Arts & Entertainment, Literature
Biography of Tatiana Tolstoy - the author of the novel "Kys"
In the most famous novel of Tatyana Tolstoy "Kys" you can find the words that a man is a crossroads of two abysses, which are equally bottomless and equally incomprehensible - this is the outer world and the inner world.
The biography of Tatiana Tolstoy is worthy of a separate narrative. It shows how the two abysses of the inner and outer world met and intertwined in its destiny.
Tatiana Tolstaya was born on May 3, 1951 in Leningrad, a city on the Neva. Her name speaks for itself - she is one of the many representatives of the Tolstoy clan, a direct descendant of the famous writer Alexei Tolstoy (granddaughter). She graduated from the Leningrad University, Department of Classical Philology. In the year of graduation (1974), Tatyana married Andrei Lebedev and moved with him to Moscow. In the capital, I got a job as a proofreader in the Nauka Publishers, in the main edition of Eastern Literature.
Tatiana Tolstoy's biography was on a well-trodden road of a girl from an intelligent family with literary roots. Perhaps, so would she rule other people's texts to a very old age, if not for the event that served as an impetus to the creation of works. In the early eighties, she had to reschedule an ophthalmic operation, after which she had to wear a bandage before her eyes for a month . There was a time of forced inactivity, when it was not possible to even work, even just reading a book. And then the granddaughter of the author of "Peter the First" and "Hyperboloid Engineer Garin" began to come up with stories of his own stories and stories. It was during this period of immersion in the dark that the writer Tatiana Tolstaya appeared.
Her biography in this new quality began with the publication in 1983 of an article written in the genre of literary criticism, entitled "Glue and scissors". Then (1983) published the first literary story "On the golden porch sat ...". From that moment, Tatyana Nikitichna began to actively publish in literary magazines. In 1987, a collection of short stories "On the Golden Porch Sitting ..." was published, after which the "novice" writer was received by his colleagues in the Writers' Union.
Nineties, as the biography of Tatyana Tolstoy notes, passed with an English accent. From 1990 to 1999 she lived in America for a long time, where she taught, lectured and collaborated with local magazines. Also at this time Tatiana tries herself in journalism: she leads a column in the Moscow News, works in the magazine Stolitsa. In parallel with this, her stories are published, some of them are translated into foreign languages. In 1999, the writer finally returns to her homeland.
The further biography of Tatyana Tolstoy develops under two signs: "Kys" and "School of cursing". The novel "Kys", which was released in 2000, immediately became extremely popular. He received the "Triumph" award and the prize of the International Book Fair in Moscow. In 2002, our heroine became the head of the editorial board of the journal Conservator.
In the same 2002 Tatyana Nikitichna begins to conduct on television a unique intellectual talk show "School of Slander" together with screenwriter Dunya Smirnova. The transmission is still on the central television and enjoys steady success with its viewer.
Tatyana Tolstaya's eldest son - Artemy Lebedev, the head of "Art. Lebedev Studio" - the most famous Internet designer, blogger, businessman and inventor is also well-known for a wide audience.
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