
Prince Zalessky Vasily Alekseevich - biography, activities and interesting facts

Today we will talk about Prince Vasily Zalessky. What kind of person is this? Why is it of interest? Read more about this.

Was he really?

Interest in the personality of Prince Vasily Alekseevich Zalessky arose after watching the television series "The Great". The era of the Empress Catherine II is famous for passionate individuals who are part of the Empress's inner circle from the time when she was only the wife of the heir to the throne of Peter III. The artistic work, based on rich historical material, continued the traditional idea for historical projects to include in the outline of the narrative a certain collective image. This is Prince Vasily Alekseevich Zalessky, whose existence is not documented, but he could well exist in reality under a different name. The created image of a young man embodying the best features of a noble nobleman, ready to give his life to the glory of the Fatherland, was very bright and attractive. In no small part, such an interest in the personality of Prince Vasily Alekseevich Zalessky is caused by the brilliant play of actor Mark Bogatyrev who talentedly embodied this unforgettable image on the screen.

Prototypes of Basil Zalessky

Creating the image of a Russian musketeer, a beautiful daredevil, secretly in love with the Grand Duchess, the creators of the series used real facts from the life of historical personalities. For example, an episode with the arson of his house by a prince to divert the attention of Peter III from Catherine II, who at that time gave birth to an illegitimate child, did take place. However, in fact, this fire was arranged by the valet of the Empress Vasily Shkurin. Knowing the love of Peter III to the sight of the fire, he set fire to his house, so that the emperor was not present at the resolution of the burden of his wife.

Real historical personality

In the future, he was brought up for education Alexei Bobrinsky, who is illegitimate child of Catherine. The boy was brought up with the children of Shkurin up to the age of 14. He was an assistant to Catherine II in secret correspondence with Bestuzhev, when in 1759 he was suddenly arrested. If further trace the episodes associated with the name of Prince Zalessky, you can always find a connection with a specific historical person. Very often such a connection can be traced to Grigory Orlov. And if we consider the image as a whole, then Vasily Zalessky as a representative of the Guards majority, sincerely worried about the fate of his Fatherland and supporting the wife of the heir to the throne, is a real historical figure. Served Prince Vasily Zalessky under Catherine and left a significant mark in history. Through his image, the creators of the television series brought to the viewer today the feelings and actions of the guards officers who contributed to the accession of Catherine II to the throne, but remained anonymous.

The appearance of Zalessky in the environment of Catherine

The young prince Vasiliy Zalessky, whose biography became the subject of our review, begins the service of the all-powerful Chancellor Elizabeth Petrovna - Bestuzhev - and immediately becomes involved in palace intrigues, being in their center. This is the time when, at the invitation of Empress Elizabeth, the young German princess arrives in Russia as the bride of the heir to the throne. Bestuzhev is strongly against this union, believing that marriage will not benefit the state. Zalessky extracts information about the participation of the mother of Princess Fike in a conspiracy against the interests of Russia. However, Sofia-Charlotte herself has nothing to do with the plot, afterwards it was fully justified in the eyes of Bestuzhev and Elizaveta Petrovna.

Participation Zalessky in the fate of Catherine

After a serious illness Princess Fike takes Orthodoxy, having received the name of Catherine at baptism. Bestuzhev, although he ceased to suspect the German princess in hostile actions, nevertheless left in his immediate circle his favorite, Prince Vasily. When on the first wedding night the drunk Peter III began to insult his young wife, Zalessky pleads for her. Enraged heir to the throne orders to send a fugitive into exile, to Siberia. However, Bestuzhev did not give offense to his nominee, and the matter was limited to the demotion of Zalessky to the soldiers. In the future, Catherine in relations with her husband was guided in many respects by Bestuzhev's advice. The natural charm, intelligence and beauty of the wife of the heir to the throne attracted to her side a large number of people close to the royal family. All this time, Prince Zalessky, without pretending to pay special attention to the Grand Duchess, as was at that time the title of Catherine, was always there, ready to come to the rescue at any time. So, when approached to the court of the heir to the throne Grigory Orlov, being in a drunken state, began to insult Catherine the Great, Prince Vasily Zaleski summoned him to a duel.

Further milestones of the prince's biography

And now Prince Zalessky Vasily Alekseevich under Catherine. вольно и невольно оказывает решающее влияние на развитие исторических событий. He, voluntarily and involuntarily, has a decisive influence on the development of historical events. So, after Russia declared war to the Prussian emperor Friedrich, Zalessky was impatient to join the battle. Therefore, he independently launched a sortie against the Prussian officers. Such adventurism gave a positive result, as it was possible to get the documents important for Russia from the Dresden archives. The birth of Catherine the heir to the throne, which was immediately taken away by Elizaveta Petrovna, led to an increase in isolation. The Empress does not let Catherine to her son, and only thanks to the help Bestuzhev, who provided her through Zalessky, the mother was able to see the child. At this time Zalessky married, and he had a daughter, whom he named Katya.

Severe illness of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna up to the limit aggravated the question of who would become its successor. Peter III was not at all popular, and many did not want to see him on the throne after Elizabeth Petrovna's death. Bestuzhev's advice on winning the sympathies of the Guard was brought to the attention of Peter III and Elizabeth Petrovna. The order to arrest the Grand Duchess is hampered by Prince Vasily Zalessky. After the death of the Empress and the attempt to arrest Bestuzhev, the situation becomes critical. Supporters of Peter III, Shuvalov, favor Zalessky, like Orlov, the post of an adjutant-wing, trying to attract them to his side. At the same time, Orlov and Prince Vasily are establishing close ties with the closest friend of Catherine - Princess Dashkova.

Vasyl Zalessky at a turning point

With the proclamation of Peter III as the new Russian emperor, the danger of personal reprisal against Ekaterina Alekseyevna is much greater, especially since it is not a secret to anybody that she is pregnant with Grigory Orlov. The threat of Catherine's departure to the monastery is becoming more real than ever. At the same time, the innovations of Emperor Peter III, his narrow-minded, unbalanced character, the unruly lifestyle that did not change after his accession to the throne, alienated even close, devoted people from him. Catherine's desire to arrest Peter III and declare himself Empress was fully shared and supported by Prince Vasily Zalessky.


That's the way he was, Prince Zalessky Basil. When Catherine the Great served many well-known and not very people who somehow influenced the course of history, but this person turned out to be special. The heroic image, which absorbed the best features of vivid historical figures from the environment of the great Catherine II, attracts with its nobility, openness and honesty. Without distorting the historical context, Prince Vasily Alekseevich Zalessky became a kind of romantic symbol of that difficult time, which had a colossal influence on the development of the Russian Empire.

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