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Political literacy: the opposition is ...

Plunging into the bottomless world of information, people come across terms that, on the one hand, are understandable and familiar, but on the other - are profound and very versatile. Let's turn to politics. Everybody hears the word "opposition" on a regular basis. What is that? People who want to popiaritsya? Maybe serious rivals of power? What do they do, what are modern societies for? Let's delve into the topic.

Let's start with dictionaries

There is a very clear definition of the term "opposition". This is a kind of opposition or resistance. It is present not only in politics (we just hear the word more often in this sense). In a broad sense, the opposition is an idea, a thought counteracting the generally accepted (fundamental). That is, we conclude that this term is determined by what is fighting for an alternative idea, expresses a thought not accepted by the majority, and so on.

To clarify the meaning, contact your family. Mom wants to go to the sea on vacation. At the same time, it is customary not to separate in the family, but to rest together (so cheaper). Dad wants to go to the mountains. They have three children (the electorate). The direction of travel is determined by a "general vote". Here are the parents and try to "seduce" their children with their dreams. Whoever "gets more votes" will become the "ruling party", the second will remain in the opposition. In the family, as a rule, love and respect win. Therefore, the confrontation is not so obvious and long. It is completely different in society.

The struggle of parties

In a democratic society, there is a certain political system. It consists of parties fighting among themselves. Each is aimed at attracting as many supporters as possible. For this purpose, programs are developed that take into account the aspirations and hopes of voters. One or more parties whose views have been recognized by the majority of the population become ruling. The rest either abut the leader, or oppose him. They are the political opposition. These are parties (movements) that defend the opinions of those people whose views are not taken into account by the leader.

Very useful if you look at the theory. Society can not be homogeneous. There are always groups in it that profess "different ideals". That's about their political interests and cares for the opposition. This process, as a rule, is peaceful. Although from time to time there are excesses. An example at all on hearing. In Ukraine, the opposition in 2014 turned into a period of horror and chaos. A real war began there.

Opposition in Russia

The political system in a democratic society is quite complex. Ideas develop at different levels. Naturally, they unite supporters. However, there are adherents of opposing views. They constitute the opposition. The Russian Federation is most influenced by parliamentary parties, which have the opportunity to influence the policy of the state. However, the opposition in Russia is not limited to fighting the views on the Duma platform. There are parties that fail to obtain representative mandates from elections to elections. They are "non-systemic opposition". It is these parties (individuals) that are generally considered opponents and ardent enemies of power. Systemic opposition , by virtue of the circumstances, is not perceived as a force opposing the ruling party.

Do we need an opposition?

The modern world is diverse and rich. And it concerns not only material items. In the minds of people, a lot of ideas, turning into needs, desires, aspirations. At the same time, views can be either similar or diametrically opposite. When it comes to the organization of public life, the activities of the state, conflicts and disputes arise involuntarily. Everyone knows the concept of "budget". About where to send "common money", there is an endless hot "dialogue". Or foreign policy issues. Political leaders are trying to gain supporters, promoting their ideas and beliefs about how the state should act. Naturally, there can not be a single opinion in a developed society. There will always be one who is against. This is how the opposition party is created, because people feel that the state system has not forgotten about them. Let this way, but their beliefs are "heard" by the authorities, are taken into account when making decisions. That is, the opposition is needed as an alternative force, creating a balance in the society that expresses the opinion of the minority.

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