HomelinessPest Control

The house had house ants. How to deal with them?

In the city apartments are often planted different insects. And this can happen even if you have cleanliness and order in the house, because they creep through the cracks and cracks from neighbors. One of the most unpleasant guests of a person are domestic ants. How to deal with them, you need to know to protect yourself from the consequences of their neighborhood.

The red ant house, it is also called pharaoh, is a very harmful insect. Ants are omnivorous, and they can attract simply the smell of food in your kitchen. They are so small that they have enough slots to get to your apartment, climb into the breadbox or in the cupboards. In addition, they are able to carry different bacteria on the legs. Neighborliness of ants leads to other unpleasant consequences. They can damage wires and electrical appliances, cause a short circuit, spoil food and clothes, and just bite a person.

In apartment buildings, especially on the ground floors, house ants are often planted. How to deal with them? It is easier to prevent their appearance, because it is very difficult to remove these insects. Try to always keep the apartment clean, do not leave any leftover food and daily take out the trash can. Store all products in tightly closed containers. Never feed pets from the floor and clean the crumbs in time.

But even in this case you can have domestic ants. How to deal with them without the use of chemicals?

Ants can be scared off. They are afraid of the smell of wormwood, garlic, cloves and sunflower oil. You can also lay out on their tracks leaves of elderberry or catnip. It is recommended to make traps from cans of sweet water, in which insects sink. It is useful to regularly wash the floor with water with the addition of vinegar. You can scare them off and special industrial means, for example, drawing on the perimeter of the apartment line chalk "Mashenka."

But these funds help, if there are few ants, and they come from outside. But what about if their nest is in your apartment? To search for it is useless, to close up the cracks too, since they will find another manhole. They need to be completely lime. For this purpose, the poisoned baits are laid out, which the workers' ants are taken to an anthill, they feed their brethren and, The main thing - the queen.

The best remedy for house ants is boric acid. It is dangerous for insects, as it corrodes their chitin. Mix it with honey or sugar and arrange in secluded places, where ants can get. You can add boric acid powder or borax to minced meat or mashed potatoes and make balls that are laid out on the ant trails.

There are also industrial poisons from ants. They are in the form of sprays, aerosols, gels and powders. You should carefully read the instructions for their use and consider that they are also poisonous to children and pets.

The hardest insect is the domestic ants. How to deal with them when no funds help? It remains only to call a special pest control service that will process your apartment. But often this is not enough, if they stay with their neighbors, so you need to process the whole house.

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