
Vreezia splenriet: the types and characteristics of care

Vriesia splenriet - a stucco room flower of original appearance and incredible beauty, unpretentious in the care of a plant of the family Bromeliev. It is the best variety among the existing species of Vriesians, home to which are Argentina and Central America.

General information on Vriesia

All varieties of Vriesia are very beautiful and represent bushes with wide long leaves growing in the form of rosettes. Sometimes the volume of such a natural capacity can reach 5 liters. The representative of the tropics attracts special attention at the time of flowering, when he throws out a long spiky flower stem with small tubular flowers collected in the inflorescence. The flowering process is an impressive sight; According to the terms it is necessary for February-April or May-July and does not last long, but stipules keep their decorative effect for a long period, sometimes up to several months. Fruit - a box with the crested seeds in it. In indoor floriculture there are 20 species of Vriesia, in natural conditions - about 250 species.

Decorative qualities of Vriesia

The flowering time is often approximated to the New Year holidays, so abroad, the Vriesia splendor is associated with the arrival of the New Year and is used in various floral compositions. A very original representative of the Bromeliads, who has the ability to attach to other plants with the help of roots, looks in epiphytic trees, living room interiors, halls of office buildings, group flower arrangements and vertical landscaping. In a natural environment grows on trees and can be attached to rocks. At home, in addition to the usual pottery method, room culture can be grown on bark, snags, in hanging baskets. An interesting observation: the leaves of the Vriesia towards the light that falls on them always assume a perpendicular position.


Vriesia flower splendens (otherwise, shiny) - adapted for growing at home and is a herbaceous perennial with spotted green leaves. The socket of the flower, also called "fire sword" and "tiger bromeliad", is quite wide. The spicate inflorescence is located on a bright red peduncle and reaches a height of about 80 cm. The flowers are yellow, surrounded by bracts of bright red leaves.

Growth conditions

Vriesia splenifies in care is rather unpretentious and feels well at a temperature of +20 о С. Heat does not tolerate heat, no less than direct sun rays, capable of inflicting flower burns. In winter, the temperature should not fall below +15 ° C. Vriesia splenet loves light, but without direct sunlight. Therefore, it is recommended to place it in the western and eastern part of the premises, taking care of the shading in the summer.

Vriesia splenreet: home care

Vriesia is a water- loving plant, regular watering is required. During the summer period, the moisture supply should be made daily. It is very important that the leaf socket is always filled with water, except the period of the appearance of the peduncle. Otherwise, the decay of the inflorescence of such an amazing plant as Vriesia splenery can occur. Care at home is the regular replacement of outlet water (every 3 days); It is recommended to dunk the old one with a tissue or a soft cloth.

With the advent of winter, the number of watering must be reduced, the water in the outlet should be kept for 2-3 hours a day, and when the temperature is lowered, it does not need to be filled at all. Irrigated water must be soft, steady, warm; It is recommended to immediately remove the remains from the pallet. Also Vriesia splenriet needs daily spraying. In a hot period, water must be sprayed 2 times a day. In this case, it is undesirable to get on the flowers, since they can become covered with brown spots.

A potted plant can be kept on a pallet with expanded clay, moss and moist pebbles; Do not touch the bottom of the container with water. It is recommended to wipe the Vriesian leaves regularly with a wet sponge.

Feeding events

Carrying out fertilizer, for which complex fertilizers are used for orchids or bromeliads, should be carried out only before the beginning of flowering. Due to non-participation in the nutritional process of the root system, the diluted formulation should be sprayed completely or filled in the middle of the rosette.

Very often Vriesia splits, the care for which requires certain knowledge, is delayed in flowering, therefore, this process can be stimulated with the help of ethylene, a gas formed during the ripening of certain fruits. Near the plant should be put a few bananas or apples, cover them with polyethylene and wait for the result. With the correct content of a houseplant, the application of such measures may not be necessary: the blossoming of the Vriesia will come in a timely manner.

Reproduction by layers

Vriesia splenriet (photo presented in the article) reproduces in two ways: seed and vegetative. Planting material in the vegetative mode is the young shoots formed from the parent plant at the end of flowering. Within 1-2 months they become overgrown with weak roots and several leaves. During this period, caring for an adult plant with children consists of light spraying from the spray gun; The water is not poured into the socket. Separating the children for independent growth is better at the moment when they reach 1/3 of the size of the parent specimen. Recommended soil mixture for planting: sand, pine bark and leaf ground (1: 1: 3). Transplanted plants should be provided with a greenhouse effect by covering the planting capacity with film or glass. In a month - the time for which young shoots will have time to take root, they can be transplanted to a permanent place of growth. Vriesia, propagated by the vegetative method, will please with flowering 4 years after planting.

