Self improvementPsychology

Melancholic is a thinker of our time

Melancholic, sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic are types of human temperament. This term should be understood as a stable combination of the characteristics of the individual, which are related to the dynamic but not substantial aspects of his activities. The division of temperament into 4 groups is due to the peculiarity and intensity of the course of nervous processes and human metabolism. Sometimes this includes the type of build.

What is temperament?

In psychological practice, it is commonly believed that an individual always has a mixed temperament, that is, he can not be only a sanguine or melancholic. The features of all types of temperaments are inherent in every person, but in different proportions. At the same time, some scientists have advanced the theory that a person can have only one type of temperament (in connection with the type of higher nervous system). Thus, the traits of other types of temperament are individual features of the psyche of each person, but not a manifestation of a certain type.

In today's article, we want to focus on only one type of temperament - such as melancholic. This is due to the vastness of the topic.

Melancholic - who is this?

People of this category are of an intuitive-logical type. They have a weak, unstable type of nervous system. Melancholics are the instability of emotions, the presence of unreasonable fears and anxieties, inconstancy and mild excitability. In addition, people with this type of temperament have high fatigue and indecisiveness. Feelings of melancholia are unbalanced, reaction is slow, from the side they seem inexpressive, without active accompaniment by facial expressions. But despite the seeming slowness, the nervous system of such an individual is very sensitive to irritants. External influences greatly affect the mood of the melancholic. Just a few minutes of communication can completely spoil or, conversely, raise his mood. This property is characteristic only of a given type of temperament. As you can see, not such already closed and it turns out a melancholic. What is this in relation to others? This is a stormy reaction to the words of the interlocutor, but without an external manifestation of emotion.

Melancholics can be externally distinguished by its mobility. This type of person flexibly changes under the influence of the situation, environment or behavior of the interlocutor. A melancholic is a person who is drawn to a movement. The constitution of such a person as a whole is dry and changeable. By the level of leanness and weight loss, melanchol is second only to the choleric.


Melancholic - who is this by profession? The mental abilities of a person with this type of temperament are as good as unstable. He can easily understand the material, but it's just as easy to forget it. Such people need to occupy themselves in the intellectual sphere of activity. Here he will feel most confident. Recommended areas of activity include:

  • programming;
  • Data-mining;
  • Planning and construction;
  • Analyst.

At the same time, melancholics need to avoid emotional stress and do not overload themselves with contacts with other people.

External signs

A melancholic is a person with a high metabolic rate. Therefore, he seldom when gaining weight. But at the same time, the metabolism is unbalanced, which can lead to severe fatigue.

The person of melancholia can be characterized by such signs:

  • The facial features are refined. The exterior is a little fragile. Sufficiently thin.
  • Body parts are elongated. The limbs are markedly elongated (in comparison to the general proportions of the body).
  • Muscles slightly expressed, thin. Bones protruding, flat.
  • Thorax is concave or flat. Rib angle - sharp. The back is flat and narrow.
  • Narrow waist, at the same time the pelvis and shoulders - wide.
  • The forehead is tall and square. The skull narrows downward. The volume of the upper part of the head is greater than the bottom.
  • There are protrusions on the back of the head. The form is strongly cut to the neck. The dark area is usually pointed.
  • The chin protrudes forward. The lower jaw is weak, with a noticeable narrowing downward.
  • Cheeks are well defined, often pointed.
  • The nose is pronounced, it protrudes forward, has a sharp point.
  • The neck is thin or medium in thickness, long. Adam's apple is well expressed.

Importance of temperament

The definition of temperament is important when building relationships in both professional and personal spheres. In many respects the success of a business or relations depends on an understanding of the fundamental features of the human psyche. It is especially important to understand the type of temperament of a child, because the difference or incompatibility of his type with parents can cause additional problems.

Thus, a melancholic child is very difficult to understand the imbalance and sharpness of a choleric father. This greatly complicates the communication of the child with the parent. At the same time, a child with such temperament adapts well to the structuring of time and activity in a school or kindergarten, but it is difficult for him to fight for a place in a group of one-year-olds.

The parent of such a child should understand that some slowness and vulnerability is a natural feature of the perception of the world, and actively insisting on your position or trying to change a child can lead to problems in the future. Remember, melancholic is a person who misses everything through the prism of inner emotions!

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