
Verba: how to plant and how to help survive. How to plant a willow from a twig

Every year, Palm Sunday happens. And even people who are weakly believers (or even consider themselves unbelievers) give each other "seals". Even if the religious significance of such a gift is of no importance to them, the tradition marks for all the final and victorious offensive of spring. And when the holidays come to an end, quite often people notice that the gift gave the roots, and begin to wonder how to plant a willow from a twig. Not all of them will rise up to throw a hand capable of surviving a stalk. In addition, the idea itself is attractive: you have a willow growing on your site. How to plant it so that it survives and makes you happy with "seals" every spring is the topic of this article.

The sacred meaning of the willow

Verba and before the adoption of Russia by Christianity was considered a miraculous tree. She did not change the status even after baptism. In Orthodoxy, it took the place of palm branches, with which the Jews met Christ at the entrance to Jerusalem. It was used in drugs for infertility and fever, its wounds were treated with wounds, including those that did not heal for a long time. The pussy-willer was driven out of the livestock to the pasture so that it would remain healthy and prolific. It was believed that it can stop the storm if you throw a branch against the wind. There were rituals associated with the recognition of the witch - and in them the main "actor" was again the willow. How to plant a tree, in those days knew everything, and certainly planted it in the yard of the newlyweds, in order to prevent in the family distrust and jealousy.

However, there is also an alarming sign: the old people asked whether it is possible to plant a willow, answer almost a categorical ban. There is an opinion that the person who planted this tree shortens the age allowed to him, and dies that year when the willow's trunk is thick with the holders for the shovel.

Will the twig?

Church rules prescribe to burn "seals" at the end of the holidays or to dry them, since it is not allowed to plant a willow from a twig consecrated in the church. However, those who did not know about this, successfully cultivated quite lush plants in their plots. True, the tree can not be grown from a twig, but the bush is quite. People who can boast of success in this matter, give such advice:

  1. The most reliable twig first put in a pot and a year, with abundant watering, grow homes. Plant "on the street" it should be next spring - then the tree will be accurately taken.
  2. If you immediately plant a branch "at will", you must choose a very humid place, preferably - on the shore of the reservoir. Then there is a good chance that it will not grow a bush, but a willow tree. How to plant, there are no special secrets: just dig in without damaging the roots, and cover with a greenhouse from a trimmed plastic bottle.

However, all successful experimenters note: if you do not take care of the branch, in most cases it is not accepted.

Choose a place

So, you have a seedling or you have prepared a shank yourself, and you are interested in a full-bodied, magnificent willow. How to plant the material so that it does not lose? First of all - to choose a suitable site. It should not be brightly lit: a willow loves a shadow. So it can take place near the northern wall of the house, usually unclaimed because of the paucity of the sun. As already mentioned, the plant is hygrophilous. And not every site has a pond. But often at the cottage there are low-lying - and for willow is the best place. No less successful for her will be the proximity of the compost or cesspool - there is always increased humidity. In any case, watering the tree will often, unless the summer is rainy. But the composition of the soil for him is indifferent, it does not have to be fertile and rich. But the acidity is important: alkaline soils will have to be acidified.

Verba: how to plant the stem correctly

This can be done in the autumn, when leaves fall from the trees, and in the spring, when the weather is stable, but the vegetation has not yet begun actively. Before planting a willow, deepening is done; It should not be closer than half a meter from another row of trees and from neighbors in a row. "Pit" is pierced by a rod at the length of the cut, the ground around is trampled down or tamped. It is inserted seedling and densely poured soil.

A little differently it is necessary to act in the autumn. First, a simple hole can not be dispensed with. The place under the planting is dug three meters in diameter and is freed from the weeds (especially perennials with strong roots - nettles, snyti, sow). The pit digs somewhere in a cubic meter. The bottom is spread with sawdust or bark, spills fungicide from pests and seasoned with potassium nitrate - to improve survival in the winter. Top compost is laid out, a seedling is placed, sprinkled with soil and mulched.

To the tree survived

When the willow is a little mastered in a new place, water it (if there are no showers and a natural source of water) you need at least twice a week. In the first year regularly, two times a month, the tree is fed with mineral nitrogen and liquid organic. A couple of times a season it is worth pollinating it, and the earth around the repeller for insect pests. Want to form a bush, but try to puff - lower the branches to the ground, fix them with flyers and sprinkle fertile soil with compote. The branches take root and form additional stems.

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