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Rotala Indian: description, content, photo

Rotala cornflower is one of the rare species of exotic plants with which you can create a harmonious underwater world or admire this beauty for a long time in a moist greenhouse.

No aquarium, even the most beautiful fish live in it, can not look attractive if there is no living vegetation in it. In the list of aquatic plants is not far from the last place is rotal Indian, a photo of this plant is in front of you. If you have a question, what you need to do to make this exotic herb successfully lived and developed in your small home "pond", the answer will be found in this article. Here are all the recommendations for growing this vegetation and caring for it.

Rotala round-leaved or Indian rota: description

Rotala round-leaved during growth has a vertical arrangement, the height of the main stems is about 25 cm. Pretty cute leaves are placed on branches in pairs. Those that are located in water, oblong form and bright green color, the leaves above the water are round. In strong light, the color on the underside becomes red. The main stem grows lateral branches, the formation of which occurs very quickly. At the same time, the stem is bare, and grown thick shoots begin to cast a shadow on the lower part of the plant. The leaves, which are in the shade, acquire a pale, unattractive appearance. Such dense thickets in the aquarium must be regularly removed, leaving young twigs. Thanks to cleaning, the bush will look pretty.

Rotala Indian has a powerful creeping rhizome. It has a large number of leaf buds, due to which there is a strong growth of branches.

Range of growth

In natural conditions, the rotallifoliae or Indian rotala can be found in all warm regions of the earth, especially in the tropics - water bodies in the south of East Asia. Sometimes the plant lives in Transcaucasia.

The distribution area of India's rotals is China, Laos, India, Vietnam, less often Nepal and parts of the Himalayas. Fans of aquariums are mainly engaged in the cultivation of cornflower rotals, which is found in India and China.

Indian Rotala: content

This long-stemmed plant can be kept in an aquarium or in a moist greenhouse. Fans of the home water world use it comparatively in rare cases. Rotala Indian is best suited to growth in a tropical type aquarium at a temperature exceeding 24 degrees. In colder water, the plant completely stops growing. The same action has on the development of rotals and water hardness: with a total hardness of more than 12 degrees, it simply dies.

The water for the aquarium in which this plant will be kept must have a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. Alkaline water is considered unsatisfactory, the plant in it is not marked by good development.

To place an aquarium with this tropical lush beauty is needed closer to the side walls of the room. With this content, the plant can develop throughout the year. Growing rotals can be successfully practiced in the Paludarium. Under favorable conditions of detention this exotic miracle is able to form above-water shoots with beautiful leaves and pleasing its color.


One of the prerequisites for caring for the Indian rot is thinning. The grass is predisposed to rapid growth, that's why the bushes need regular care. Excess stems can easily be pulled out of the water, without damaging the rest.

Old trunks, if necessary, must be replaced with new young shoots. To do this you need this way: the top of the old trunk tear off about 5-6 cm, while the trunk itself is removed completely, in its place immediately put the cooked top. A young shoot takes root quite quickly.

Vegetation does not need to be fed with any fertilizers, it is advisable only to periodically change the water. Great attention is paid to lighting and maintenance, it should be moderately bright. With insufficient amount of light, shoots are stretched, they become pale, this spoils the appearance of the water grass. In excess of the upper illumination, the leaves are covered with a touch of algae, which have a negative effect on the plant. For the aquarium in each individual case, you need to choose the right lighting. The light day should be about 12 hours.

Reproduction of rotals

Rotala Indian can normally reproduce only at a high temperature of air and water (at least 26-30 degrees). Do not forget about such an important condition of reproduction, as bright lighting and permissible high humidity. In the aquarium, the plant can be placed immediately after the greenhouse. Growth of it with such a "resettlement" a little paused, then continue at an intense pace. Rotala will form shoots already with elongated leaves, which is typical for underwater green dwellers.


Rotal Indian, growing in the aquarium, has a poorly developed root system. Representatives of this species are recommended to plant in the soil, then they will look beautiful, developing at full strength. You can leave it floating.

If reproduction of Indian rotals is carried out by the method of propagation, then in this case the stem is immediately planted in the ground, which is under water. Under such conditions of planting, shoots grow rapidly. Plants floating in water are marked by a slower development.

Draw conclusions

Why is it worth paying attention to the rotals to those who choose plants in their glass house for fish? There are some reasons for this:

Rotala cornflower or Indian is well suited for keeping in aquariums.

• The plant is not very demanding in care.

• It takes an active part in the metabolism process when kept in water.

• Rotala is a remarkable representative of the plant world when creating a home pond.

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