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Pictorial signs

Since ancient times people lived in communities, it was not easy for our ancestors to resist the forces of nature, helpless and weak, people had to be afraid of everything-winds, thunder and lightning, and wild beasts. The man considered the forces of nature to be living beings, sometimes he tried to appease them, worshiped them, trying to propitiate, and at times tried to deceive them with different tricks. He did this through drawings and images. One of the types of protection is the coloring of the body with intricate patterns, the most complex tattoo.

Primitive tattoo was not only an ornament, but also a defense against danger. At the same time, tattoo signs told a lot about their owner: each of them had its own name and meaning. One pointed out the age, another - what kind of tribe, the third kind of a medal told about exploits and victories. The meaning was the color and size of the signs, their combinations. Tattoos on the body survived the century. In ancient China, the craft of tattoos flourished, especially popular among the "lowborn", often among criminals. In general, in ancient China, in the Celestial Empire, the laws of belonging to a noble or a low genus were very significant, without, however, preventing the people from being very law-abiding and patriotic.

Modern lovers of extreme sports are not averse to decorating themselves with all sorts of images, often very elegant and well-traced. But, whatever you say, eventually the skin changes and the lucky owner of coquettish tattoos for years to 60 some of them, made for good, can undergo significant changes.

Speaking about the development of patrimonial signs, signs of belonging to a certain genus, a certificate of origin, then, with the development of society and the emergence of private property, these drawings have become coats of arms - personal and family signs, to this day retaining their significance. Coats of arms have cities, countries, moreover - the emblem is in the oldest higher educational institutions.

Now, many signifi- cant organizations have signposts that distinguish commercial firms and industrial enterprises, cosmetic factories and restaurants and are called "trademark", "brand name" or "logo".

Thanks to the outgoing character of a person from the depths of the century, it is easy to perceive information transmitted through images, modern advertising workers are inventing new methods of delivering this information to the mass consumer. The larger the image, the more concise the text and the graphic drawing - the more intelligible large-format printing reveals the topic. The transmission of information through signs is the oldest and most reliable way of establishing the identity and authenticity of personal belongings, instruments, documents.

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