Seed mode of reproduction

Application of the seed method of reproduction is possible only with the use of artificial pollination. To do this, the winged seeds of the plant should be completely allowed to ripen on the peduncle. Recommended soil composition for sowing: sphagnum moss and sand in equal parts. Seeds, pretreated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and dried, should be planted in prepared soil, moistened with an atomizer and covered with polyethylene or glass. Keep at a temperature of + 22-25 ° C, periodically opening for ventilation. Enjoy the first shoots will be in 3 weeks. Further, after waiting for the appearance of three full leaflets, it is necessary to make a picking of young plants in a mixture consisting of peat, leaf and turf ground in the ratio 4: 1: 2.

Individual plants can be planted in six months. Blooming Vriesia splenet, the reproduction of which was carried out by the seed method, will please after 5 or more years from the moment of planting.


Vriesia splits, caring for which gives a lot of pleasure and emotional pleasure to true florists, does not like frequent transplants and very badly after them gets accustomed. An adult plant can be disturbed every 3-4 years; Young specimen - 1 or 2 times, before the formation of the first inflorescences. This procedure is recommended in the spring and summer - during the active growth of indoor culture. In the process of transplantation, you must carefully handle the roots, trying not to damage them. Do not soil the center of the socket, otherwise the cervical decay may start and the plant will die. The bottom is recommended to cover with a layer of small garden gravel or expanded clay, from above pour the soil mixture and fill it with voids after planting; Vriesia should be moved to a new pot, preferably by transshipment. Very carefully should be treated with weak and fragile roots, which is characterized by Vriesia splenriet.

Transplantation after purchase is absolutely not necessary, besides, if the plant is blooming. Young specimens obtained from the mother's bush can be transplanted in the first few years, with a frequency of 1 every 2 years.

Diseases of vriesias

Vriesia is quite resistant to pests and diseases, but improper care and non-compliance with the rules of growing reduce the immunity of plants and can lead to such negative processes as:

  • The appearance of spotting is a sign of severe overmoistening, which can cause decay and death of a plant.
  • Deformation of leaves and stunting. Occurs with severe supercooling, excess moisture and dry air.
  • Loss of decorativeness and a strong blanching of the inflorescence. Observed when there is a lack of lighting.
  • Light brown spots on the leaves. Indicate a sunburn.
  • Drying of the tips of leaves, their darkening and twisting. It can be provoked by too dry air in the room and insufficient watering.
  • Decay of the inflorescence and peduncle. The cause of such a negative process can be too cool air and excess water in a leaf outlet.
  • Acquisition of brown leaves with tips, their drying. Such signs may appear with the rigidity of irrigation water.


Yellowing, drying and twisting of leaf blades can be a sign of the presence of a bromeliad shield. Parasitizing on the underside of leaves, such a pest causes the flower to lag behind in growth and loss of its external attractiveness. To save Vriesia from a pest can be by rubbing the leaves with a soap or alcohol solution; With a massive invasion will help treatment with drugs "Actellik" and "Carbophos."

Not indifferent to Vriesia mealybugs. Sucking the juice of the plant, they delay the latter in growth and development. The indoor flower loses its decorativeness and is even capable of perishing. Determine the presence of such pests can be on a white cotton wool, sugary excretions and the appearance of soot fungus. It is recommended to clean the flower with a soft damp brush, then gently wash it under running water. This procedure using a soap solution is recommended to be repeated once a week. In case of massive pest damage, insecticides "Carbofos", "Decis", "Actellik", "Fosbetsis" should be used.

Sometimes on the plant you can observe the appearance of a thin web, indicating the presence of a red spider mite. Sheet plates become transparent and stained. In this case, a soap solution will also help, which should be wiped off the affected areas. Completely from a pest can be got rid by application of insecticides. Treatment with chemicals should be done very carefully, not allowing them to hit the ground.

Varieties of Vriesia

Despite the fact that in indoor floriculture, the most popular and demanded vriesia splenet, the species of plants of the family Bromeliev fascinate with their beauty, stop their views and attract attention.

Incredibly charming Vriesia Sanders. The epiphytic plant is distinguished by a small flowered paniculate inflorescence decorated with two-rowed yellow and pale green bracts. The upper side of the leaves is densely covered with brown dots and ash scales; The underside of the spotted. Flowering time: October-December.

Uniformly colored green leaves, a thin wilting flower stalk and an almost square little-flowered inflorescence are characterized by a Veilia keeled. In natural conditions, it grows in Eastern Brazil as an epiphyte and a terrestrial culture. Flowering period: June-July.

Vreezia is royal. The flower stem of this species can reach a 2-meter height. The flowers of the plant are very fragrant, characterized by a white color, gradually turning into yellow. The leaves are large, greenish-gray, about 1.5 meters in length.

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