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Arrhythmia treatment at home. Folk remedies in the treatment of arrhythmia

Cardiac arrhythmia is a heart disease that occurs in both adults and children and adolescents. There are various methods of treating the disease in the hospital, but it is possible to treat arrhythmia at home.

It is congenital (with congenital heart defects) and acquired, resulting from various adverse factors. The cardiac arrhythmia is divided into bradycardia, tachycardia, extrasystole, atrial fibrillation and cardiac blockade. Atrial fibrillation is most common in patients.

What it is?

In elderly people, after 75 years, atrial fibrillation is more often diagnosed, the symptoms and treatment of which are similar to other types of the disease. It is interesting that men are 2 times more likely to get sick than women. Scientists explain this by the different physiological structure of the body of a man and a woman.

When the attack occurs the following symptoms: pain in the heart, tachycardia, weakness, sweating. There is a feeling of nervousness, anxiety and fear. There are more serious signs of arrhythmia: frequent urination, dizziness and fainting.

How is cardiac arrhythmia treated correctly? Methods of treatment are diverse. Atrial fibrillation, like other types, is treated conservatively and operatively. Conservative methods include pharmacological therapy and the treatment of arrhythmia with folk remedies. Operative interventions are resorted to in extreme cases.

Arrhythmia. Treatment. Preparations

Proper treatment can be prescribed only by a doctor with a full examination of the patient. After confirming the diagnosis, prescribe the easiest drugs (antiarrhythmics), able to stop the attack at the earliest stages of the disease.

After that, drugs are prescribed to prevent thrombosis, stroke, myocardial infarction, as well as drugs for cupping the heart rate. These include potassium antagonists, beta-adrenoblockers, antiarrhythmics, and so on.

The popular treatment of atrial fibrillation has been very popular lately. Its effectiveness ranges from 40-50%. Doctors, along with medications, are increasingly advised to use folk therapy for arrhythmia of the heart.

In the first place among the folk remedies are decoctions of dill and berries seeds, as well as tinctures from hawthorn and yarrow. Using these broths, arrhythmia is treated at home.

How to prepare a decoction?

In order that the viburnum "gave" all the useful substances, in no case can not long boil berries. Dry berries are poured with boiling water from the calculation of 2 glasses of water per 1 glass of berries and put on fire. After about 5-7 minutes, the fire is turned off and covered with a lid. When the broth cools, you can drink it. Take Kalina in the morning and evening for 1/2 cup for 1 time.

Preparation of decoction from dill seeds is very simple. It can not be boiled. It is necessary to take 1/3 cup of seeds and pour boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes, then strain and drink 1/3 cup before the main meal.

To prepare the infusion of yarrow will need to collect fresh grass, cut it finely and fill it in a bottle. It is best to take a bottle with a capacity of 1 liter. Grass pour alcohol and leave the bottle in a dry dark place for 10 days. For the prevention of cardiac arrhythmia take tincture of 1 teaspoon 2 times a day before breakfast and lunch.

When arrhythmia is treated with folk remedies, feedback from patients is usually positive.

Herbs for the treatment of heart

Sedation, sedation is sold in each pharmacy, but they can be done on their own. To soothing herbs include: mint, chamomile, yarrow, valerian, dog rose, lemon balm, blue cornflower, horsetail grass and many others.

When making infusions and decoctions, you should not mix more than 2-3 herbs, and some, such as motherwort, valerian, lemon balm and dogrose, should be steamed separately with each other.

To prepare an infusion of cornflower blue, you need to take 2 teaspoons cornflower and pour it with a glass of boiling water. Cook the grass on the fire can not, because the useful properties will disappear. After cooling, drink one third every 10 minutes before eating.

To prepare an infusion of shooting, which is taken every day for several weeks to regulate the activity of the heart, you need to pour a glass of cold water 2 teaspoons of shot open and let it brew for 12 hours, then strain. Do this at night, so that in the morning, before eating, drink liquid. Drink 1/3 cup before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

BADs with arrhythmia

Recently, pharmacologists have found a multitude of drugs of complex treatment, in the application of which in the early stages even such a terrible disease as arrhythmia recedes. Folk treatment and therapy with biologically active additives become very popular among the population. Now in any pharmacy you can freely buy the drug without a doctor's prescription.

Taking dietary supplements, everyone should understand that this is a vitamin supplement to food, which can not cure the disease by 100%. By no means can they substitute medicines prescribed by the doctor, because the consequences of this step are unpredictable, and the effect of their reception is felt only with complex treatment.

Child and disease

Often in pediatrics and in pediatric cardiology there are children who are diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, the symptoms and treatment of which in children and adolescents are vague. To put the correct diagnosis, relying only on the symptoms, is very difficult.

The child has weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath, palpitations, pale skin. In severe cases - fainting. The diagnosis is made after a medical examination and registration of data on the ECG tape, daily monitoring, stress tests and other studies.

