
What is the balance of the enterprise?

The concept of "balance" is used in economic accounting. With its help, interval indicators characterizing the sources of the formation of certain resources, as well as the directions in which they are applied, are reflected. Let's consider in more detail what balance is.


For a better understanding of what a balance is, one should turn to the immediate meaning of the word. It has Latin roots. The word "balance" comes from the words bis, which means "twice" and lanx is the scales. Thus, in literal translation the term means "two-fold". This word is used as a symbol of equality, balance.

general characteristics

Explaining what a balance is, you should pay attention to the method that is used to build it. The complex of available data is recorded in a two-sided table. This method is widely used in economic analysis, accounting and planning. In the system of planned balances there are labor, money and material. With their help, the formation and subsequent distribution of certain types of raw materials, goods, finances, and also working reserves is forecasted.

What is the balance sheet?

This term in financial accounting has two meanings. In accordance with the first under the balance, it is necessary to understand the equality of results. In this case, the results for credit and debit entries, analytical, synthetic accounts are equal. According to the second value, the balance acts as one of the most important forms of reporting. It reflects the state of the company's funds, expressed in monetary terms, on a specific date. So, what is the balance sheet? This is a system of moment indicators, the value of which is so great that it is often singled out as a separate reporting unit. As additions to the balance, there are various forms of buh. Reporting. Their task is to decipher the information. Speaking of what is the balance of the enterprise, it should be said that this is a form in which all the funds of the firm are reflected.

Document structure

In the balance sheet there is an asset and a liability. These are two equal parts. In one of them the composition of the funds is shown, in the second - the sources of their formation. What is a balance asset? This concept also comes from the Latin word. In translation, it means "acting", "active." Accordingly, what is the balance passive ? This is an inactive, "passive" part. As the most important feature of the balance is the equality of the liabilities and the asset, because these elements reflect the same thing, only from different sides. The last shows the composition, and in the first - the sources of funds. Each element present in this or that part is called a balance sheet item. They, in turn, are grouped into sections. A serial number is provided for each balance line. This makes it easier to find it.

Features of filling

Experts recommend to formulate several forms of balance for different categories of stakeholders. The law does not regulate the reporting structure. However, there are certain standards and rules. They list only the list and economic content for specific articles. Directly the degree of detail of the balance is determined independently by the company's accountant. Today in Russia there is a tendency to simplify the structure of the document. Thus, over the past 30 years, the number of articles in the balance sheet has been reduced by half.

Information sources

Accountants are acting as them . As a rule, their name coincides with the name of the registration object. In any account there are two parts: debit and credit. This division is due to the movement of funds-a decrease or an increase. Each account has an initial balance - the balance for a particular object, and then its decrease or increase. Thus, at any time you can set the final balance. To do this, the magnification is added to the original remainder, and the sum of the reduction is subtracted from the resultant.

Classification of accounts

Elements, which take into account economic means, are divided into 3 groups. The first include active accounts. They reflect the types of households. Means. Clarifying what assets of the balance sheet are, it should be said that the balance of such accounts can only be a debit balance. This is due to the fact that the reduction of funds is limited by their size. The second group is passive accounts. They are accounting sources of the formation of households. Means. Their balance can only be credit. The third group is active-passive accounts. They account for both types and sources of funds. This group includes accounts for settlements with legal entities. The latter can act as debtors or creditors. In the first case, accounts will have an active structure.


These are intermediate links between analytical and synthetic accounts. With the help of sub-accounts, the corresponding indicators are grouped. In particular, the data of analytical accounts are used to obtain additional information about the objects that are on the register.

Classification of balances

Separation is carried out according to the following criteria:

  • Time of compilation.
  • Sources.
  • The amount of information.
  • Nature of activity.
  • Form of ownership.
  • Object of reflection.
  • Method of cleaning.

In accordance with the time of compilation, balances are distinguished:

  • Ongoing.
  • Introductory.
  • Liquidation.
  • Unifying.
  • Separating.

According to the sources, the balances are divided:

  • The General.
  • Inventory.
  • Book.

Depending on the amount of information, the balance can be consolidated or single. By the nature of the activity, the documentation on the main and non-basic types is singled out. In accordance with the form of ownership, there are balances of cooperative, state, private, joint, public and mixed organizations. Their difference lies in the source of the formation of funds. Depending on the objects of reflection, separate and independent balances are distinguished. According to the cleaning method, the documentation is gross and net. Also in the account an alternative balance is used. This form is used to obtain evidence of the completeness and reality of the reflection of products produced, services provided or work performed. That is, what is an alternative balance? This is the way through which the consumed materials for the production of a unit of goods and the actual output of products are shown in the account.

Categories by time of compilation

At the time of the company's formation, an introductory documentation is prepared. What is the current balance, it is clear from the name itself. These summary tables are compiled during the whole period of the organization's activity. In turn, the current balance is divided into the initial, intermediate and final. Liquidation documentation is made upon the termination of activities. When dividing a large company or transferring one or more units to another firm, a separation balance is formed . When the same is combined, the relevant documentation is prepared.

An Important Moment

Before the annual accounts are prepared, a balance reformation must be carried out. What it is? This is a procedure in which the distribution of the profit is distributed during the year or the write-off of the loss. The new financial period will begin as if from a clean slate. Thus, on December 31 of the reporting year, the balance sheet is being reformed. What is this for a beginner specialist? This is the zeroing of the balance of the accounts of the financial result. In this case, you should close the invoice. "Sales" (90), "Other expenses and revenues" (91), and "Losses and profits" (99).

Sources of compilation

Inventory balances are made only on the basis of an inventory of funds. Such an accounting is necessary when a new firm is created on a property basis that existed earlier or in the event of a change in the company's economic form. The book balance is formed in accordance with the records from the Books. At the same time, the information does not pass preliminary verification by means of inventory. For the general balance, the inventory data and accounts are used.

Amount of information

In a single balance, the activity of one enterprise is reflected. To obtain the summary documentation, sums are added, which are listed on the articles of several single tables. Together with this, the total results of the asset and liability are calculated . In such documentation, the status of funds for certain organizations is reflected in separate columns. The line "Total" shows the overall indicator for the entire company.

Other categories

As the main activity is the direction that corresponds to the course and the charter of the company. All other activities are considered non-core. In the departments that deal with it, a separate balance can be maintained. Depending on the method of cancellation, the balance is determined gross and net. The first includes regulatory articles. They are those in which, when the actual cost of funds is formed, the amounts are deducted from the value of one or another article. In the net balance, regulatory directions are excluded. This procedure is called "cleaning".

Detailing indicators

For more specific information, synthetic and analytical accounts are used. The first reflect the generalized values that characterize the economic means. On analytical accounts, more detailed characteristics of accounting objects are used. They detail information obtained from synthetic articles. Analytical accounts reflecting commodity-material values contain not only monetary indicators, but also natural ones. Both these groups show the same facts of economic activity of the company. In this regard, the results for the records on both analytical and synthetic accounts should coincide.


Thus, taking into account the above information, it becomes clear what is the balance. Beginners should be closely associated with the procedure for its compilation. Entering information into summary tables - the work is very painstaking. Errors in the preparation of a balance sheet can significantly affect the final indicators.

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