Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

Why dream of a court, prison, subpoena, court verdict? Interpretation of dreams

Have you ever had to be a prisoner or a prisoner in a dream? This is quite an unpleasant and unpleasant vision. To find out what the court or prison is dreaming about, take a look at one of the popular interpreters.

Interpretation on the Psychological Dream Book

It is believed that dreams are a reflection of the person's real thoughts, experiences and actions. On the question of what the court is dreaming about, the Psychological Dream Book answers in the following way:

  • This is a harbinger of some unpleasant situation or scandal, in the center of which you will find yourself. It is possible that this situation will entail considerable material waste. If you do not learn to control yourself, then you will reproach yourself for your unrestrained behavior.
  • If in your dream you acted as a judge, it promises you respect and favor from others. At work, an increase or a premium is possible. This vision symbolizes the beginning of a favorable period in life.
  • Why does the summons appear in court? It is a symbol of that your relatives and friends are disappointed in you, that you did not justify their hopes. If the agenda was handed to you right in the hands, then soon you will have a chance to rehabilitate.
  • The conclusion is also an unfavorable dream. Prison is a symbol of the fact that you do not use your internal resources to the full, which causes discomfort and mental suffering. Perhaps you have chosen to work without remorse. Or your romantic relationship is at an impasse.

Interpretation of the Mayan dream interpretation

What does the court dream about? Looking into the Mayan Dream Interpretation, you can learn the following:

  • If you acted as a judge on the process, it means that in real life you are a significant and respected person, on whom much depends both at work and in the family. You can not be selfish, because the welfare of others depends on your behavior.
  • If you attended the court as a spectator, then you have to be involved in some dubious story. Most likely, ill-wishers will want to substitute, but your reputation will be restored.

Interpretation on the Noble Dream Book

The Noble Dream Book presents its interpretation of the dream in which the court takes place. It is worth paying attention to these points:

  • If in a dream you got a summons to the court, this is a signal to that you need to worry about your health. Be sure to undergo a medical examination to exclude the possibility of serious diseases, and also start treatment of existing ailments on time.
  • Why dream of a trial of yourself? This means that someone will disclose your secret, which you have hidden for many years. This will dishearten you and cause a deep depression. Fortunately, for a loved one, the facts that have been discovered are not so important.
  • If you are acting as a witness at the trial, then there will be some negative events. Most likely, you are lightheaded about some problems. Not solving them as they arrive, you contribute to the fact that they accumulate and create a lot of difficulties.
  • To be an advocate at a trial means to be deceived in real life. You look at the world through rose-colored glasses, and that's why many people take advantage of you.
  • Not a very good sleep - a prison. This vision means an early forced separation from loved ones and material losses.

Interpretation on the Family Dream Book

Often night vision is a reflection of some events that occur in your family. What does the court dream about? The following options are possible:

  • You have many detractors, and soon they will show their true face. About you begin to go unflattering rumors, which can cause major family scandals.
  • If you lost the court or were found guilty, this means that in real life you make many mistakes, which leads to a deterioration in relations with relatives. Do not be so self-assured, on questions of principle consult family members.
  • If you are not dreaming about the trial itself, but the room in which it is supposed to take place, then preserving the family hearth is in your hands. You have a lot of internal resources, using which, you can strengthen family ties.
  • If the court dreams of a woman, then someone will try to dishonor her in the eyes of the spouse and others. Unfortunately, you do not have to wait for support from your friends, and the other half will also react to you with a misunderstanding. Do not take any action. Just take a break, until the passions are settled.

Interpretation on the dream book of Aesop

What does the court dream about? In Aesop's dream book one can find such an explanation for this vision:

  • A kind of warning can be called such a dream. The court is a symbol of that you behave too self-confidently and even provocatively. Try for some time to stay away from your usual circle of communication, so that alone with yourself or close people, you can comprehend your behavior.
  • To be a defendant means that soon you will face injustice towards yourself. Moreover, it can come from people you trust.
  • Speaking as a judge, you are not at all the ruler of justice in reality. This means that you are afraid of criticism and condemnation for some long-standing act. Share your experiences with loved ones or apologize to someone you once offended. You will become much easier.
  • What is the reason for the court's verdict? This means that you have a colossal responsibility for solving a problem. It depends not only on your well-being, but also on the peace of others.
  • If you dream that you are acting as a witness at the trial, you should moderate your self-interest and self-esteem. These qualities can lead to the fact that you will stipulate an innocent person. When the deception is revealed, the situation will turn against you.

Interpretation on the Esoteric Dream Book

What does the court and prison dream about? In the Esoteric Dream Book you will find these answers:

  • Such a dream is a reflection of real problems with the law. If you yourself do not commit anything illegal, you may be framed by someone from employees or acquaintances.
  • If you are acting as a prosecutor in court, it means that in the near future you will be lucky. In the work you will be able to fully demonstrate your leadership qualities and entrepreneurial talent.
  • If by court order you were in prison - this is an unfavorable sign. Against you, intrigues and conspiracies have long been woven, which can seriously harm you.
  • Do you observe the judge in your dream? So, in reality, you can earn the favor of some influential person. This will help you move up the career ladder.
  • Being a judge is a symbol of the fact that in real life you overestimate your abilities. Do not bend the stick, trying to appear better than others.

Interpretation on the dream book of Miller

Miller has an informative dream book. The court, in accordance with it, can mean the following:

  • Acting as a defendant means that you have many enemies who try in every way to humiliate you in the eyes of others. Do not get hung up on this and try to resist enemies. They will not be able to cause you serious harm.
  • If the court makes an unjust accusation against you, it reflects your attitude towards others. Perhaps you too have behaved ugly with someone. Try to establish relations with this person.
  • If you are dreaming about how you file a complaint against someone, it means that in reality you are trying to shift responsibility for your failures to other people.
  • The vision in which you are sent to prison means that someone treats you with contempt and tries to quarrel with colleagues and friends.

Interpretation on the dream book of Longo

To get an answer to the question of interest, you need to look into the dream book. The court can be interpreted as follows:

  • Most likely, you will have to be present in the conflict between two people with whom you have a fairly good relationship. And you will find yourself in this unpleasant situation at the request of one of the warring parties. Try to avoid such situations. And if you have to play the role of a judge, be as objective as possible.
  • If you dreamed that you are a defendant, then you should reconsider your behavior in real life. Take for the rule to analyze each of your actions in order to avoid conflict situations in the future. If others criticize you, do not take it hostile. Listen to someone else's opinion.
  • Speaking in a dream as an accuser means that you are trying to take on the solution of all the problems of others. Stop it. Start paying more attention to yourself. And you need to help only those people who really need it. Otherwise, others will abuse your kindness.
  • If you dream of a prison, then in real life you feel yourself in some kind of isolation. You are trying to build relationships with others, but in vain. Do not impose. Learn to enjoy the privacy. Over time, you will find people with whom you will be comfortable to communicate.


If you want to be prepared for any life surprises, try to decipher every one of your dreams. A court or prison is a reflection of your real life. If you can not find the exact decoding in the dream book, try to analyze your relationship with others and draw an analogy with the picture you saw. Perhaps in a dream you will find a clue.

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