Career, Career Management
The teacher's profession is the basis of self-improvement
It happens that a person finishes a higher education institution, finishes well, but can not work in the specialty. Why is this happening? Among the main reasons, one can single out the discrepancy between the personality of the activity that needs to be dealt with. For example, a doctor is too worried about each patient, which prevents him from soberly looking at the situation, calmly react. Or the accountant goes mad when there is no possibility to communicate with people, but you need to concentrate on the figures and prepare a report. What qualities are ideal for an employee of a particular profession, helps to understand the profession.
The teacher's profession developed by advanced psychology practitioners is conditionally divided into several sections, each of which includes professionally significant qualities of the individual and the worker. The first of these includes the personal characteristics necessary for the performance of the teacher, such as morality, horizons, erudition, volitional qualities. The following section includes professional and pedagogical personality traits: communicability, love of children, creative skills, ability to hear children and others.
Professional knowledge and skills consist of knowledge of the theory of education and training, methods of working with children of different levels, parents, as well as practical possession of them, the ability to organize both their work and the work of children.
What is the teacher's profession for? This is a kind of ideal that every practicing teacher should strive for, as the basis of the teacher's success is self-education. Self-analysis in comparison with the professionogram will help to compile and correct the program of self-improvement, because it is known that only the aspirant will master the way. Psychologists advise subject teachers to compose their own professiogram, which will help them outline the tasks of personal development for the near future. There are no ideal teachers, just like people, but this does not mean that one should not strive for perfection!
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