Education, Colleges and Universities
Rostov State Economic University (RINH): specialties, faculties, reviews
Each schoolchild after passing the examinations, obtaining a certificate and prom is thinking about what university to enter, what faculty to choose, what specialty to acquire. All these issues are very important, because the decisions will depend on the future life. Rostov State Economic University (RIHE and RGEU - applied abbreviations) annually invites applicants. The rector, speaking about the RSEU, said that the staff had done everything necessary to ensure that real experts emerged from the walls of the university. Does the university offer a quality education? What specialties and faculties are there?
Advantages of RSEU
Rostov State Economic University (RINH) belongs to the leading educational, research and cultural centers of the southern part of our country. In this university and its branches are more than 20 thousand students. Annually from the walls of the university there is a huge number of highly qualified specialists who begin to build a career in their native Rostov and the region. Some of them are sent to conquer other cities of Russia, CIS countries and foreign countries.
The University of Economics in Rostov opens wide opportunities for entrants - incoming students can choose the direction of preparation suitable for them. At the moment the university offers:
- 15 enlarged groups of training areas;
- 20 directions of bachelor's degree;
- 50 training profiles;
- 3 specialties;
- 24 directions of magistracy.
Rostov State Economic University (RINH): faculties
In the educational institution there are different faculties:
- Entrepreneurship and management. This structural unit, founded in 1949, prepares specialists thanks to the highly qualified teaching staff used in modern technology and teaching methods. Graduates of the faculty build their careers in various fields: business, politics, culture.
- Information security and computer technology. Founded this structural unit in 1951. It trains specialists in the field of mathematical modeling and information technologies - developers of information systems, IT managers, business analysts.
- Trading business. Year of foundation - 1980th. Here, the Rostov State Economic University (RIHE, RSEU) gives a solid baggage of economic knowledge and important practical skills. After graduation, graduates work at retail and wholesale enterprises, in customs authorities, leasing companies, etc.
- Finance and Economics. This faculty began functioning in 1931. Students who study here now receive the necessary economic knowledge, master modern financial and banking technologies, work with professional computer programs.
- Accounting and economic. Since 1953 there is this faculty. He produces specialists in the field of buh. Accounting, statistics, taxation, audit.
The youngest faculties in the university
Among the young faculties of the Rostov University of Economics is the legal department. It exists since 1996 and conducts training in the field of jurisprudence. During their studies, students receive deep fundamental knowledge and practical skills, because the faculty owns forensic technology, a forensic science lab, and a specialized library.
The youngest structural unit is the Faculty of Journalism and Linguistics. His story was started in 2001. Here, journalists, translators are trained. Many graduates work in large media (in urban, regional and regional magazines, newspapers, radio and television companies), advertising agencies.
Some specialties of an educational institution
Rostov State Economic University (RINH) has covered almost all areas of modern life and provides training for the necessary specialists for them. An interesting direction on the specialty is "Forensic examination". During the training the students get acquainted with the methods of investigating crimes and conducting expert examinations. Upon completion of studies, graduates are given the qualifications of a forensic expert. This profession is considered quite rare, but in demand in modern life.
Those people who can easily study a foreign language should pay attention to "Foreign Regional Studies" (profile - "East Asia"). This area of training combines several professions - both a linguist, a historian, an economist, and a geographer. During their studies at the Rostov University of Economics, students master a huge number of different disciplines. In the future, as the statistics show, graduates work as experts in the country, as referents, as Japanese, Chinese or Korean language interpreters in state bodies, educational and scientific institutions.
About the University Affiliates
Applicants who do not live in Rostov and who want to study at RSEU do not have to go to this city. You can choose any branch of the Rostov State Economic University (RINH), for example:
- In Cherkessk (has been working since 1995);
- In Yeisk (it has been functioning since 1999);
- In Georgievsk (established in 1997);
- In Gukovo (works since 1996);
- In Kislovodsk (the year of the establishment of the branch - 1997);
- In Makhachkala (has been functioning since 2002);
- In Taganrog (has been working since 1955);
- In Millerovo (appeared in the city in 1998).
Information about the college as a part of the university
Rostov State Economic University (RINH) has a college. He has been working since 2004 and prepares middle-level specialists. In 2015, it was merged with another Ssuz. As a result, a financial and economic college was formed. This can be done after the 9th, and after the 11th class on full-time or correspondence form.
The College of the Rostov State Economic University (RSEU, RINH) offers the entrants various directions of preparation. By entering here, people receive the professions of a financier, an accountant, a sales manager, a lawyer, and a banking specialist. To the graduates of the college, the employees of the educational organization offer to continue their education under the bachelor's degree programs at the full-time or on the part-time program for the accelerated program.
Rostov State Economic University (RINH): reviews
A lot of different opinions are left on the university. There are much more positive than negative ones. Among the merits, students note a wide range of training directions. Many like teachers. Some of them are presented in an interesting form with lecture material.
In negative reviews, dissatisfied students write about bribery. They note that good grades can not be obtained without money. However, such reviews are often refuted by other students, who believe that everything can be achieved without money, thanks to good preparation.
Reviews about the college
About the average special educational institution functioning in the structure of the university, many positive responses have also been left. Applicants write about the ease of admission. No exams in ssuz to take it is not necessary, because only the competition of certificates is conducted.
Students who study here are happy that they chose the college of the Rostov State Economic University (RINH). The fact is that he offers a demanded and prestigious profession. Approximately 80% of graduates find a job in their specialty. For those people who face difficulties in finding a job, the college offers vacancies that come to the educational organization from employers.
In conclusion, it should be noted that the Rostov University of Economics and the college, functioning as a part of the university, are quite well-known educational organizations. Every year a huge number of entrants come here. Some even come here from other localities.
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