EducationColleges and Universities

Is the intern a student or a doctor? What is the responsibility of the intern and what rights does he have?

In medicine, there is such a thing as intern. This word has become familiar to many of us after the release of the eponymous Russian cult series about doctors. However, it is one thing to know the approximate meaning of this word, and quite another to understand the concept thoroughly. This is worth doing.


So, before you disassemble the meaning of the word "intern", you need to move away from the topic. True, not very far. To begin with follows such definition, as internship. This word indicates the primary and necessarily postgraduate specialization of young specialists who hardly graduated from medical university. It usually takes place in one of the professions. Therapy, venereology, surgery, traumatology - a graduate can choose any direction. And this specialization is carried out after the student obligatory passes the state examinations. Then he goes to a medical-preventive institution (for example, to a city hospital). It is necessary to know that internship is an obligatory stage, which every prospective medical professional must pass on the way to obtaining full medical education and qualification. And when the student finishes it, he gets a special certificate and a corresponding diploma. All this is official documents confirming the fact that this person is a specialist doctor and he really graduated from an internship.

Rules of internship

So, intern - this, in fact, is no longer a student, but not yet a doctor. In any case, it is usually considered in a professional environment. Only after one year of training in an internship they can be called full-fledged doctors.

The intern is a person with a higher medical education, and can be taken without experience. He is also registered as an official employee. Another intern necessarily obliges either to the head of the department (where he was received) or to the person replacing the chief doctor. A lot of demands are made to the young doctor. He must know the laws of the Russian Federation and all the acts that regulate the activities carried out by medical institutions. The intern is a doctor, albeit young, because he must know all the ways and rules of first aid.

He also performs all the functions of the attending physician, but necessarily under the guidance of a highly qualified specialist. For its actions is responsible for all parameters. Before assigning a course of therapy, you must show the patient's card with your notes and prescribed treatment to your supervisor. About his actions, he must report.

Duties of a young doctor

So, what are interns - it is understandable, and what they should observe the rules, too. Now about their capabilities. An intern doctor has the right to diagnose and conduct a test for his patient. Treatment and procedures can also prescribe, but, as already mentioned above, only after checking everything written by the leader.

He also has to check his patient every day and examine him. The full right is to offer management what can improve the medical-diagnostic process. To use the literature and any other data, to participate in meetings, conferences, to have a rest in the allotted time - all this the young doctor can also do. In general, it can be concluded that his work proceeds as a highly qualified doctor, only during the year - as a training.

About payment

And finally a few words about what financial support can be expected "not yet doctors, but no longer students." They receive a salary, but, of course, its amount is much less than that of doctors-specialists. But this is understandable: in fact, young people are just learning. But after 6 months the intern gets the right to go on an annual paid vacation. It is financed by the employer (that is, a hospital or clinic). And even after the successful completion of the internship, you can stay in the same place - with the accumulated experience, experience and trust of management.

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