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Smile is more valuable than wealth: the main idea of the fable is "How the peasant removed the stone"

The reading program for primary school stipulates that children in the 4th form get acquainted with the work of Leo Tolstoy, reflect on the human deeds of the heroes of the fable "Two Comrades" and look for the answer to the question about what is the main idea of the fable "How the peasant removed the stone". These works are small in volume, but they are profound in content, they teach children to think about how to act correctly.

The moral of this fable is as follows

Why are fables being studied? What it is? Explanatory dictionary SI. Ozhegova defines the fable as "a brief allegorical moralizing story." Getting acquainted with this genre, children learn to understand its features, the main one of which is the presence of morality. What is it and what is meant by this word?

The fable not only ridicules the shortcomings and vices, but also makes it necessary to draw some kind of instructive conclusion about how one should (or should not) act. A story about some rules of behavior or communication, the author's instructions constitute morality. For example, children of the 4th class in search of morality must answer the question about what the essence of Tolstoy's fable is "How the peasant removed the stone" or "Two comrades".

Features of the fable genre

Fable can be recognized not only by the presence of morality, it also has other distinctive features. This is always a short story, which is an entertaining interesting story. The author succeeds in an easy concise form to present a profound instructive narrative. For example, the events themselves and the main idea of Tolstoy's "How a peasant removed a stone" are expressed in just eight sentences. A small volume makes the work accessible to children, they read, analyze and retell it. Tolstoy uses the genre form of a fable to express his thoughts, morality is expressed not by concrete teachings, but allegorically. The reader must make a conclusion for himself.

There are few descriptions and many dialogues in the fables. This is how the "vitality" of the situation is achieved. The main idea of the fable "How a man removed a stone" lies in the three statements of different people on the same issue. Each of the heroes gave the answer that he considered necessary, and the conclusion was suggested to the reader by the author in the last sentence.

In the fable there are usually several heroes, each of which carries a certain semantic load. In one of the fourth-grade fables studied, they are two comrades, in the other two scientists and one simple peasant. The behavior or the statement of one of the heroes usually expresses the main idea. Fables of Tolstoy "How a man removed a stone" and "Two comrades" - a vivid example of this.

The main idea of one of the fables is expressed by a friend thrown in distress at his "friend" who, at a difficult moment, preferred to flee, leaving his partner in danger. The main idea of the fable "As a man removed the stone" was expressed by the author, but the bearer of the original idea of getting rid of the stone is a simple peasant who, by the way, embodies this idea, for which he receives a well-deserved reward.

The difference between the fables of Krylov and Tolstoy

In his works, Ivan Andreevich Krylov often makes heroes of animals, fish, birds, making fun of human vices through their behavior. Of course, there are also human characters in his fables. Leo Tolstoy expounds his teachings through the mouths of people, his fables are like little stories, taken from life cases.

For his fables Ivan Andreevich Krylov chose a poetic form, in Leo Tolstoy the main idea of the fable "As a man removed the stone" and the fable "Two Comrades" is expressed in prose. Krylov's fables represent comical situations to our attention, humorous characters get into ridiculous situations because of their shortcomings.

Leo Tolstoy, without departing from the natural tone of the narrator of the worldly situation, creates for readers a horrible picture of a comrade left behind for beating a bear or a city street, in the middle of which lies a stone, which can only be removed by a sharp-witted peasant.

Do you need fables today?

Fables were written by Leo Tolstoy long ago, many years ago. Do they today need modern people who use cranes, navigators, computers and mobile phones? Does something teach them their main idea? Fables "How a man removed a stone" and "Two comrades" are forced to think and show wit, be kind and appreciate friendship, do not leave a friend in trouble. And in this century there are a lot of human vices, so instructive stories - fables - are more relevant than ever, they are needed by a person for self-development to become better, get rid of bad qualities. A fable is an opportunity to see yourself from the outside and work on your shortcomings.

All ingenious is simple

Fables of Tolstoy are like folk tales, they are close to folk wisdom, expressed in brief utterances, proverbs. You can pick up in Russian folklore sayings, explaining what is the main idea of the fable "How the peasant removed the stone." For example, "Where does not take an ax, there will take a wit."

Leo Tolstoy with the help of a small history brings to the reader the idea that in any case it is necessary to be witty, then the most difficult task will be easily fulfilled.

Reading the fable of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy "As a man removed the stone," a person understands that in any case, you need to consider several solutions. These methods can be costly and unsafe. For example, one of the engineers proposed a rational scientific method: to blow up a stone, and yet urban buildings could suffer.

A simple man turned out to be smarter than scientific engineers, offering a simple way - to dig a hole in the square. Counterposing the people's wit and everyday experience to rational scientific methods, Tolstoy shows that sometimes one should not overly complicate the task and should pay attention to the search for the shortest and easiest way to solve the problem.

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