Arts & Entertainment, Literature
World bestsellers (books): a list of the best
Every reader wants to spend time with a good book that will give food for the mind. But, having got to the bookstore, people face a huge choice. Sometimes there is no one who can give good advice. So why not turn to public opinion? Great attention among readers around the world is caused by world bestsellers. Books that were popular that year, this still remain at the top of the ratings.
Dan Brown "Inferno"
Dan Brown has long been a favorite of the reading part of humanity. Despite the fact that many critics do not tire of repeating the serious factual mistakes made in Brown's novels, every educated person considers it necessary to get acquainted with the history of Robert Langdon.
In the new novel by Brown "Inferno" Robert will return to Italy. But this time only his investigation will be connected not with the history of the Vatican, but with the works of the mysterious and ingenious Dante. It is in his lines that information is encrypted, which some will want to use to destroy humanity, and others - for salvation.
Without this novel, ratings can not do without the world bestsellers. The books of Dan Brown attract the attention of people of different ages.
Gillian Flynn "The Vanished"
Gillian Flynn's novel will be of interest to all fans of books and films about mind games. Readers of this novel have to solve the riddle, which was really in the life of the heroes, and what they came up with themselves.
The main characters of the book "Disappeared" was a young married couple. Ahead of them is the first round date - five years of married life. Everything is ready, guests are invited. But when there is only a little time before the holiday, the culprit of the celebration suddenly disappears.
In the house everything is turned upside down. There are signs of struggle. There's blood on the floor. And the police have no doubt that the young woman was the victim of her husband. A man will have to collect all the tips left by his beloved. But this time he liked the game "Hunting for treasure" will help not find a gift, but to reveal the gloomy secrets of a young married couple.
Sometimes unexpected stories are offered by the world's bestsellers. Books about love tell not quite those stories that are customary to read. But the novel "Disappeared" will appeal to lovers of stories about the relationship of the opposite sex, and fans of detectives and thrillers.
Robert Jordan. Brandon Sanderson "Memory of the Light"
"Memory of light" is the last book of the cycle "The Wheel of Time". For 20 years, this series of novels has delighted the readers. On the cycle, several generations of science fiction enthusiasts have grown up. But here are just some of the complexities of such world bestsellers. Books, fiction usually hides such pitfalls, will require readers a lot of time. After all, "Memory of the Light" is the fourteenth book. To understand what it is about, you need to read 13 of its predecessors.
Robert Jordan did not manage to finish the history of his world on his own. After the death of the author, this was done by Brandon Sanderson. However, fans of Jordan should not worry: Sanderson relied during his work on diaries, notes and drafts of the creator of the cycle.
Readers have to go along with the characters through the final battle, which will decide the fate of the whole world.
Daniel Silva "The English Girl"
Restorer paintings Allon Silva does not know rest even after he left his service. Once he was a spy of Israeli intelligence. Now he is investigating crimes.
This time, Gabriel will go to the island of Corsica. But not at all in order to rest. In this paradise, an Englishwoman disappeared. Because of this event, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom was threatened with a career. Gabriel decides to restore justice and reveal the mystery of the disappearance of the Englishwoman.
Some readers claim that world bestsellers are similar to each other at times. The books of Brown and Silva, they believe, have something in common. For example, an easy interesting syllable, a large number of unexpected turns of the plot and a considerable number of riddles.
Neil Gaiman "The Ocean at the End of the Street"
Some people, having reached the age of 40, understand that their life has developed completely differently than they dreamed in childhood and adolescence. One of them was told by Neil Gaiman in his novel "The Ocean at the End of the Street."
His hero is little more than forty years old. Trying to cope with depression, he returns to his native village, in which he took his first steps. On familiar streets he meets familiar women. And they run in his head something like a time machine.
Charlene Harris "Dead Forever"
Charlene Harris can be called a true revolutionary in the world of literature. She talked about vampires the way no one else had done before. A new wave of popularity for her novels brought the cult series "True Blood." This series is considered the best among all that talk about those who are doomed to eternal life.
The novel "Dead Forever" will be of interest even to those fans of the series who carefully watch each series and can tell without hesitation their content. For a long time the plot of the film has departed from the plot of books.
Roman Charlene Harris is a real world bestseller. Books, the list includes a large number of novels about Juices, will be interesting for lovers of romantic stories, and fans of detectives, and fans of mystical thrillers.
Only readers decide what a world bestseller is. The books listed above are popular in different countries. They are loved, read, advised by friends. You can no doubt say that the evening with one of these books will not be wasted.
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