Spiritual development, Astrology
Love horoscope: Taurus in a relationship. Taurus man in bed
At the moment of birth, each person receives a variety of all kinds of attitudes, later shaping his character, then how he will behave in life and respond to different situations. Of course, the same people do not exist, and we are all different from each other, even those who were born under the same stars. And yet these stars influence us to a great extent. In this article we will talk in detail about men born under the constellation of Taurus, or rather about what they are in a romantic relationship. With whom this sign of the zodiac is compatible, what he is married and how a Taurus man behaves in bed, and also about many other things - read further.
general characteristics
Comparing the male Taurus with other signs, you can see that the representative of this sign of the zodiac, like no other, is able to understand women. Moreover, unlike other men, Taurus has developed intuition and knows how to use it, which gives him significant advantages over them. He is able to guess the desires, to enchant and enthrall, from him hears warmth, tenderness and peace, in particular it concerns the Taurus, born in the year of the Goat.
In most cases, Taurus is a romantic, owner of a fine nature, which is often so attractive to the fair sex. At the same time, it is a reliable person, which you can always rely on in a difficult moment. Especially attractive is the Taurus Dragon. A woman next to Taurus will certainly experience a sense of stability, both material and emotional.
Taurus is stability and reliability
Women who want a calm and stable relationship or the same family life, as a partner is perfect man-Taurus. He is kind and tactful and will not once again quibble or make a scandal because of some trifles. A Taurus man in bed is very affectionate and passionate, and in general he is a loyal and devoted partner, and treason is quite a rare phenomenon on his part, as he will rather be guided by reason than will go on about emotions.
Taurus knows a lot about money, that is, he knows how to make money, and the incentive for him is the desire to provide his family with all the essentials. Close Taurus is unlikely to swim in luxury, however, being next to it, it is possible to count on a tastefully furnished and comfortable apartment. Particularly motivated may be the Taurus-Dragon, because a man born under these stars is extremely rational and diplomatic.
In love and relationships
The Taurus man tends to dream of perfect love, and he sincerely believes in her existence. And in the search for such love, he can be very persistent. And although the men born under the sign of Taurus, can hardly be called frivolous donzhuans, they try to regularly check their ability to influence women. Easy flirting, flirting - they resort to similar tricks just to keep themselves in shape, and also once again to be convinced of own forces.
Taurus in a relationship can be very sensitive and sentimental. Representatives of this sign are very choosy in choosing a partner, they are unlikely to be able to love at first sight and tend to look long and get used to the woman they liked. A Taurus, born in the year of the Tiger, and does take maximum precautions when it comes to new acquaintances. But truly falling in love, he will fight with all his strength for his happiness.
Taurus man in bed
In the life of a male Taurus, sexual intimacy is far from the last, which, on the one hand, is his considerable erotic needs, on the other - in his belief that sex is an integral part of human happiness, and also one of the most precious gifts of nature . In this context, Taurus's love horoscope suggests that a woman who underestimates the importance of sexuality is not on the way with the man of this zodiacal sign.
To refuse Taurus in sexual intimacy is to reject it, to instill in it a sense of uselessness. In this case, he can even suspect his partner. Of course, do not take this statement as the only and immutable truth, but such is Taurus - in bed, he wants to give himself completely to his partner and wants her to reciprocate with him. Especially sensitive and passionate lover may be Taurus-Monkey or Rabbit.
Conservative and extremely stubborn
Taurus is a rather conservative zodiac sign. In this regard, he is deeply convinced that the head of the family should be the man. There is no equality of rights - everyone has his duties and must clearly adhere to them. He is unlikely to allow a woman to interfere in his purely masculine affairs, especially criticizing him or doubting the correctness of his decisions. All the pros and cons have long been weighed, so there is nothing to talk about here. Even if Taurus is wrong, do not just tell him about it, it's better to try to subtlely hint and point out the mistakes he made, leaving him the right to decide the issues himself.
Taurus is very stubborn, therefore, in cases when he is under strong pressure, he will still act in his own way and even do the opposite, contrary to what he is advised. And still everything can look as if he deliberately does not notice the obvious things, such is the nature of this zodiac. Taurus requires respect for themselves, so in order to find a common language with him, diplomacy is needed.
