EducationSecondary education and schools

Week of geography in the school: development of activities, plan and analysis

In modern school, much attention is paid to extracurricular activities in order to attract children to the educational process. This is done to increase the motivation of children to study subjects.

Geography is a vital science, but very few children are interested in studying it. One way to increase motivation can be considered a week of geography in the school. In addition, this week should correspond to the issues of vocational guidance of children and develop love for their native land.

Event Organisation

The implementation of this complex event requires a number of organizational issues. These include the following:

  • Drawing up a plan of conduct;
  • Detailed development of the event itself;
  • Inclusion of various competitions, quizzes, conferences, presentations of creative projects in the script;
  • Organization of meetings with people whose professional activities require geographical knowledge.

When conducting a creative project called "Week of Geography in the School", the development of activities requires the observance of the teacher's planning.

Drawing up an action plan

To make a plan for the week of geography in the school, the teacher must first schedule for himself the main points of the event, which will correspond to the objectives of the event. Then it is necessary to choose the best forms for conducting, based on the age of the students and their interests. And only after that it is possible to draw up the final plan for the week of geography in the school, which must be posted on the notice board 10-14 days prior to the event. An approximate plan of activities is presented in the table.

Day of the week / day

Planned Activities


School-wide ruler.

Quizzes for geography (conducted during the change).


The game "Clever and clever" (conducting after lessons for pupils of 9 classes, viewers - all comers).

Exhibition of creative works on geography (crosswords, drawings, drawing up maps of the area).


Geographic dictation (the time of the meeting is change).

The game "Geographic Showing" (conducting after lessons for students of grades 7-8).


Game KVN (conducting after lessons for students of 10-11 classes).

Competition wall newspaper (participants - all classes from 5 to 11).


Photo competition "Traveling on native spaces" (participants 5-11 classes).

Evening meeting with interesting people (participants - 5-11 classes).



Solemn line on the occasion of the closing of the subject week.

Planning can also involve students.

Development of the event

Once a plan is drawn up, you can proceed with the immediate development of the event itself. Since the amount of work is very large, the geography teacher can attract related subjects for the help of teachers, as well as a creative asset, consisting of students of different classes. They can help in organizing the exhibition of works and decorating the room.

The scenario "Week of geography in the school" (development of events) can be taken from the archive of the educational institution. Only it is necessary to remember that all children are individual and to re-plan the plan for a specific team still have to.

When preparing such a large-scale project as the "Week of Geography in the School," the activities can be of the following types:

  • Contests-riddles;
  • Quizzes aimed at the application of science in human life;
  • Excursions "Corners of the native land", "My familiar streets", "How the weather station works", "Space of the Universe".

School of correction and subject weeks

Children from correctional schools, probably, need even more subject weeks, because they need to master basic knowledge, skills and skills in subjects for the purpose of further employment.

The geography week in the correctional school should have a slightly different content than in the general education. In this case, it is necessary to have a scenario, according to which the journey to the world of this science is most often suggested.

Usually the children of these educational institutions are very actively involved in the project called "Geography Week in School". The development of activities includes creative tasks on the subject, and they should also be aimed at practicing the practical skills of students. For example, assignments: "How to navigate in the forest", "Read the compass", "Read the map". Holding intellectual games is certainly possible. But the questions should be tailored to the specifics of the children.

Geography and intersubject communications

At the moment, in connection with the emergence of a new federal state educational standard, in schools a great deal of attention has been paid to intersubject communications. Therefore, when developing a project called "Week of Geography in the School," the development of activities should include assignments of this nature. Examples will be presented below.

Geography + biology (riddle):

In the oceans, I happen,

I break the ships there.

If you assign a letter,

I'll fly in the air. (Reef - neck.)

Geography + literature . The children are given the task to remember works of literature, where the name mentions geographical objects. ("Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow", "Borodino", "Quiet Flows the Don.")

Geography + Russian language . Students need to write down Russian proverbs in which geographic objects are present. ("The language will bring to Kiev," "how he drowned in the river.")

Analysis of the event

The development of a week of geography in the school in the long run (after its holding) should have another important point - a written analysis of the event.

This event teacher-subject should be held twice:

  • Together with children, after listening to their opinions on the positive and negative aspects of the event;
  • Introspection, in this case the teacher has to disassemble in detail every single moment and assess the relevance of its use.

The written analysis is reported to the pedagogical staff at the nearest pedagogical council. After that, a verdict is made about the possibility of using this kind of extracurricular activities in subsequent years.


Summing up, we can say that the subject week of geography in the school depends on the following factors:

  • Timely preparation of all organizational aspects of the event;
  • Active interaction with teachers of related subjects and their participation in the event;
  • Preparation of tasks appropriate to the age of children;
  • Use of various forms of conduct.

With a responsible approach to their work, the teachers will be able to conduct an interesting and useful subject week!

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