BeautySkin care

A black dot on the nose. What to do

Black dots on the nose are dirt and accumulated fat in the pores. These substances are oxidized in air and take such a dark shade. This problem is more of a concern for young people whose pores have been expanded. Points on the nose appear as a result of the influence of bad ecology on the human body, constant stresses, depressions, taking some drugs, for example, antibiotics. To date, this problem is typical for hundreds of thousands of adolescents and older people. The black dot on the nose can reach a millimeter in diameter. At such times she is already quite visible on her face. This, in turn, causes discomfort.

To remove black dots on a nose for ever is impossible. The glands constantly produce a certain amount of sebum. That's why the usual single cosmetic procedure simply does not give any result. Help to cope with this problem will only an experienced specialist who will advise how to properly care for a specific type of facial skin. Daily procedures will make the points unnoticeable. For this, you do not always need to contact a cosmetologist.

It should be noted that the black point on the nose, its appearance and growth, depends on many factors. For example, the cause of this may be some hormonal problem. In such a situation, endocrinologists and gynecologists are engaged in treatment. However, each person can perform small recommendations that act as concomitant with the selected treatment procedures. Next, some recipes of home remedies that help in dealing with black dots on the chin and nose will be described.

The best mask, with which the black dot will decrease in size or disappear completely, is a mask of Hercules. For its preparation you will need thirty grams of oatmeal, kefir, boric acid and salt. It is necessary to prepare a thick slurry of Herculean flakes and kefir. In this mixture, you need to add three drops of acid and a pinch of salt. All this is then thoroughly mixed. The mask is applied to black dots. It should be kept ten to fifteen minutes, and then removed with a wet swab. The face after the procedure is washed with water, the temperature of which is not more than thirty degrees.

Another recipe that helps to cope with such a nuisance is the following. It's enough just for a few days to apply fresh kefir on your face. The procedure lasts seven minutes, after which kefir is washed off with cool water. It should be noted that experts say that kefir has special properties. It is useful in that it includes an acid that dissolves human sebum. All these remedies do not damage the skin.

Hard people use peeling quite often. It's an easy way to rid your beautiful face of trouble under the name of a black dot on the nose. To do this, you need to prepare a special scrub from sour cream and salt. Prepares a mixture of a tablespoon of fresh sour cream and a teaspoon of ordinary edible salt. The best salt for this procedure is a large salt. The mixture scrub the face and problem areas for several minutes. However, this method should not be used more than once a week.

Currently, pharmacies can buy, so-called, strips, which quickly clear the face of black dots. They are pasted for fifteen minutes to problem areas. After some time, the strip should be sharply torn off. Practice confirms that the manufacturer does not deceive its consumer when it claims that this procedure allows you to remove black dots. The effect of special strips increases the steaming of the skin by a specially prepared solution from the leaves of chamomile. In addition to all this, the skin after carrying out such manipulations must be reassured. To do this, you can use a small piece of aloe. He is put to the place for half an hour. Thanks to all these recipes, a black dot on the nose will soon disappear.

The main thing is to fulfill all these recommendations as often as possible.

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