Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

Interpretation of dreams. Why do coffins

Imagine that you have a dream like this : a coffin is flying over your head. Or just chasing you. Scary, right? But what if such a dream does not promise anything bad?

What the coffins dream of in the dream book of the twentieth century

If you are dreaming of a coffin, then in real life you are troubled by some old wounds, unchanged feelings. Such a dream wants you to forget about the past and begin to live in the present, otherwise new losses can not be avoided. When the young dead man is in the coffin, it means that you have recently suffered a trauma. To lead someone in the last way - to the remission of sins.

What do the coffins for the ancient Chinese dream book look like?

A freshly dug grave and a wooden coffin nearby testify to the speedy disposal of problems and fuss. If the coffin appears from nowhere, happiness awaits you, and if it is brought into the house - promotion in the post. The deceased is a symbol of uninvited guests. Why does an empty coffin dream? To success and the concomitant luck. Profits can boast if you see a coffin in a dream in which a dead man is lying, but a conversation with a dead person promises only misfortune. When in a dream the coffin floats on the river, means, you will grow rich in reality. Standing in the hall a wooden box - to a sense of peace.

What does the coffin for the dream son of Tsvetkov

If it is open, expect an unexpected pleasant surprise. Is your friend in it? Soon you will receive news of his unprecedented success! For young people, such a dream can be a symbol of a close wedding, and for the family - the inheritance. Are you in the grave yourself? Soon you will reach your cherished goal.

What does the coffins dream of in the dream book of the clairvoyant Vanga?

Watching the funeral procession means that you urgently need to take the right path, otherwise you risk becoming the protagonist of this procession in reality. Give up bad habits, stop envying your friends. An empty coffin hints at your emptiness. If you help carry a coffin, be afraid of your ill-considered actions. They can cause heavy damage to your loved ones. With enthusiasm to drive nails into the lid - to fulfill desires due to your firm character and unwavering will. The fallen coffin is a light sign. Higher powers protect you from disasters and misfortunes. And here is a rotten coffin covered with earth - to the evil coming into your house.

Interpretations of other competent dream books

The wreath, lying on the lid of the coffin, symbolizes the existence of your entrepreneurial veins. Do not escape the sad events, if you dream, how the coffin is carried. Dig a grave - to a marriage of convenience. He is unlikely to bring you true happiness. Think twice before deciding on this step. See yourself in a coffin from the side - to longevity, and relatives - to serious danger. Funeral can be deciphered as a need to get rid of oppressive thoughts. An empty coffin is a sign of the onset of a new life period. Old acquaintances, ideas, dreams will not be useful to you any more. Completely buried in the ground, the coffin hints at your poor health. The coffin moves by itself? Hence, in reality you can hardly call your behavior decent. Be careful that your partner does not abandon you, otherwise, you will remain a life-long loner.

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