Spiritual developmentChristianity

We select icons for family and home

The family is the cell of society, which plays a decisive role in its development. Traditions, norms of behavior and construction of life in the circle of the closest people are determined by ethnicity, religious views. Since we are all mostly Orthodox Christians, we are under the protection of God, whose image is passed to us in icons. There are many holy faces , so now we will look directly at the icons for the house and family, find out where they need to be located, and what spheres of life they are influencing.

Famous in the Orthodox world is the icon of the Blessed Peter - it is often addressed before marriage. Prayer to this apostle helps to find a worthy partner for life or instructs on the right path of people who have already chosen each other. A well-to-do marriage is also promoted by the holy faces of Princess Fevronia, as well as by all the Mirom miracle workers. Their images are sold in any church kiosk.

Often icons for family and home are required when misunderstandings arise between spouses. In order to stop quarreling or prevent such a prospect in the future, place in your apartment the face of the Evangelist John the Theologian. Address him with prayer for help in difficult times, and in moments of happiness, give thanks for everything you have.

Many icons for the family and home are acquired if the child can not be conceived. When, for no apparent reason, God does not give their parents a child, the church recommends that they turn to the Godfathers - Joachim and Anna. It is recommended that the faces of the Messiah's parents be placed in the matrimonial bedroom. You need to contact them as often as possible. Also in the struggle against infertility, the prophets Zechariah and Elizabeth are effective. Such icons for the family and home are rarely used, more often they are in the temples. There you can come and ask the Saints what you want.

It happens that the family needs an heir who could continue the path of his father. If you want a boy to appear in the family, address this request to Saint Alexander Svirsky. It is advisable that his face always be in your bedroom.

Some icons for family and home are universal. Turning to them, you can ask to solve any problem, help in any undertaking. Such Holy Faces create an atmosphere in the apartment, eliminate quarrels between family members, help to establish contacts with distant relatives. Among modern families, the icon of Xenia of Petersburg is very popular. You can hang it in the living room, in the hall or in the dining room.

Important for many people is the question of where to hang icons in the house, so that their impact is maximally favorable. It should be noted immediately that at the time of the acquisition of some of the Holy Faces, you in the church will be told where they should be addressed. Most often, icons are directed towards one of the sides of the Light. If there is no such instruction, put Lick where his help is required. The icon for conceiving a child should be placed in the bedroom, and the one that brings harmony in the family should be placed in the living room or in the room where all the members of the family gather.

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