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Apostle James the Zebedee: the life of the saint

Starting a conversation about the Apostle James Zebedee ─ one of the 12 closest disciples and followers of Jesus Christ, one should pay attention to the fact that he is often confused with two other New Testament saints bearing this name. One of them is the apostle Jacob Alfeev, also part of the Savior's inner circle. In addition, Jacob was the brother of Jesus Christ, the son of Joseph, born before his betrothal with the Virgin Mary. The error is especially noticeable when reading the troparion to the apostle James Zebedee, as well as to the prayer and akathist dedicated to him.

"Sons of Thunder"

In Matthew Evangelia (4:21) and Mark (1:19), the scene of the calling to the ministry of Jesus Christ of the future apostles James the Zebedee and his younger brother John the Theologian is described. Both were the sons of the fisherman Zebedee and, just like their father, they earned their livelihood, throwing nets into the waters of the Sea of Galilee (the modern name is the Sea of Galilee). For his impetuous and unbridled disposition, Jesus called the brothers in the name of Boanerges, which in translation from Aramaic means "Sons of Thunder".

The character traits that gave rise to such an unusual name appear in the episode described by Evangelist Luke (9:54), when the brothers suggest that Jesus throw down the heavenly fire on the inhabitants of the Samoritan village, who refused hospitality.

The same can be traced in the scene from the Gospel of Mark (10:35 - 37), where the holy Apostle James Zebedee and his brother ask the Master to give them honorary places in the Kingdom of Heaven. In both cases, the Lord condescends to the spiritual impulses of his disciples, using their recklessness and naivety as an excuse for wise instruction.

Along with the apostles Peter and John the Theologian, Jacob Zavedeev was one of the closest disciples and followers of Jesus Christ. It was they who witnessed the three most important evangelical events - the resurrection of the daughter of Jair (Mark 5:37), the miraculous Transfiguration on the top of Mount Tabor (Mt 17: 1, Mk 9: 2 and Luke 9:28) and the dramatic scene In the Garden of Gethsemane.

Preachers of Christ's teaching

About the activities that the Apostle James Zebedee devoted himself to after the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ, we learn from the pages of another book included in the New Testament. This is the "Acts of the Apostles". It tells how, having been filled with the Holy Spirit, descended on the apostles on the fiftieth day of the Ascension of Jesus (the feast of Pentecost), he and the other disciples of Christ worked to organize the first Christian communities.

To preach the word of God, each of them was destined for his own way. The apostle James Zebedee, whose life was written shortly after his death, was engaged in missionary activity among the inhabitants of Spain, at that time drowned in the darkness of paganism. Returning to Judea, the disciple of Jesus Christ continued to boldly declare Him as the Savior of the world, confirming his words with excerpts from the Holy Scriptures.

Preaching in the synagogues and in the squares of Jerusalem, he invariably gathered crowds of listeners. Many of them, having heeded it to simple and wise words reaching to the depth of the heart, turned to a new faith and secretly received baptism from all. It was from them that the first communities subsequently formed, thanks to which Christianity from the catacomb church became the leading world religion.

The philosopher-sorcerer's conversion to Christianity

The sermons with which the apostle James the Zebedee spoke were often provoked by an evil reaction on the part of orthodox Jews, whom he openly accused of cruelty, pharisaism and disbelief, covered by ostentatious piety. Not having sufficient theological knowledge to enter into a public polemic with their enemy, the Jews hired for a pecuniary reward a certain philosopher, a sorcerer named Hermogenes.

He was entrusted with a large crowd of people, it is reasoned to refute the Gospel doctrine of the coming to the world of Christ the Savior and the Kingdom of Heaven, awaiting all followers, created by him the Church. Before the theological debate began, the apostle James Zebedee Had Conversation with the disciple of the magician Philip, and he, having heard the wise speeches of their future opponent, he himself believed in Christ.

Hermogen did not begin to persist in his mistakes. Having penetrated into the depths of the essence of the doctrine preached by the apostle, he resolutely renounced his previous convictions, burned his god-forgiving books and, having received holy baptism, became one of the most ardent followers of the Christian faith. This example is very revealing, because it demonstrates the power of persuasion, which the Savior endowed to His closest disciples.

