Beauty, Hair
How to Grow Hair Fast
Sometimes, due to any need - and this can happen to every woman - you have to short hair. It could be because of illness, for example, or just wanted something new, so she went to the beauty salon and made a fashionable short haircut. But I want so much to restore, and as soon as possible, the former beauty of my marvelous curls! But how to grow hair fast?
Strictly speaking, it's also that the dreams of luxurious silky long hair often own many beautiful ladies. And yet how to grow hair quickly, if their growth is completely invisible, and today they seem exactly the same length as they were yesterday, the day before yesterday and a week ago? Now this problem may seem completely irresolvable ...
In fact, hair grows at a speed of one and a half centimeters in one month, that is, over a year they grow by as much as eighteen centimeters. With age, the growth rate is significantly reduced. So we'll think about it: is it possible to grow hair in a month? The thing is that such a rate of "growth" is almost the norm. Really accelerate the growth of hair is impossible in any way, even those unique means that are being promoted in TV commercials.
So, it's impossible to grow long hair quickly? Do not despair very much. The fact is that the growth rate of the hair cover is affected by many factors, sometimes not depending on us. Too hot, very cold, fatigue, smoking and alcohol abuse - all this significantly inhibits the growth of hair, not allowing to reveal the possibilities that are given by nature itself. So, to grow hair in a month, you just need to help our hair?
It turns out that this way, but few know what exactly needs to be done to quickly grow long hair. There are some widespread misconceptions about this, about which it's time to talk.
They say that a luxurious head of hair can be obtained if you often trim your hair. In fact, trimming can not promote growth, but only removes the split ends, thus making the hairstyle more well-groomed. Moreover, in the course of many stories about how, after a complete "removal" of hair, the newly grown hair grew thicker and healthier than before. These stories are true, but only in part: we all often see what we want to see ...
But still how to grow hair fast - in fact there are many ways. Once again, all the methods do not accelerate the growth of hair, but only normalize it, leading to a norm.
For good and rapid growth of hairs, they need to be well nourished with vitamins of group B (biotin), which acts as a strengthening and gives health to the hairs, somewhat accelerating their growth. It is very important to maintain good hydration for the same purpose, which can be very important for the health and growth of the hair. It may also be useful to use lemon juice for rinsing.
It should not be combed too often - it can stimulate the work of the sebaceous glands, which will certainly give the hair style an inaccurate look.
There are a lot of purely national recipes that can help us. Burdock and castor oil are popular among the people, and experts recommend using them even with baldness. To apply these oils, you just need to make them masochki, previously slightly warming up the oil. You need to do masochki before washing your head, and you need to wash the oil with special care.
Good use and use of onion juice. To do this, just chop the bulb into a gruel and rub her scalp. Then you need to wrap your head for two hours with a towel. After the procedure, the head needs to be washed, and if rinsed with lemon juice, the odor will completely disappear and a healthy shine will appear.
But still the most effective advice on how to grow hair quickly - to lead a healthy lifestyle, watching the diet, the regime of work and rest, always taking walks in the fresh air ...
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