Spiritual developmentChristianity

Revived to life temple of the Life-Giving Trinity in the Old Cheryomushki

In 2005, the restoration of the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Old Cheryomushki, which was there in previous years, was completed, but was the victim of one of the anti-religious campaigns so often conducted during the Soviet period. About the history of this trampled and reborn shrine we will tell in this article.

Dowry of a young bride

1720 appeared happy for the hereditary Moscow noblewoman Anna Mikhaylovna Pronchishcheva - the Lord sent her husband, and not some, but a man of solid, state counselor. As a dowry, her parents abandoned the wasteland located where the houses of the Academic District of the capital are now located, and bought by her great-grandfather Nikolai Alekseyevich in the old days.

That's where the young ones settled, having built the Troitskoe-Cheremushki estate. Why Troitskoe? In honor of the stone church of the same name, erected on its territory next to a spacious manor house. It stood right on the spot where a new temple of the Life-Giving Trinity in Old Cheryomushki was built today.

The subsequent fate of the temple and manor

Subsequently, the estate passed many times from hand to hand, but since most of the time it was owned by the family of the Moscow rich man N. P. Andreev, who bought it in 1810, it became known as Troitskoe-Andreevo.

This first temple of the Life-Giving Trinity in the Old Cheryomushki stood until 1879, but, having come to the extreme dilapidation, was completely rebuilt by the priest Father John (Zabavin). Necessary funds for the work were donated by one of the pious parishioners of the church - SN Tikhonov. The former building was completely dismantled, and a new one was erected in its place, to which a bell tower was built in neoclassical style.

Desecration of the Shrine

During the persecution of the church, which followed the Bolsheviks coming to power, the Church of the Life-giving Trinity in Old Cheryomushki fully shared the fate of most Russian shrines. Until 1935, his community still somehow resisted attacks from the organizers of numerous anti-religious campaigns, but the forces were too unequal. For a long time to go against the ruling state policy prevailing in those years, a group of believers could not, and as a result, the temple was taken from them.

The building, once built on the donations of the pious merchant Tikhonov, was distinguished for its durability, and the new masters of life, dropping crosses, domes and other symbols of their ideology, landed a defiled artel in the desecrated temple.

The death of the temple

In 1963, the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in the Old Cheryomushki was completely destroyed, as it was on a site that entered the city limits, and its construction was carried out in accordance with the master plan, approved in the highest authorities. On the basis of this document, where the temple of God stood before, they built a swimming pool, but very soon, according to the Muscovites themselves, it turned into a garbage dump.

Period of spiritual revival of the country

The possibility to return to life the trampled shrine appeared among the inhabitants of the district only with the onset of perestroika. In 1997, an initiative group was created, seeking personal support from the patriarch. His Holiness not only supported their undertaking, but also provided practical assistance, blessing the creation of a parish community. Soon after, a meeting took place, during which the composition of the parish council was approved and its chairman was elected.

The last decade of the last century was a truly blessed period. The new democratic government radically changed its attitude towards religion, which made a lot of efforts to restore the previously destroyed shrines.

The shrine, reborn from nonexistence

As early as March 1999, a place for future construction was allocated. The beginning of the work was preceded by a long period of registration of permits and the creation of an architectural project, which was approved in the spring of 2001. It was based on genuine archival materials, so the current temple of the Life-Giving Trinity in Old Cheryomushki, whose photo is given in the article, is as close to its appearance as that which was once destroyed by the decree of the God-struggling authorities.

Hundreds of people took part in the reconstruction work, both professionals and their volunteers. Their work was crowned with a worthy award - in 2005 on the map of Orthodox Moscow to its former shrines one more was added - the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Old Cheryomushki, address: st. Shvernik, 17, Kor. 1, p. 1.

Over the past decade, the temple has firmly occupied one of the leading places among the spiritual centers of the capital. The organization of his religious life is led by Archpriest Father Nikolay (Karasyov), appointed back in 1999, one of those people whose works the Life-giving Trinity Church in Old Cheryomushki revived from its non-existence.

The schedule of the services held in it: on weekdays they begin at 8:00 and continue at 17:00. On Sundays and holidays, the early luncheon starts at 7:00, late at 10:00, and evening services at 5:00.

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