Execution of a disciple of Christ

Sacred Tradition tells of a martyr's death, which in 44 AD became the crown of Jacob Zebedee's earthly life. The enemies of the holy apostle, who remained deaf to his inspired sermons, convinced the reigning King Herod Agrippa I in those days to arrest the hated Jacob and bring them to justice for trampling on the foundations of the Jewish faith.

The court was swift and unjust. The apostle, sentenced to death, even continued to testify to his executioners about the great mission of Jesus Christ even in the last moments of his life. The angry king, snatching his sword, personally cut off his head. About this tragic episode is mentioned in the book "Acts of the Apostles" (2: 1-4). By the way, James Zebedee is the only apostle whose death is described in the New Testament.

The Last Journey of the Apostle James

Further, Sacred Tradition says that after the execution of the remains of the holy martyr were, by order of King Herod Agrippa, put in a boat that was launched along the waves of the Mediterranean Sea. But the Lord did not allow the traces of His disciple to disappear without a trace.

After some time, the boat, driven by an unknown force, safely reached the coast of Spain in the place where once the fiery sermons of the apostle James sounded, and was thrown by waves on the shore. There she lay, hidden from human eyes, for several centuries.

The beginning of veneration of the holy apostle

In 813, according to the Tradition, a solitary monk-monk named Pelayo settled in that locality. Once he had a vision in the guise of a guiding star, indicating the path to the ark with the imperishable relics of the apostle. From that time began their universal veneration, and in 898 the Spanish King Alfonso III ordered in place of a wonderful find to erect the Temple of the Apostle James Zebedee.

According to historical documents of those years, it was only a small church standing on the beach and open to all winds, but nevertheless the beginning was made, and in the following centuries this tradition continued in many Christian countries.

As an example, the Moscow church of the Apostle James Zevedeev in Kazennaya Sloboda, the first chronicle mention of which refers to 1620, that is, the period of the reign of the founder of the Romanov dynasty, the sovereign, Mikhail Fedorovich. Repeatedly rebuilt, in accordance with the changing architectural features of different eras, it has come down to us as a unique monument of church architecture. And today in it prayers and akathist to the Apostle James Zebedee regularly sound, the day of memory of which the Orthodox Church celebrates on May 13 and July 13.

Under the protection of the heavenly patron

But back to Spain. Her inhabitants, in memory of the miraculous acquisition of the relics and vision that once visited the hermit Pelayo, began to be called that part of the coast of Compostella, which is translated from Latin as "The place indicated by the star." Over time, it became populated, turning, finally, into a big and bustling city.

The Holy Apostle James is revered as one of the heavenly patrons of Spain. His petition before the Throne of the Heavenly Father especially helped the Spaniards during the so-called Reconquista ─ the struggle for the liberation of the Iberian Peninsula from the Arabs, which lasted from the VIII to the XV century. For almost 700 years they went into battle, strengthening their spirit with a prayer to the Apostle James Zebedeev.

The Way of Jacob

In contrast to the Orthodox world, Catholics celebrate the day of the memory of this saint on July 25, and if the celebration falls on a Sunday, Spain officially declares the "year of the apostle Jacob", during which all the festivities dedicated to him are held with special splendor. The veneration of the Apostle James the son of Zebedee among the Spaniards became so massive that the place of finding his relics, called Santiago de Compostela. Since XI century it became the second most important object of pilgrimage, second only to Jerusalem.

In the XX century, the tradition of his visit acquired a rather peculiar form among the Catholics. In order to be considered a true pilgrim, it is necessary to receive a special certificate upon arrival in the city. It is given only to those who, going to Santiago de Compostela, will pass the so-called path of Jacob. To do this, you must overcome 100 kilometers on foot or 200 by bike.

The image of the apostle James the son of Zebedee in the visual arts

Since according to the Sacred Tradition, in the days of his earthly ministry the apostle often undertook distant wanderings, one of which was his visit to Spain, among the Catholics he is considered the patron of travelers. In this regard, artists of different eras depicted him in the form of a pilgrim, holding in his hand a staff or shell of a scallop, which is a common emblem of pilgrimage to Compostela, where for many centuries his relics have been buried. Known as his images in the form of a knight, sitting on a horse. This interpretation of the image is related to his role in the exile of the Arabs from the Pirine Peninsula.

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