
Пбу23 / 2011 - Мсфо (ias) 7. Real Approach of Accounting Rules.

Undoubtedly, the adoption of a new Russian accounting standard,
Disclosure of information about the funds of enterprises, finally allowed,
The main problem of national reporting is its inadequate efficiency for
Owners, potential business owners, other interested

PBU 23/2011 "Statement of cash flows" dated February 2, 2011. No. 11n to a large extent
Reproduces the norms of a similar standard of international financial
IAS 7 Report on
Cash flow ". Before the introduction of the additional standard, Russian
Accountants on the basis of the "Instructions on the procedure for drawing up
And the presentation of accounting statements "of July 22, 2003 N 67n.

But the rules of reporting often did not give unambiguous answers
To accounting questions. At different enterprises, different
Interpretation of Instructions N 67n. As a result, there was a practice when the formation of a report
On the flow of funds has become a formal procedure.

Now, when businesses are entering a more open
Dialogue with investors, there was a need to prove the success of the activity
Not just on the basis of the balance sheet profit, but on real cash flows and
Results. As a reflection of new goals and was adopted PBU 23/2011 on
Based on the experience of the developers of IAS 7.

What is new to PBU23 / 2011 Russian

First of all, it became clear in the classification of operations by species
Activities: current, investment, financial. And the compiler and
Thanks to specific examples, it became easier and more logical for a customer to report
To understand what kind of operation belongs to which species.

The following example is interesting.

The enterprise issued cash to a non-affiliated individual in
Form of loan.

I want to make a mistake, and refer this operation to financial. But,
Look at Art. 11 PBU23 / 2011, and we are convinced that this
Operation does not lead to a change in capital or borrowed funds, therefore,
To financial does not apply.

This operation is considered in clause 10 of the section on
Investment activity. In fact, the company is engaged in
Investment, that is, to seek income not related to the current
In the long-term

Clear and logical.

In addition, the legislator has secured the right to recalculate
Currency on ruble equivalents, not only on the date of the transaction, but also on
The average exchange rate (paragraph 18 PBU23 / 2011) that
Significantly simplifies the reporting procedure, without reducing its substance
Informativeness. In this respect, the approach applied in IAS 7 is more conservative, according to which the only possible method
Recalculation - on the date of cash flow.

Perhaps the Russian version of the standard overly simplifies
The reporting process to the detriment of the interests of users. Thus, the
Flow of funds should be provided as part of the annual and
Interim reporting. Small businesses are exempted from compulsory
Reporting of cash flow.

Generate a report is more often provided in the standard as
The right, but not the obligation, if such a decision is taken at the enterprise independently
(Paragraph 2 of PBU23 / 2011).

Particularly interesting and valuable is the approach of the legislator, when he, in accordance with
International accounting standards, provides the accountant with freedom in valuation
Judgments and subjectivity in decision-making.


According to paragraph 5 of PBU23 / 2011 in the Report on the movement
Funds are given not only money, but also
Monetary equivalents, that is, "highly liquid financial investments that
Can be easily converted into a known amount of cash and which
Subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. "

Thus, the accountant follows on his own:

  • Assess the liquidity of financial

  • Determine the amount that can be
    as soon as possible

  • To calculate the riskiness of transactions with financial

All this requires a fundamentally new approach to the qualifications of employees
Accounting service. In this case, not only primary documents, but also
Own "calculations", vested in the form of an accounting certificate, will be
The basis for including indicators in the reporting.

A fundamentally new approach to the compilation of the Traffic Report
When the owner can obtain forecast information about the
Future receipts or payments based on the available data of the reporting

So, p.24 PBU23 / 2011explains to disclose:

  • The amount of unused credit lines,
    Lack of borrowed funds;

  • The amount of the possible overdraft;

  • Unused to receive a loan

Similarly, reporting on the availability of funds will then
Informative when according to clause 25 PBU23 / 2011
Will be reflected "frozen" funds, that is, inaccessible for use
At the balance sheet date. For example, the disposal of funds in a foreign branch can
Be limited by the laws of another state.

In the author's opinion, it is difficult to comply with the requirements of sub-paragraph 25 of the PBU 23/2011.

The amount of cash flows associated with maintaining the activities of the organization
At the level of existing production volumes, it is necessary to reflect separately from
Cash flow associated with the expansion of this activity.

At present, such a methodology for differentiation of cash flows is not
Approved. The technique is not supposed to be simple, and can be formed
Accountants of various enterprises in a completely different manner. And this will reduce
Comparability of reporting of various economic entities.

A significant difference between PBU23 / 2011 and IAS 7 is the methodological approach to the calculation of indicators
Section describing the flows of current activities.

IAS 7 allows the application of an indirect method, with
The profit or loss is adjusted taking into account the results of operations
Non-monetary, any deferred or accrued past or future
Cash receipts or payments arising in the course of operating activities,
And other conditions. This method is not sufficiently clear and accessible to reflect the interrelationships
Between money, reliable operations and the cash balances of the enterprise.

Method, although encouraged to apply IFRS
(IAS) 7 , but is not the only possible one.

In PBU23 / 2011, it is not logical that the application
Indirect method for reflecting transactions on the movement of funds in all types
Activities. When using the national standard, the accountant transfers
Data from registers for the recording of cash and cash equivalents directly
In the reporting lines.

Given the national peculiarity to the search for "loopholes" in the financial
The legislation should note the inadequate thoroughness of Par. 19 PBU23 / 2011.
Here is a list of transactions with large amounts that can be reflected
Rolled up, that is, without a breakdown of the amounts of payments and receipts.

Thus, in clauses (17), in a simplified (collapsed) order, it specifies "implementation
Short-term (as a rule, up to three months) of financial investments due to
borrowed money".


The enterprise received borrowed funds from an individual in the amount of 10 million.

The funds were fully invested in shares of another company.

At the end of three months, the shares were sold with an income of 0.1%, which
Is 10 thousand rubles

The same 10 million rubles were returned to an individual.

A collapsed mechanism for reflecting operations involves the reflection of only one
The amount is 10 thousand rubles.

However, from these data the owner will not be able to learn that
The enterprise conducted a major operation. And even more so will not be able to assess
Efficiency of the transaction. Did the management act in the interests of the owner?
Perhaps, the market price of the stock actually increased more than 3 months
Than on 0,1%. Reporting partially loses informativeness

The indisputable advantage of the new PBU is the solution of the problem of reflection
The following methods:

  • The amount of value added tax,
    Received or paid as part of payments of counterparties;

  • Payments under commission agreements and agency fees.
    Contracts, when an enterprise acts on behalf of another person;

  • Payments on reimbursable communal and
    Transport services.

In conclusion, we note that there are more similarities between the same PBU23 / 2011 and IAS 7 (IAS) 7 than the differences. And this
Also a positive moment for users of financial statements. Now
Reporting compiled by Russian companies will be available for understanding
Foreign partners, investors. Russian accountant will be easier
Be guided in the preparation of a cash flow statement,
Clear and competent presentation of the standard, the examples given in it.

Thus, we see real fruits of rapprochement
Russian and international accounting standards, which should be
Expressed in the greater attractiveness of national companies for foreign

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