The Internet, Blogging
What is copywriting and rewriting
After reading this publication, you will learn about what is copywriting, and also rewriting texts. If we talk about copywriting of clean water, these are presentation texts that help advertise a certain type of activity: a company, a particular person, ideas, goods or services. At present, this term has a slightly different meaning. Essentially, copywriting is writing a test from scratch. Such an article may be intended to be hosted on a Web site.
In fact, when asked about what copywriting is, you can often hear the answer: "This is writing a unique text, including advertising or SEO." On the web every day there are more and more different Web sites that need to be filled with unique content. Owners of such Web-resources often do not have time to write articles themselves and use the services of people who are professionally engaged in co-piracy. Sometimes such writers are called writers or Web-writers, depending on the specifics of the work performed.
The profession itself requires the specialist to have certain abilities. Reiter should be able to clearly and clearly express his thoughts, communicate the necessary ideas to consumers. The text that is created by copywriters is a kind of tool for selling goods, promoting web resources, forming public values, opinions of consumers of the Network. For the Russian-speaking Internet this term is relatively new, but in the US and Europe this phenomenon has been known for a long time.
Practically the origin of copywriting can be associated with the spread of such mass media as the periodical press. Then there was a need to write articles that could convince consumers of something, bring them some thoughts. When television and radio appeared, the demand for copywriting increased even further, because now it was necessary to compose advertising texts, various scenarios, slogans and business proposals.
What is the copywriting of our time? Basically this concept is found on the web and, as already mentioned above, it means writing unique articles of information character, creating texts for the promotion of Web sites (SEO texts). Also the main value of the term in question was and is the writing of marketing texts. You can safely say that the vast majority of materials that we see on the pages of various Internet resources, written by copywriters.
In the light of the above information, copywriting of articles can be represented by the following varieties:
- Advertising selling texts.
- Web-rating - articles of an informational nature intended for filling sites.
- SEO-copywriting - articles written to promote Web resources on the Internet.
There is also a so-called speechwriting, which is texts that are specially written for people participating in public speeches. Also called advertising messages, voiced on various media resources. In fact, one of the varieties of copywriting is rewriting. This is the name of the information material, which was compiled by the method of correspondence of already existing text. In this case, the rider changes words and whole sentences to other words similar in meaning (synonyms). Thus, we get a different text, something that resembles a school account. This is done in order to create a text unique for search engines without violating the copyright of the original.
A person doing this job is called a rewriter. Sometimes, when explaining what copywriting and rewriting are, experts compare them with writing and exposition. Naturally, the composition - the text composed by the writer from scratch, is estimated much higher. In addition, this copywriter can perform any of the previously listed types of work. Re -airers can be specialists of a narrow profile, doing only the processing of already written by someone texts.
On the Internet, rewriting is also in demand, as it often goes to fill multiple sites with content.
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