EducationSecondary education and schools

The composition of Yuon's painting "The End of Winter. Noon »: recommendations

The composition of Yuon's painting "The End of Winter. Noon "has to be written to many students. The study of this canvas is part of the school curriculum. The beauty of Russian winter and a beautiful sunny day - that's what the artist wanted to give us. Let's try to consider the proposed work in more detail.


Before us is a wonderful landscape: bright and bright around. Composition by K. Yuon's painting "The End of Winter. Noon "should be performed by such type of speech as the description. Therefore, you should not deviate from it and leave, for example, in discussions about how you spend your winter holidays.

The children, depicted on this canvas, have fun and are happy with the early arrival of spring. In the background, we see a small hillock with trees strewn with snow. We can guess that the time of the year depicted in the picture is winter in its very finale. Perhaps this is the end of February. On the right, in the distance, we see a snow slide. Probably, the guys ride it on sledges or skis.

The composition of Yuon's painting "The End of Winter. Noon "must certainly include a description of both the foreground and the background. Snow on the edge of the forest is white and clean, untouched. But under the influence of the sun he began to melt.

The sky is depicted in light gray tones. Despite the fact that the winter is coming to an end and the spring weather is being established, it has not yet been fully clarified.

A small hut can be seen not far off. We can only guess what it is. In all likelihood, this is the house of local residents. Or maybe we have a bathhouse or a barn, in which animals are kept. For example, these chickens, pictured in the foreground.


We can admire the beautiful view of Russian nature thanks to the work that KF Yuon wrote: "The end of winter. Noon". The composition of the painting should be written according to a strict plan. It is better to prepare it before proceeding to the description.

After a detailed analysis of the background of the canvas, you should go to the front. Here we see someone's village house. As you know, this is the property of the artist himself, but we'll tell about it later. Bathe in the sunlight, it looks somehow magical and magical. To the right of it - harvested wood. Without a Russian stove in the villages and villages can not do, so the owners had to work hard.

The composition of Yuon's painting "The End of Winter. Noon "includes the description of birch trees, without which it is difficult to imagine the beauty of our nature. Snow-white trunks of these beauties rise to the very sky and perfectly in harmony with the surrounding splendor. Their crowns are still quite naked, but with the onset of spring buds will begin to swell, and leaves will appear. But it is still too early to talk about this, because the real mistress at the moment is winter.

It is impossible not to notice the emerald Christmas trees, located on the canvas on the right. They are almost without snow. Probably the sun had melt it.

Also we see happy children returning from a ski trip. Since the morning they have already ridden and now, tired, go home.

Chickens and a cockerel are pecking in the yard. They also enjoy the warm weather at the end of winter. They were let out into the yard, but they do not ask to go back to their dwelling, but walk peacefully under the sun.

The beauty and virginity of our Russian nature are conveyed by the author in all splendor. To the depiction of Russian winter, artists resorted repeatedly.


Composition-description of Yuon's painting "End of winter. Noon "is impossible without recreating its plot. Apparently, we have a warm winter day. The time of day is noon, for it is at this time that the sun so brightly illuminates everything around. Crossing two seasons makes this painting even more unusual. The severity of winter has left, the reign of warm spring is approaching, which we see in this picture.

Despite the fact that the central place in this image is snow, we feel that a little more - and the time of the year will change. It is noteworthy that this snow is not made only in white color. There are thawed patches and traces of shoes. In this case, the author uses shades of gray. Such a seemingly simple task - to depict the snow - is artistically executed by the artist. So you want to be there, in this village, and take a walk in the friable, crunchy bastard! Against this background, domestic birds look very lively and bright. They, like colored specks, give the picture a motley and fairy-tale character.

It is worth noting that this canvas is by no means an artistic fiction of the author. The basis was a country plot with a house in the Moscow suburbs, where KF liked to rest. Yuon. "The end of winter. Noon "(an essay on the picture of this author we are doing) - a work that made the artist very famous. It is not so easy for every master to show such a change of the seasons in a vivid and detailed manner. But Konstantin Yuon managed to do this to the fullest.


Admiring this work, involuntarily carried in the winter and remember how dazzlingly beautiful in a sunny winter day. Although the picture can not transmit sounds, but we can imagine the silence and peace of rural life, accompanied only by the jubilation of boyish voices and the cooing of birds. The composition of Yuon's painting "The End of Winter. Noon "gives us the opportunity to express our thoughts and share our emotions and impressions. Any of us has the opportunity to tell about what he sees on this canvas, which was most successful for the author. Despite the fact that there is no sun at all, it manifests itself in the bright rays and shadows cast by the trees. This picture gives a very pleasant feeling.

Any schoolboy will be able to master the task set before him - to describe this wonderful work.

It is worth remembering that the first step is to draw up a plan.

At first glance, children think that this is not necessary at all, and it is easy to manage without it. But in order to avoid such problems as jumping from one to another, the plan still needs to be drawn up. Then, slowly, on the steps, you can describe not only the picture, but also other objects.

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