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The upper layer of the privileged class. Who are they?

Society can not be homogeneous, there are always those who can, want, receive more, and those who by all means only try to survive. In this article, let's talk about "superhumans", or "shortages" - the aristocracy.


A class is a historically formed group of people in a society with one attitude to property and division of labor.

In any society, there are usually three main classes:

  • The lowest (oppressed);
  • The supreme (ruling);
  • Middle (living by the products of the oppressed, striving for the higher).

In different historical periods there were classes of slaveholders and slaves, feudal and peasant, bourgeois and proletariat and others. Each class has its own layers, which further divide, disunite people.

The upper layer of the privileged class

Every person strives for better living conditions. But there are such peaks in a society that it is almost impossible to achieve, so special it is necessary to be born to get into a privileged class.

Princes, noblemen, boyars are the elite of the Russian society of the 18th century.

At the beginning there was a man, he was stronger in a difficult situation, smarter, faster than others, he was respected and extolled. Glory extended to his children and subsequent descendants.

That is, initially, everyone could earn respect and reverence, so formed a certain kind. Several such genera formed into a class. A person from the upper stratum could proclaim another equal to himself for special merits - to give the title (to rank to some layer).

The more actively developed (stratified) society, the more difficult it was to get into the upper stratum of the privileged class. As a result, such an opportunity for the layman was practically reduced to zero.

Russian aristocracy

"Know", "aristocracy" - all these terms, denoting the upper layer of the privileged class.

People who were fortunate enough to be ranked in one way or another have the opportunity to get a better education, travel, engage in science. The whole world is open to them.

But in tsarist Russia, a higher layer of the privileged class was given greater responsibility. They were the main representatives of the country's power, the face of the country, and they had to look accordingly.

It concerned education, knowledge of foreign languages, political situation in the world, etiquette, fashion, dance, martial and fine arts - in all. In any sphere of human activity, an aristocrat should have been the best.

The children were brought up with the desire for an ideal - honor, intelligence, virtue, compassion and all the bright things that should be in a person were valued.

Any aristocrat would be much better able to cope with many difficulties of life in general and life in particular, compared to many modern women.

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