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Opening camp camp - script

It is very important to make a script for the opening of the camp change - interesting, original and fascinating. In the preparation of the holiday, the counselors and the children themselves can take part.

Opening of the camp shift. Scenario solemn part

Summer rest for children is extremely important both for physical health, and for mental, moral. Usually the opening of the camp shift is not on the day of arrival, but a little later. The beginning of the holiday is marked by a common line, similar to how it happened in the days of the pioneer organization. You can create special camp attributes, for example a flag, details of the form: original headgear, collars, t-shirts with unique prints. After the greeting, the chief of the camp, the children's and the commanders' staff, it is appropriate to hold a solemn lifting of the banner. On this note, the solemn opening of the camp shift ends.

Scenario game part of the holiday - the appearance of Babka Yozhka and Leszhey

After the flag is raised, a merry performance begins called "Salvation of the Summer". The senior counselor takes the floor and ends the monologue with the phrase: "Unfortunately, the Internet is not quite a joyful weather forecast. The rain, the wind, the cold ... As if someone stole and hid it in the summer ... And who arranged this fight there? "He looks around, points to the side with his hand, and everyone observes a funny scene: cute Grandmother Yozhka, with a tart, tries to rub the limping Leshoy, who fights off From her crutch. The counselor grabs them by the collar and drags them to the central "penny". He says: "No, it's outrageous! Are you trying to spoil the opening of the camp shift? "

Scenario of the performance of evil forces

Babka Yozhka: "We do not spoil you! I've even prepared a song for the holiday, I wanted to do it - and this one ... (she points at Lesya) prevents me from wanting! He says that I sing as if a cat had been pinched by a tail! "- and she again tries to catch up with Leshy and hit him. He reaches a large box with a lid, opens it and hides in it. A Babka Yozhka claps her hands, corrects her hair (she starts "scraps of hair" protruding from under the bandana), twists the dress and begins to sing to the phonogram "Chastushka Babok Yozhok."


"Oh, play, soundtrack,

Eh, sound-nayarivay!

Sing chastushki, prima donna,

Sing - do not talk!

1. I do not fly on a broom -

This is not for me!

Games on the Internet

The grandmother in mind!


2. I lost my temper,

It was good to be friends ...

Leshoy sent -

In real life everything got tired!


3. Only Leshy the Simpleton

I got hooked ...

Summer offered to steal -

Here such here to attack!


4. Only Yozhka the clever woman

Did not go to the street -

Everything was sitting behind the game,

He did not take me with him!


5. You need to find summer!

Leshoy the same search!

I'm also a man!

Pah-pah, devilry! "

Leshy opens the lid of the box and continues to sing to the phonogram:


"You're lying, Bab Yozhka, you're shameless,

Brezhesh, do not get off!

I'll pull out those redheads -

Itself it is rummaged!

You did not play anything,

Summer itself was stolen!

On me to fall down all you want!

Grandma Yozhka, oh, crap! "

Leshy gets out of the box and tries to catch up with Babka Hedgehog, they run away. On the way, someone drops a bundle. The counselor picks it up, untie it. There is a great letter from Koshchei the Immortal. The envelope is painted with skulls and bones, lightnings and other "horrifying" attributes. The letter says that the next note is in the place where "the energy charge gets the children detachment." Everyone runs to the dining room and somewhere near the doors under the stone find a second note in which in the same veiled form it is reported where one can find the next clue.

Opening of the camp shift. Salvation of summer

After finding the last note, finally, in one of the houses the guys find Summer herself - in a tattered patched sports suit, in bruises and abrasions. The counselor asks: "What happened to you, Summer?"

- I'm tortured ... Stripped ...

Without fun I'm sad!

I want to sing songs and dances ...


- Guys! Let's save Leto - cheer him up, show him our concert!

The concert begins, Leto rejoices, claps her hands, after some numbers takes off a tattered Olympics - beneath it a smart bright shirt. Then he takes off his trousers in patches - under them bright breeches. Erases the painted bruises and sings to the guys. By the way, such a scenario can also be used to open a camp shift in the school. If desired, it is appropriate to introduce other actors, such as Kikimoru and Koshchei Bessmertny, the cat of Bajun and Rusalka, into a performance, and build a performance on Pushkin's remade poems. The main thing is for the children to have fun, it is interesting that this day will be remembered for a long time.

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