
Master class: how to make wolverines claws with your own hands

If Halloween is approaching, and you decided to appear on the holiday in the image of Wolverine from the acclaimed movie "People X", then one of the main attributes of your costume, no doubt, should be long claws. If you can not find them in stores, then it is possible to build them at home. About how to make wolveres claws own hands, we will tell in our article. Even if you have never been addicted to handicrafts, do not worry, since it is not difficult to build this attribute.

How to make wolverine claws out of paper

This method, of course, is the simplest. For this craft, you need only a few sheets of the most ordinary A4 paper and scissors. Instead of plain paper, you can use colored cardboard. This option is even better, since the claws will only get stronger from this. Paper prepare at the rate of one sheet per claw.

Manufacturing process

Using scissors we make a square from a horizontal sheet. We place the paper on a firm, level surface. The upper right corner of the sheet should be bent to the left side (it is necessary that a small strip of paper remains under the folding place). The upper left corner of the already bent leaf is bent to the lower left corner. After doing this, you should have a triangle that you want to align with the left side of the workpiece. Now we need to turn the figure into a square, bending the right side of the sheet, the top of which is located on the bend of the triangle, to the left part. This operation should result in a vertical fold.

The resulting square is added diagonally and we obtain a triangle. After that, we place the workpiece on the table and mark with a pencil from the top to the bottom a bend line perpendicular to the base of the triangle. Then bend the edges of the triangle to this line, resulting in a diamond.

In order for your article to take the form of Wolverine claws, you need to repeat all of the above actions two more times. Try to treat the process with all care and accuracy, so that the result of your work does not become a disappointment. All folds must be carried out clearly, so that your workpiece is strong.

The final stage of making the claw is to fix the resulting figure. To do this, wrap the remaining paper edges in the hole in the back of the structure. The resulting small pocket will serve to put the claw on the finger.

So, your main attribute for the fancy dress is ready! Now you know how to make wolverine claws out of paper. Despite the fact that in words the process of creating this crafts looks quite difficult, in fact, everything is completely different. After spending a few sheets of paper and a little time, you will be able to achieve an excellent result.

How to make wolverines claws: other ways

Of course, paper and cardboard are not the only materials from which you can build this attribute. If you, for example, have the skills of woodcarving, then you can perfectly build claws from wood. A more complicated way is to make a similar craft from metal.

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