HomelinessPest Control

Trap for gnats with their own hands from improvised means: instruction

Moss are small annoying insects, always present in a human dwelling and reminding him of their existence at the slightest opportunity. It is especially unpleasant to encounter them in the kitchen, which is a storehouse of food stocks and a place for gathering all the inhabitants of the dwelling. Also moshkar often settles near the root system of indoor plants and overcomes domestic pets - dogs and cats.

The method for fighting the midwife, time-tested and people, is a trap for Simuliidae. Unlike toxic chemicals, it does not present any danger at all and is fairly simple to manufacture.

A trap for gnats with their own hands from a can

An effective trap can easily be built from an ordinary glass jar, inside which should be placed products that attract gnats: a few slices of a chopped banana or a couple of spoons of apple cider vinegar, in which you can add a few drops of kitchen detergent to ensure the capture of midges. The container should be covered with a lid, in which small holes are to be made using a nail, scissors or a small knife. Responding to the aroma of the contents of the jar, the midges massively fly inward, but can not get out. Instead of a glass jar, you can use a plastic bottle with a wide neck. Traps can be done several times and placed in places of accumulation of annoying insects: in the kitchen, near sewer hatches and ventilation holes.

A plastic bottle will help

No less effective trap for midges can come from the same plastic bottle, or rather, its halves. The cut up top should be inserted into the lower neck down. It turns out a kind of funnel, along which the midge will descend for food. For stability and tightness, the trap from the sides is recommended to be covered with adhesive tape. The bottom of the container should be filled with fragrant products. It can be a few spoons of juice or jam, a couple of fresh fruits or a little apple cider vinegar. In a short time, the contents of the bottle will start to wander, than it is guaranteed to attract gnats. Trap for the midges, made by themselves, in a short time will help clear the premises from intruders.

The bait is easy to make from a plastic yogurt cup. It should be covered with a food film in which to make a needle or toothpick several holes for midges. Inside you can leave a used tea bag or fresh brew.

Red wine for Simuliidae

Effective means for catching midges are small glass or plastic containers, which should be filled with a third of red wine - a product, to the smell of which these insects are not indifferent. Add a couple of drops of liquid soap and mix gently. In a short time, the trap for the midges will attract thousands of insects. Insects will sit on the surface of the wine and tightly tie it in.

The trap for the Simuliidae is only part of the struggle, which is required to be carried out in a complex manner. Against bothersome insects, various sprays are effective. It is enough to spray the product directly on insects and their habitats. This is an instant way to get rid of both the midges and other unpleasant insects (flies, mosquitoes). Depending on the intensity of the drug may need to release the treated area of its occupants for several hours: you need to give the chemicals time to evaporate. Before using the spray, you should read the label carefully to ensure that the product is safe for pets.

Method with vegetable oil

How do I get rid of my midge? With insects living near a trash can or nearby a drain pipe, you can fight with sunflower oil. It is recommended to pour the liquid into the kitchen sink. For insects, getting into such a trap has deplorable consequences: the midge (the photo above demonstrates the procedure) will be completely covered with a viscous liquid, it can neither move nor reproduce and as a result will simply perish. This method is very effective, especially if applied repeatedly.

Fighting gnats in shells

Small inhabitants of drain pipes, along with larvae and eggs, can be killed with ammonia. This tool should simply be poured into the sink and left for several hours for the effectiveness of the action. It is worth remembering that the drug is toxic to humans, so before using the sink for the next time, you need to make sure that ammonia has dissolved.

Escape from the roomy midges will help baking soda, which you need to pour into the drain and pour a glass of vinegar. The foam mixture should be left for several hours, after which it should be rinsed with running water.

Save Your Favorite Plant

Many species of midges are found in the moist soil of indoor plants. To save a green pet, you first need to stop watering at least 2 inches before drying. This action will help to dry larvae of Simuliidae and their eggs, thus ensuring the death of the latter. However, lack of water can be detrimental to the flower itself, which will begin to fade. Resumption of watering will revive the plant, but again it can attract importunate mosquitoes. Therefore, against such insects, it will be effective to use a homemade spray from water and a means with a lemon scent to wash dishes. Soap mixture is required to spray on the plant and soil, leave for a couple of hours, then rinse with clean water. This is required to prevent damage that can cause a pet chemical chemical. If the above procedures do not give the desired result, the plant is recommended to be transplanted into an updated soil.

That the colors do not have a midge (photo of such trouble see above), it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Do not water the plants too often. After all, a moist environment for midges is ideal for existence and reproduction. Therefore, the soil during irrigation should be not wet, but slightly damp.
  • The room pet should be provided with good drainage to avoid stagnation of water.

Preventive measures

To avoid the appearance of midges in the kitchen you need:

  • Do not leave unpacked food on the kitchen table;
  • To get rid of the remnants of products in a timely manner;
  • Keep kitchen stocks in hermetically sealed containers and closable cabinets;
  • Store fruit in the fridge. Thus, they will not overreach and attract hordes of insects into the house;
  • Do not leave dirty dishes in the sink, because the source of attracting the gnats are the remains of food adhering to it;
  • The dish washer should be covered with a clean and dry kitchen towel;
  • Cover the trash can, blocking the midges with an important source of nutrition;
  • Regularly clean the bucket with debris, wiping the inside and outside of the bleach;
  • Do not leave bags filled with garbage at night.

Helpful Tips

Beware of moisture, comfortable for the mass reproduction of Simuliidae, is required not only for indoor plants, but throughout the house. To prevent the appearance of such insects, all wet places need to be wiped with bleach. Do not leave wet rags and towels. To prevent moisture from spreading, mats and mats should be placed under direct sunlight.

An important factor of a comfortable and quiet life, without the presence of foreign insects, is cleanliness.

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