Massage - as a method of arrhythmia treatment

Treatment of arrhythmia at home in children and adolescents can be done with the help of massage. For example, a point massage of feet.

Reflexotherapy is the most accessible method of treating the disease. To feel the maximum effect, massage is done several times a day. Preliminary it is necessary to warm up the legs in a warm foot bath for several minutes and after that massage the legs and feet so that the muscles warm up (the vessels expand and the blood starts to circulate faster).

For treatment, it is necessary to press on 3 points: the base of the thumb, the place of the fold of the thumb and, having receded from the middle finger a few centimeters down, find the 3 point. To massage was effective, you need to massage the area of the heart, the solar plexus and the brain (forehead area).

This massage helps to calm the central nervous system in adults.

Arrhythmia treatment. Reviews

A large number of positive reviews leave patients after surgery. The surgical method of treatment is used only in 10-15% of patients. Only in those cases when there is a serious concomitant disease of the heart: heart disease, ventricular aneurysm, valvular heart disease and so on.

Operative methods include radiofrequency ablation and the pacemaker setting.

What is radiofrequency ablation? The purpose of this procedure is to create a blockade in a specific area of the heart muscle. It is a cauterization of a very small part of the heart by a catheter. In the place where there will be moxibustion, there will be a blockade of carrying out an electrical impulse. This manipulation makes it possible to permanently get rid of cardiac arrhythmia.

Pacemaker implantation is performed in order to reduce the patient's heart rate with a certain frequency. There are single-chamber, two-chamber and three-chamber pacemakers, which are capable of responding to 1, 2 and, respectively, 3 heart chambers.

Folk remedies for children

Treatment of arrhythmia with folk remedies in children implies the intake of various decoctions, infusions, phyto-tea and vitamin blends. All these products can be prepared at home.

It is useful for children to eat 1 teaspoon of honey every day. Many prefer a mixture of honey and black radish, prepared in a ratio of 1: 1 (you can take 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of radish juice).

To prepare a vitamin mixture, you need 500 grams of lemon, twisted in a meat grinder or crushed in a blender, 500 grams of honey and 20 apricot kernels without skin, which also need to be ground. The resulting mass mix and leave for the night in the room. In the morning mix and put the mixture in the refrigerator. Every day, before breakfast, eat a tablespoon of adults and a teaspoonful of children. This remedy improves immunity very well.

Prevention of arrhythmia

To limit attacks of cardiac arrhythmia, it is very important to take preventive measures. First of all - lose weight. With excessive body weight, blood sugar levels increase and cholesterol plaques appear. Due to this, the flow of blood through the blood vessels slows down and, as a consequence, its circulation through the body is disturbed.

Food should be right and rational. In a daily diet, it is very important to include fruits and vegetables, as well as porridges and dairy products. It is necessary to abandon coffee, strong tea, fatty foods, sweet, especially chocolate and flour.

Never alone, without consulting a doctor, can stop taking prescribed medications or reduce their dosage. Many patients, feeling better, try not to drink medicine, which is absolutely not right. A person begins to feel good precisely against the background of the treatment.

Treatment of arrhythmia in the home and its prevention implies the use of special therapeutic exercises.

The basic complex of exercises

1. Become straight, putting the heels together, socks diluted to the sides. Raise both hands up through the sides and drop hands along the body. Exercise to do slowly, increasing gradually the pace of movements.

2. Leave the legs in the same position. Squeeze your fists and put your hands on your shoulders. Raise your right arm up and unclench your fist, lower your hand to your shoulder and clench your fist. Do the same with your left hand.

3. Dilute the legs to the sides, putting them wider than the width of the shoulders. Put your hands on your waist. Bend the leg in the knee and pull the knee to the sternum. Lower and straighten the leg. Do the same exercise with your left foot.

4. Do sit-ups with your hands on your belt.

5. Lie on your back. Lower hands along the body, legs bend at the knees and lower them to the feet. During the inhalation, raise your legs and pull your knees to your chest, while exhaling, lower your legs.

6. Lift the leg up and stretch the opposite hand to the toe. Do the same exercise with the opposite arm and leg.

7. Lift both legs up and reach for the toes with both hands, lifting the head, shoulders, shoulder blades. Hold for a few seconds in this position, then straighten up and relax.

Emergency care for arrhythmias

If a person becomes ill and symptomatic is a cardiac arrhythmia, it is necessary to provide quick and accurate help. First of all, it is important to calm the patient and lay him horizontally (on the bed or floor). Unbutton the collar and open the windows and doors, to access fresh air. Before the arrival of a doctor, you can give to take Corvalolum or Leonurus (simple sedatives). Shake the patient's feet and the area of the solar plexus. If this does not help, you can induce vomiting (fingers).

Before the arrival of an ambulance, cardiac arrest may occur, so people near the patient should be able to conduct an indirect cardiac massage.

These methods can help stop a heart attack.

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