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Running use for the woman. Possible harm of running for the body

Probably, we will not surprise you, saying that the movement is life. And sitting on a soft sofa together with abundant fatty foods is a bad way. Nevertheless, some details in a healthy lifestyle need to be clarified. Or at least once again to recall them.

Best of all pills

Nothing compares in efficiency with jogging in the park, at the stadium. All the more great is the benefit of running for a woman who carries two or even three loads daily.

At a time when the legs are actively moving, the blood flows strongly to the heart. It also starts to pump it back faster. The heart muscle is strengthened. And this is good. The "motor" of the body should always be in excellent condition.

Are you all on your nerves? Are the stresses large and small? But there is an antidote, and very effective. The benefit of running for women and the fact that he's all such trouble brings to naught. In the body, the level of serotonin increases, which just smoothes depression, nervous breakdowns, and anxiety.

Evenly repetitive movements of hands and feet in general act on a person soothing. And this is far from an invention, that during the jogging in the air a person finds a solution to various problems. Including those who caused his oppressed mood.

No terrible diseases

Doctors concluded that the benefit of running for women is also that the risk of breast, lung, colon and endometrial (mucous membrane of the uterus) cancer is much reduced. After such words, it seems, everyone will understand how important it is for her to watch her body and not allow pathologies.

Here are the latest figures from British scientists. Very active people have a chance of having colon cancer a quarter less than those of the passive. And those who are keen on running have a 30 percent reduction in the risk of developing breast cancer compared with the homebody.

Winding circles around the stadium leads to a slender figure. Everybody knows about this. After all, the incredibly fast burning speed of calories is included in the action . In a minute they take much more than any other physical exercise. Compare the effect can only be with skiing.

If you want to bring your body into the desired shape - run. This is more effective diets, pills and potions. Weight in this case will be stably the same. The use of running for the woman's body is obvious. Of course, if you, rejoicing at the result obtained, do not abandon training and do not switch to absorbing cakes and other sweets.

Long-livers love running

In the US there is a school of medicine at Stanford University. In the late 80's, they started researching those who run, and those who do not. All subjects were more than 50 years old. Every year they were observed by physicians. Finally, many years later (in 2005 experiments ended), the researchers reported that there are fewer disabled people in the group of runners than in those who are lazy and do not go to parks and stadiums. And by the end of the experiment, 85 percent of sports-minded old men were alive, and among the "lazy" there were only 66.

The regularity of running slows down the process of body wear for 10-20 years. Is it impressive? Then remember how great the benefit of running for a woman.

Laugh, right, it's not sinful.

Do you know what euphoria is? This is a positive emotion. It feels like a sudden, great feeling of delight, happiness.

Have not you recognized yourself as such a free, joyful person for a long time? Buy a fashionable tracksuit and soon to the stadium! During the run, endorphins are produced in our body. They create a good mood, gay. Pay attention: everyone who is keen on jogging, is cheerful and cheerful. And do not consider them any fools. Like, everyone today has so many problems in their lives, but they are all on the drum. No, they know their difficulties well. They just treat it differently and solve it more easily. Endorphins launch such a powerful mechanism in efficiency that any depression disappears without a trace.

Beauty + youth

You run, and at that moment a fuller flow of blood flows to the brain, which receives more oxygen and nutrients. And you ... smarter. Really! After all, the productivity of the gray matter becomes higher. This means that a person has become more capable of learning, remembering different information.

Do not forget that with age, the brain also grows old. And running slows down these processes.

How long have you had insomnia? Have tried or tasted infusions from grasses and tablets - and the dream does not go all? And does not come as a full, giving a good rest to the whole body. We must run!

Do you have problems with the skin? Do you want it to be smooth, taut, without spots and pimples? The benefit of running for a woman affects the appearance. After all, while more oxygen is pumped into the blood, the approach of nutrients to the skin is greatly increased. And it improves her general condition.

There are also disadvantages

Some skeptical lady will say: "We all know this! And what about injuries? Other troubles? "Of course, this occupation is not without pitfalls. But we will not doubt that the benefits and harm of running for women are unequal. Of course, in life in general: where "good", there also occurs "bad." The main thing is that it outweighs.

Here, for example, the pace. It should not be tense. And the speed is not such that even slams in the side. It is necessary to choose the parameters under which this activity will be pleasant. If on the contrary - reduce the intensity and volume. The body strengthens the sensible load, not overload.

Someone starts to choke. It's from unaccustomed use. Breathe should be exactly - and at the start, and in the middle, and at the finish. Proceed from your individual capabilities. But the recommended duration is not less than twenty minutes. Then there will be a run benefit for the woman.

Choose an even path, without hollows and slides. Do not tilt your head down - it will be harder to breathe, and the body will bend over. But do not throw back too far.

Do not raise your knees high. Do not shuffle with your feet. Women with a large weight of the leg is better to put on the ground so - from the heel to the foot.

In the morning or after work?

Each girl or woman decides it herself - as it is more convenient. Many prefer the early hours. Especially the "larks". Moreover, the benefits of running in the morning for women are obvious. You get a charge of vivacity, a good mood. And pride from the fact that you defeated your laziness.

However, experts insist that the benefits of running for women in the evenings are much greater.

At the beginning of the day the body is not ready to run. The transition from sleep to wake causes an increased strain on the heart, nervous system and brain vessels. And then there's the run ... Closer to the night, the body is relaxed, and all the load goes to muscle mass.

In the mornings to give a stronger load of the liver and kidneys is not worth it. There will not be an effect. And from 18 to 20 hours, cell regeneration and organ cleansing are best. Jogging at sunset is also more effective for vessels.

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