Spiritual developmentAstrology

Regulus is ... Regulus in astrology

About an hour after sunset , the brightest star in the night sky appears - Regul. This is a star of the first magnitude, one of the key in our Galaxy. It is located in the constellation of Leo. If you look at the celestial map, you can see that it is located exactly in the center of the constellation, so it is also called the "heart of the Lion".

The meaning of the word "regul"

This word in Latin means "king's son" or "prince". In Arabic, the name of this star is pronounced "Kalb Al-Assad", this expression is translated as "the heart of a lion". In Latin, sometimes you can find the translation of this Arabic name - Cor Leonis. It is assumed that the name of this star gave rise to the word "regulate". What is the rule - a controversial issue, the ancient astrologers believed that these are the stars, the sunrise and sunset of which happens on the same days.

Star Regulus - description

In fact, Regulus can not be called a separate star, it is a system consisting of 4 celestial bodies, 2 of which are basic. The weight of Regulus is 3.5 times that of the Sun, and the diameter is almost 4 times larger. It is the brightest in the constellation, therefore it is called the Alpha of Leo. Regulus is a fixed star, its location directly on the ecliptic means that it rises and sets in almost all latitudes (except for the polar regions) always on the same days. It is easiest to observe it in the spring, when there are not so many bright stars in the sky at night, as in the summer. Scientists believe that the star Regulus is ancient, its age is more than 900 million years.

Regulus Star in History

Since ancient times, the star has been of great importance in astrology. Regulus is a royal star, one of the four major celestial stars. Its other name is the Guardian of the North, one of the Guardians of the Sky. The astrological legend claims that the name "Guardians of Heaven" was given by ancient Arab astrologers to four bright stars that were immovable. Aldebaran was considered the Guardian of the East, Antares was the Guardian of the West, Fomalhaut was the Guardian of the South. These stars were located near the points of equinoxes and solstices, one might say, designated them in the sky. Regulus marked the point of the summer solstice.

Regulus Star in Astrology

Ancient astrologers believed that great people were born under this star. However, Regulus has a dual effect on the horoscope. More often than not, its impact brings tremendous vitality and great success in all endeavors, but it can happen that it will bring grief.

The astrological influence of Regulus on the fate of man is similar to the influence of Jupiter, Saturn and Mars. Joining with Jupiter, Regulus helps his ward to achieve power, wealth and success, but a person's life could end either as a violent death or as a serious illness. Combined with Saturn, Regulus has a more beneficial effect on fate, since it does not herald a painful demise. Regulus in conjunction with the Sun promises power and the fulfillment of almost all desires. Modern astrologers say that Regulus helps his ward to show will, to become bold, stubborn and noble, opens up scope for the manifestation of creative abilities.

The positive influence of the star Regulus on the horoscope

Especially favorable is the presence of the star in the 10th house of the horoscope. Its influence manifests itself as success in various endeavors, influence in society, rapid career, great wealth. Successes in business, in state and military affairs, relations with respected famous people accompany those who are patronized by Regulus. The star helps to win, to become the best in all matters, if a person, using his leadership qualities, remains generous, shows nobility and does not seek to use his power and power too much. For a person who has Regulus present in the natal chart , the career of a military, politician, public figure, as well as a banker, lawyer or clergyman is especially favorable.

Negative aspects of Star's manifestation Regulus in the horoscope

Regulus often causes the desire to assert itself, without regard to others, the desire to dominate, to show oneself in a more favorable light, despite the adverse consequences. Often, the influence of the star makes his players clearly demonstrate strength, which is abundant in the character of a man with a strong Regulus in the horoscope. Such people are also characterized by a lack of attention to changes in the current situation, unwillingness to change tactics of behavior, regardless of the fact that the situation for them may end in trouble or even disaster.

Great success awaits the person who has Regulus shown in the birth chart, but sometimes this success can be achieved if he passes the test of revenge. There is such a test in that a person with Regulus in a horoscope should try to avoid revenge, otherwise he may lose the power received, position and influence in society, possible loss of wealth. To mitigate these negative manifestations of the influence of the star, you need to defeat yourself, overcoming in yourself the manifestations of arrogance, pride attacks, not consider yourself better than others.

In general, Regulus, the description of which was given above, is a lucky star that gives power, high position, considerable influence in society, brings honor, glory and success to his charges. At the same time, it requires them to have the appropriate ambitions, a global approach to the main issues, a global scale in achievements. The influence of the star gives an opportunity to achieve brilliant results for those who have chosen for themselves military service, a big policy, for big managers and leaders, professional athletes. The Regulus star gives luck to people with world-wide ideas, a broad-mindedness and an unconventional approach to solving problems.

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