Technologies, Cell Phones
Phone with large buttons. Mobile phone with big buttons for seniors
In our age of speed and technological achievements, despite the fact that life has become much more comfortable, older people have incredibly difficult. With certain certainty it can be argued that mobile communication as such for single old people or people with disabilities is a kind of salvation. The inevitable process of aging manifests itself in various forms of its manifestation. Most often, people of advanced age are experiencing visual acuity and dull hearing. It is in such cases that the most convenient to use is a phone with large buttons. It is about these gadgets that will be discussed within the framework of this article, as well as many other things that one way or another need to provide in the process of choosing and buying a cellular device for a pensioner.
The usual thing
Many of us have heard from the lips of our elderly parents that the phone we donated is not entirely convenient: small keys, a bright or dim screen, incomprehensible and extremely confusing navigation. In general, the operational moment in this case is far from the value "comfortable". That is why our old people can not always reach us, or an urgent call is delayed in terms of their implementation through the fault of the above-mentioned reasons of a technical nature. Meanwhile, a cell phone with large buttons, a monochrome screen and a simple menu can bring to naught all the inconveniences and difficulties. Let's look at some "sparing age" mobile devices, and also determine the preferences of this or that choice.
So, a new "babushkofon", convenient in all respects ...
Perhaps you will ask: "Why not the old one?" It's hard not to agree, as before they really produced a lot of modifications, the design feature of which were just big buttons, a monochrome screen and a simple menu. Moreover, even today one can meet, so to speak, in the course of such retro-aggregates as Nokia 3310 or Siemens A55. However, it is hardly possible to find a new (fully functioning) battery for long-removed "super-reliable" mobile devices. To the owner of "short-term availability in the network", to put it mildly, you will not envy. And what kind of comfort to speak, when the nest of charging is constantly broken or the memory can not withstand the intensity of use! As you know, it's easier to buy a new device than to doom the pensioner to suffer with old electronics. Exceptionally, therefore, we will dwell on the modern solution of the "mobile problem" of the elderly.
Optimal size
Often a large mobile phone with buttons is the most suitable communication device for a pensioner. And there is an explanation for this:
- In the case when a person does not remember where he put it, it's much easier to discover a large thing than a miniature "thing" that compactly settled in the upholstery gap of the sofa.
- A phone of moderate size is more comfortable to hold in your hand. At the same time, the tactile sensations of pressing the naturally responsive keys are preferable for a person at the age of the process of aiming at the microelements of the control panel.
- With age, retirees lose coordination of movements. A large mobile phone with buttons solves this problem.
Color or monochrome?
Not always a black and white version is an obligatory argument in favor of an expedient choice for a pensioner. Often, the correctly chosen color scheme is much more pleasing to the eye than the two-color "grayness". However, everything depends on the preferences of the future owner. After all, to look at the MMS-picture sent on a bright and colorful screen, and even in high resolution, is undoubtedly better than considering the dull shades of a monochrome image. Of course, the simplicity of the device implies some functional limitations. Therefore, often for the sake of practicality, the phone with large buttons is equipped with a small black and white screen, the brightness and contrast of which is easily adjustable.
This is the most common variant of "visualization" in cellular devices of this type. It is worth noting that the color realism of the picture requires a significant amount of energy, which does not always correspond to the general purpose of the appointment of devices such as "babushkofony." Undoubtedly, low-functional cellular devices, equipped with a black and white display, can stay in the active state for a long time. The waiting mode under this condition can generally be calculated in a week's time. Therefore, you should still adhere to the golden mean. And if the preferences are given to the color image, then the manufacturability of the display should correspond to the value of "energy efficient", and the battery should be maximally strengthened.
High functionality
A touchscreen phone with large buttons on the screen (virtual keyboard) is most preferable for the elderly whose needs can not be satisfied with the standard of reduced simplicity. To date, the mobile products market is represented by a fairly large range of such "babushkofonov", the functionality of which allows:
- Photograph and produce video.
- Listen to musical compositions.
- Log on to the Internet.
- Make video calls (Skype).
- Watch TV broadcasts with the built-in TV receiver.
This "grandmother" phone with large buttons will be appreciated by your elderly parents. After all, everything else can be controlled by means of voice commands, is able to read messages and always prompts you to connect it to the charger. So, as you can see, no one forgets about "advanced" pensioners!
A universal standard with no frills
It is worth noting that the above described version of "babushkofona" though has a high capacity battery, it will discharge much faster than the device "grounded" for a specific purpose - maximum simplicity and comfort in use. Therefore for the majority of pensioners it will be quite enough if:
- A phone with large buttons, the photo of which you see from above, will have a large marking of the keys.
- The display will show a large font.
- The call signal is loud enough.
- The sound from the auditory speaker (speaker) is of high quality, without extraneous noise.
- In the modification there is a button "SOS".
- As an additional functional - a flashlight.
- The installed battery has an increased capacity.
Branded "grandmothers"
A cell phone with large buttons - it is such a device that can be considered convenient and at the same time simple to operate. In addition, "tactile mechanics" is more reliable and less energy-intensive than sensor technology. Therefore, in the process of choosing a mobile means of communication for your elderly parents, grandparents or grandmothers, stop on these options: more stable and time-tested. Today, not so many manufacturers of cellular devices, which specifically specialize in the production of "babushkofonov." However, their products have a number of differences. However, you can easily determine the choice. After all, you know the preferences of your relatives.
