News and Society, Policy
Yekaterinburg Mayor Yevgeny Roizman: biography and political activities
It is generally believed that a big policy can only be created in the capital. This statement is not always true. Outside the Ring Road there are also important events for the country and there are strong personalities. And the first one who comes to mind in this context is, of course, Roizman Evgeny Vadimovich.
The Ural nugget
In the political culture of the United States of America there is such a fundamental concept - "Salfmeidman". In translation, this means - a man who made himself. The one who managed to break the fate of the knee and achieve its contrary to all negative life circumstances. Of course, such people are not only overseas, sometimes they are found in our homeland. Yekaterinburg's Mayor Yevgeny Roizman is undoubtedly one of the most prominent regional politicians.
Biography Facts
Roizman Evgeny Vadimovich was born in the capital of the industrial Urals in 1962. At that time this city was called Sverdlovsk. On the early years of the policy information sources contain very little information, it is known only that at the age of 14 he left the parental home. I earned myself without neglecting any work. He led a free way of life and managed to go round almost the entire Soviet Union. He served two years in prison in a juvenile colony.
The capital of the Urals
It is necessary to understand that today is a city whose mayor is Roizman Evgeny Vadimovich. Ekaterinburg already by the beginning of the so-called dashing nineties was not only the leading industrial center of the Ural region.
"City without drugs"
His social work Eugene Roizman began with a single resistance to evil, which swept over his hometown. The situation was greatly complicated by the corruption of law enforcement agencies, often on the maintenance of the drug mafia. This was an initiative from below. And it sharply contradicted the intentions of the authorities, who only imitated the fight against drugs.
Power is in the truth
The success of the "City without Drugs" fund brought its creator well-deserved authority in his native city and far beyond its borders. Stop on the reached Eugene Roizman was not going to. He felt his strength and growing influence. And has developed its activities in the sphere of politics. Such a turn has come very badly to the authorities.
Significant resonance in Russian society responded to the conflict in the suburban village of Sagra, where local residents gave a sharp rebuff to armed bandits. The ethnic criminal group suffered in the course of the collision losses - one bandit was killed and several injured. It was very unexpected. But the criminal prosecution was not threatened by the drug mafia that attacked the village. Cases have been raised on the inhabitants who defended their houses. Return the people the notion of justice allowed only a large public resonance, especially on the Internet, and vigorous interference in the situation of Eugene Roizman. The bandits found themselves in the dock and, from there, openly threatened the public figure with murder. "I go unguarded, my address is known to everyone," Eugene calmly answered.
The pre-election campaign of 2013
Evgeny Roizman, the mayor of Yekaterinburg, was elected to his post in September 2013. This was preceded by an unprecedented company of impudence and unbridled slander, led by both the local and central government against the opposition candidate. That's just the effect of this was directly opposite the expected. Moscow appointees were forced to leave for the capital with nothing. What is called "crawled with a pre-pinched tail". The voters of Yekaterinburg voted for Yevgeny Roizman. His motto "The Power of Truth" was not an empty declaration.
In the cultural space
The story of the mayor of Yekaterinburg will be incomplete, if not to mention his beginnings in the field of culture and art. Eugene Roizman himself is the author of several poetic books, repeatedly published in central periodicals. On his poems created several songs that have become widely known. Already at the mayor's post he collected a large collection of Ural artists. Among them are such world celebrities as Mikhail Brusilovsky and Vitaly Volovich. Reproduction albums of their works are published. Roizman's collection of paintings will eventually be transformed into a museum. The most important initiative is the creation of the museum "Nevyanskaya icon", which includes in its collection unique works of icon painters of the Old Believers tradition.
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