He needs support
A man born under the sign of Taurus, badly needs support from his companion life. If this support is not available, he may think that his lover for some reason is unhappy with him, which in the end will make him suspicious. Waiting for criticism in his address, the Taurus guy gets worried and prepares to repel the likely attack, he will relax only if he is sure that he is appreciated and respected.
The seemingly excessive suspicion and caution of Taurus in fact serve as a protective mechanism that shields his delicate inner world from external encroachments. However, when he meets a woman with whom he can feel safe, Taurus will sooner or later open up and share with her the most intimate thoughts and desires.
Taurus in family life
Joint life with Taurus may seem somewhat monotonous, but this is one of the most domestic zodiacal signs. It is very important for him to be able to return home, to a quiet and cozy place created by him, where he is tastily fed, after which Taurus will want to read the newspaper or watch a fresh news release on TV. And so almost every day. Taurus prefers accuracy and rationality, this person is not able to suddenly break from the spot and go to an unknown direction. Born in the Year of the Dog Taurus throughout his life seeks to create a full-fledged family, and it is quite possible.
Do not take the male Taurus as an exceptionally boring and monotonous personality, he is by no means alien to impulsiveness and spontaneity. For example, a Taurus boy born in the year of the Rooster will be a skilful master in his home, yet it is difficult for him to be constantly in four walls.
Who is it compatible with?
If we summarize all the traits inherent, in the opinion of astrologers, to the male Taurus, then we can draw some general conclusions about their compatibility with these or other types of women. So, this is what tells us the horoscope: Taurus is wonderful for those of the fair sex who would prefer a calm and measured life. This woman should be economical or at least not inclined to throw money away. A Taurus man will perfectly suit those ladies who know how to remain faithful, while they want a partner to appreciate their beauty and admire them.
It is perfect for girls who have an important place in their lives, because a Taurus man in bed is indefatigable. He is jealous, but rarely makes rash acts, likes to eat deliciously and prefers spending more time next to his beloved. And he is very fond of nature and one day he can quit everything and move to live in the village.
With whom Taurus will find it difficult to find a common language
A Taurus man can make up a beautiful party to his chosen one, but, despite his relatively calm nature, not every woman can survive this guy. For example, the one who is most afraid of monotony and monotony, and also does not see herself as an ideal housewife.
A woman who is very important to maintain her own independence will find it difficult to find a common language with Taurus, because he is inclined to constantly monitor each step of his chosen one, control it, and sometimes even give advice on how to behave. This man is quite stubborn, and often there is no point in arguing with him - he will still do it his own way. And Taurus the Monkey can be quite vindictive at all, so do not be angry.
Than to interest Taurus
How to behave with Taurus, to interest and attract his attention? What else can tell us his love horoscope? Calmness and poise are the qualities that Taurus values in representatives of the opposite sex. Humor, unpredictability and hysteria are by no means his element. Nevertheless, Taurus needs a woman who can stir it and encourage it to act. However, he is quite perceptive, so from the first minutes of acquaintance, he can independently determine whether he is suitable for this woman or not. Sometimes he is not against non-committal adventures, but the Taurus tends to strive for a full-fledged relationship, so he almost always evaluates a potential partner from this point of view.
First of all, the male Taurus values sincerity and rationality in women. Do not play with him - he is quite capable of recognizing cunning and deception. He needs a woman strong and at the same time delicate and romantic, and most importantly - natural. It would be wrong to call Taurus greedy, but he would never tolerate people who are trying to use it. It is not so easy to tame, but if it does, the Taurus in love will hardly want to let go of his beloved.
A small conclusion
A man born under the sign of Taurus is naturally endowed with power and an independent character, which does not prevent him from being kind. Attentive and gentle. He will never waste his resources, be it money or his own vital energy. But if he has to fight for his happiness, then he will make every effort to achieve the desired result. To be close to such - it means to be behind a stone wall, at least so considers a horoscope. Taurus is loving, faithful and rational, which makes him almost an ideal spouse. And nothing that he is a bit stubborn, because with proper treatment, this quality can play a positive role in his life.
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