Russian teXet
A phone with large buttons, the price of which can vary from 1000 to 3000 rubles. Today, virtually every pensioner can afford it. Ergonomic design and practical housing are combined with operational simplicity and are supplemented by affordable cost. Advertising should be first and foremost truthful, and the Russian company proves the truth of this statement in each of its products. Today, for the elderly, the company produces a sufficient number of modifications, among which we can distinguish the phone teXet TM-B111.
- Monochrome TFT display with a resolution of 128x64 pixels.
- Loud speaker and powerful vibrator.
- The emergency call key for five numbers.
- Built-in flashlight.
The phone with large buttons teXet is incredibly practical. The keys are easy to press. Due to the reasonableness of the arrangement, the shape and composition of the material from which the buttons are made, the fingers do not slip. The menu is elementary in understanding, and its optimally selected functional allows to solve with special ease the necessary tasks. The large text does not complicate the process of reading SMS, and soft lighting does not irritate the eye. Voice support will incredibly ease the poorly seeing retirement process of dialing. The "SOS" button located on the back of the device allows the user to enter the emergency call menu and instantly make a call or send SMS to the desired number. Nothing superfluous, only the most necessary for a stable and reliable connection.
Finnish NOKIA
Cheap phones with large buttons are not a definition of a substandard product. Since the line of budget cellular devices from the world-famous brand Nokia - in particular 1100, 1101, 1200, 1208, 1280 - is, first of all, durability in use and an ascetic minimum of functionality. Devices are easy to maintain, and the time (duration) of their battery life deserves all praise. Intelligently understandable menu does not cause any difficulties in the process of work, the user unerringly finds the necessary option in the phone's functionality. Any of the above cellular devices will become an indispensable means of communication for a pensioner. Low price, paradoxically, corresponds to high quality - this is the Nokia phone!
With big buttons from China
Despite the fact that the Celestial Empire is often associated with substandard stamping, it still makes sense to turn your eyes to some mobile devices of Asian origin. Of course, do not forget that the cell phone for a pensioner should be reliable. Therefore, before you buy one or another modification, you must devote some time to studying the subject of your curiosity. User reviews, left comments on thematic forums will help you make the right choice. Do not forget that when buying a mobile device in a special electronics salons, you knowingly ahead of time protect yourself from purchasing a substandard product.
Phillips phone
With large buttons of the apparatus of the specified company abound. Nevertheless, the best option is the Philips Xenium X2301. At a relatively low cost, this communication device is ideal for the elderly. If you purchase this smartphone, namely X2301 and is, then the owner is waiting for a lot of nice additions. The device is equipped with a docking station, which means that the charging process is simplified, since you no longer need to connect the memory separately and "aim" in a dedicated socket of the device. Simply insert the phone into the dock connector and the charging process is automatically activated. In this modification, there is a camera, but the resolution of 0.3 MP is somewhat distressing, but the optic button for switching on the video detector in a strange way will again pleasantly impress you. In general, matte plastic black has a lot of mysteries. However, only some of them are somewhat alarming, otherwise the brand, as always, is on top.
- Support for two SIM cards.
- Color display.
- The possibility of increasing the amount of memory (slot for microCD).
- FM radio (works even when there is no headset).
- Powerful enough flashlight.
- The emergency call key.
- Additional locking element.
Unconventional form factor for babushkofonov
Perhaps a clamshell phone with large buttons will be a more original gift for your grandmother than a standard candy bar. Already familiar to you, Alcatel has released this year an upgraded version of teXet TM-B416. The external panel (closed state of the device) is equipped with active light indicators: an incoming message, a call, a charging indicator and the current status of the alarm clock mode. Another innovation is the built-in 1.3 MP camera, which is also located on the front of the case. Now the device supports two SIM cards. FM radio is provided for listening to radio stations. Communication possibilities are expanded by activating the Bluetooth-module. This model is available in two colors: black and dark red. It is not superfluous to mention the next "brainchild" of the British company Fly, which this year came in second place in sales of smartphones in Russia. This is a phone with large buttons Fly Ezzy Trendy, also a clamshell due to its design features. The front part of the case is equipped with a front display and a camera with a resolution of 1.2 MP. The main one, however, like the additional screen, is made using TFT technology. The color reproduction is quite high-quality and even in the bright light of the graph it is clearly discernible. Large font, "SOS" key, flashlight, support for two SIM cards are also present in the presented model, as in the above described device. It is worth noting that the cost of the "British" is almost identical to the price of the Russian teXet TM-B416. Therefore, you decide which modification to give your preference.
Before you give your family a comfortable and reliable phone, probably it would be wiser to go to a specialized store beforehand together with your favorite "retirees" and gently try out a few "babushkofonov." After all, a recklessly made choice may not at all correspond to the expected results. As a result, the color display may well become an irritant for the diseased eyes, and the sound you saw as loud enough is a "mosquito squeak" for granny or grandfather. However, if you are sure that your gift will meet the proper result - please the old people!
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