Spiritual developmentChristianity

Thanksgiving Prayers - A Way to Tell God About Love

Life is a miracle of God. Therefore, even the slightest of its joys are worthy of gratitude to the Creator who cares about us. It is not necessary to manifest one's attitude toward God through certain verbal formulas. He will hear and simple words of gratitude, which were expressed "from the surplus of the heart", sincerely. What is the thanksgiving prayer?

Special case

In general, there are many forms of addressing God as an expression of his gratitude to the Lord of the World. Before meals, a prayer of thanksgiving to Jesus Christ is traditionally read . In it, a man expresses his gratitude to God the Son for having given his daily bread. But this does not stop there. A man asks you not to deprive your mercy and the Kingdom. And he also calls on the King to be with him at the meal, to render the same honor as He did for his disciples. It ends, like many other thanksgiving prayers, with a request for salvation. The Christian understands that this is the most important thing about which one should plead. A meal is just one of the reasons to turn to God.

Do not be shy

If you want to express gratitude for help in a particular case, for a special event for you, then there are common gratitude prayers. Even the simple wording "Thank God", uttered to the place, is a short appeal to the Creator. If you want more formal treatment, traditional thanksgiving prayers include describing your love for the Lord and recognizing yourself unworthy of the immense favors that God regularly gives you.

The proud Lord resists

It is the consciousness of one's unworthiness that makes such a prayer a valuable and effective one. It is very far from complacency and self-awareness of "the creator of one's own happiness." Certainly, efforts are required to achieve the goal, but nothing happens without the will of Christ on earth. And if you consider yourself worthy and deserving, then do not bother yourself with a prayer - they will not hear. God does not like the proud and creates problems for them. And the humble helps and supports them. Pride can not stand people around. And remember that the case, according to the apt expression of one of the philosophers, is the god of fools. In a softer version of another philosopher, the case is simply one of the pseudonyms of the Creator. Man - a creature subject to many external factors, so take life under full control will not be able to anyone, and even boast of achievements in the face of God - and it's stupid.

Who else is being contacted?

Not all gratitude prayers are turned just to God. Often for the mercy of thanking the Queen of Heaven. In a private prayer at home, a prayer of thanks to the saint is appropriate. But it does not have clear language, because it does not fulfill what you asked for. The saint is not God, but such a prayer would make him like the Lord. Therefore, we can thank him in our own words, but at the same time remember who we really owe a successful outcome to the case.

Do not forget to turn to God with gratitude for the smallest events. We do not know by what laws from small details powerful tendencies develop, and life irreversibly changes. And psychologists say that gratitude is a condition of happiness.

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