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What are the features of the structure and behavior of the spider-crosspiece. Features of the spider-cross

Spiders are a special class of living things, which was named after a girl from Greek mythology. In the myth of a weaver named Arachne, who dared to call for a match in the skill of Athena, it is said that the goddess won, not recognizing the efforts of a simple girl. From offense and frustration Arachne wanted to hang herself. However, Athena she was turned into a spider, tirelessly weaving its network.

And now we will examine in more detail some of the characteristics of these arthropods. What features of the structure and behavior of the spider-cross help these living creatures survive?

The special life of spiders

Spider-spider (photo confirms) is a typical representative of its class. To the detachment Arachnids also include mites and scorpions. More than 300,000 species of this class live in the tropical and mixed forests of our planet. To find out what features of the structure and behavior of the spider-cross exist, you need to be a very considerate observer. Most often the "weaver" himself is invisible to us. But its web is quite noticeable!

The behavior of the spider-spider is due to its lifestyle and habitat. Forests, parks, gardens and various green spaces - all this can be a home for representatives of this species. In human dwellings, too, you can often meet araneus diadematus.

Description of the appearance of the spider's spider

Taurus of all spiders are similar:

  • Small cephalothorax;
  • Large abdomen ovoid;
  • 8 legs.

According to the figure on the surface of the back, similar to the cross, this species received its name. The so-called eyes (8 paired pieces) are located in front of the cephalothorax spider. The mouth of the crosspiece consists of several "details": a pair of jaws-claws with poisonous glands on the bases, as well as sensibles (chelicera) - organs of touch.

The peculiarities of the structure of the spider-cross allows him to survive, attack and feed with the help of his powerful jaws. On the legs are the comb-like claws, with which the "forest weaver" creates its own sticky net. Spider warts are at the bottom of the abdomen. Despite the presence of so many eyes, the spider family sees very badly. The main assistant for survival is touch with sensitive legs.

Method of feeding the crosspiece

The builder and hunter, the spider-frog feeds on everything that falls into its traps. These can be flies and flies, mosquitoes or various gnats and small insects. All representatives of this species are predators, including a cross. Photo helps to see the process of capturing insects in a sticky web of web. Grasping the booty with his bare feet, his jaws and hooks, the spider bites through it, injecting paralyzing poison into the victim's wound. At the same time in his body comes the digestive juice, which softens the insides of the fly.

With its insatiable appetite, this insect hunter can suck more than a dozen flies at a time. If there are too many victims, the behavioral characteristics of the spider-cross advise him to wrap the captives in a cocoon and leave "for later". Stocks are suspended to a trap on threads. Spiders are not adapted to eating solid food. But they can suck the softened insides of insects. For such an extraintestinal method of feeding arachnids do not need stomachs.

How do spiders multiply?

Only by the end of the summer period, eight-legged forest inhabitants reach puberty. Observing the peculiarities of the structure and behavior of the spider-cross to promote the reproduction of this species, biologists found that females larger than males more than twice. Living alone, only by autumn the spider goes to look for a "lady". Attaching to the trap of the female its thread and pulling it, it is this way that attracts the attention of the female. The resulting mating becomes the last event in the life of this male - the "lady" eats it after the process of fertilization. Instinct of saturation, nothing personal!

The spider-female lays its eggs in the autumn months, wrapping the masonry with a dense thread of coconut. With such silk protection, the future offspring will easily survive any frost. Suspended in secluded places, in the crevices of the bark of trees, these cocoons will open next spring. Little spiders, overwintered, will come out to build their traps.

What makes a spider weave a web

Without its graceful trap, this predator would not be a spider. Let's look at what features of the structure and behavior of the spider-cross are forcing it to weave a network for life and nutrition.

  • Hunger is the root cause of all actions of representatives of this species. To have food, you need to find a place suitable for the trap.
  • When the arthropod is determined with the territory, the next instinct is activated - the arachnoid composition begins to be allocated.
  • Each action causes subsequent signals about the necessary continuation. Everything is arranged simply and clearly.

The spider's skills in weaving a network can be congenital, embedded in the genetic code, or acquired, depending on the environment of residence. However, the general pattern of the web always has many identical details. Ideally woven spiral turns are fixed along the radii of the network with equal angles. In this case, the center of gravity always coincides with the center of the arachnoid grid.

About spiders, cobwebs and humans

Remembering the signs and scientific studies, you can find out what features of the behavior and structure of the spider-cross used by humanity to treat various diseases.

  • Applying a fresh web removed to a small wound, you can stop the blood.
  • It is believed that the decoration with the image of the forest octopus brings money luck.
  • European medics of the Middle Ages claimed that wearing a pendant in the form of a spider would protect them from disease.
  • If the "handsome man" sits in the very center of his trap and does not creep out, it will necessarily rain.
  • If spiders weave fresh nets, then it's to sunny weather.

In conclusion about the benefit of the order of arachnids

If not for this family, humanity could incur large losses each year from
Loss of harvest. Spiders play almost the leading role in the fight against pests. Over a season on a hectare of forest territory, these gluttons destroy more than 200 kg of possible vectors of various infectious diseases.

Viva to the spiders-crosses!

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