? How to do it?

At present, large TV sets with a good screen matrix and the ability to connect to a computer have become popular. Such technique is often used as a monitor, for better perception of games or for viewing various films in good quality. That's why many people are asking if they can connect the computer to the TV.

In the standard situation, a high-quality and modern TV is used, which has the latest innovations, widespread in the home appliances market. Usually it has different ports, allowing to make almost any connection. Therefore, if the design features allow this, it is best to connect the TV to the computer by HDMI method.

It assumes that there are special ports on both devices, through which the connection will be provided. To do this, you need to connect both devices using a special cable and activate the video signal on the TV. Further on the computer we go to the tab of the taskbar, where we find the "Screen" item. In it we select the necessary device. Then a picture will appear on the TV screen. It corresponds to the monitor screen. If there was no necessary device in the setup menu, which made it impossible to connect the computer to the TV, you should press the search button, which will necessarily find the necessary device and make the connection.

This method is the newest and most promising. It allows you to send a signal of high quality and view large video files of new formats. However, not all have modern graphics cards that would have such a port. Therefore, for these people, another way is suitable, allowing you to connect your computer to the TV.

It almost does not differ from the first, but the connection of technology in it occurs with the help of various adapters. It does not matter which video transfer port is on this or that device. Today in stores you can buy almost any adapter, for various needs and purposes. The main thing when using them is to observe a certain sequence.

What should I do to connect a computer to a TV with different ports? You should know that the HDMI connector must be connected to any other port except the native one, only via a cable having a VGA output. And already from it to select the appropriate adapter. This will ensure signal stability and quality of operation. It is also not recommended without special technical skills and appropriate practice to solder wires or adapters yourself. This can lead to damage to equipment, and even to the fact that you can connect the computer to the TV without proper repair will not work.

To date, in stores you can buy any adapter at a relatively small price. This will save the user from making self-made devices, which sometimes not only do not justify the effort, but also cause real damage to the equipment.

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