
How to wind hair with an iron for straightening?

As usual, women themselves do not know what they want ... That's the case with the hair: then she wants perfectly straight, shiny hair, or suddenly she wants cute curls. This is how much you need to have at your fingertips various devices and means to satisfy all her desires, changing faster and more suddenly than the weather in the spring? Where to find a universal tool that can help in such completely opposite situations? And it is also desirable that it does not take up much space and is not an overhead for the purse. Probably, these are unrealizable fantasies from the world of fairy tales?

And here not! Such a tool exists! Simple and affordable, safe and inexpensive ... It's a hair iron!

Utyukok - not so long ago appeared in everyday life device, but already firmly entered into the life of many women who now do not represent how they lived without it. The first models of ironing, having a metal or chrome coating, raised concerns about the safety of their use. The risk of burning hair when styling disappeared immediately after the ceramic hair iron appeared . Now he is a serious competitor to such familiar means as curlers, curling irons and a hair dryer with a brush-brashing for straightening. Iron is convenient and universal! Thanks to the ceramic coating, it is also a great antistatic.

The main function of the tool - straightening hair with ironing - does not cause any difficulties. Here everything is simple, ironing - an ideal tool for straightening curly hair, and for making smooth straight. But how to wind hair with iron? The answer to this question may seem difficult. In fact, there is nothing too complicated.

Before winding hair irons, despite its safety, it is necessary to treat them with a thermal protection agent, so as to be sure to protect your hair (nothing to do, whatever one may do, it's still hot styling), and also use hair styling. For example, mousse or gel. There are facilities that combine the properties of thermal protection and styling, but it is difficult to say how strong the protection they will provide.

And finally we came close to the answer to the question: "How to wind hair with iron?"

To begin with, it is necessary to decide which locks we want to receive. The larger the desired curl, the thicker you need to take a strand for it. Determined with the thickness of the strand, it, well-combed, it is necessary to clasp a strongly heated iron as close to the roots as possible in parallel to the head. Clamp the strand as hard as possible, and turn the iron up or down, depending on where your future curly curl should be twisted. Further, without stopping the movement for an instant, stretch through the iron all the strand to its very tips. If you stop at some place of the strand, an ugly hall is immediately formed. If everything is done correctly, then the chic curl is ready. It's simple! A little workout, and you can create a chic hairstyle in a matter of minutes.

It is not necessary to wind the hair along the entire length. You can treat in a similar way only the tips of the hair, for example when cutting a cara, or only the hair at the roots.

We considered a classic example of how to wind hair with an iron. The use of ironing as a device for winding hair can come up with a lot, having achieved original and fast results. For example, a very unusual effect is obtained in this way: a strand of hair along the entire length is twisted by a tourniquet, wound like a bundle and, holding it from above with iron, wait a few seconds. You can not unwind, but simply hold the stranded strand of iron from the roots to the tips. Fantasize! You will be delighted with the results.

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