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How to grow a watermelon in Maynkraft and what is needed for this

To survive in the world of Meincraft, your character needs to eat. If his hunger scale drops to zero, then his health will start to be taken away, which will inevitably lead to death. Therefore, with you always need to have some food, they can restore the hunger scale by satiating your character. There is a large amount of food that can be caught, grown, cooked and so on. I would like to pay special attention to watermelon, as it is both an exotic fruit, which everyone wants to grow, and an excellent replenisher of the famine scale. Therefore, it's time to figure out how to grow a watermelon in "Maynkraft".

Finding the fetus

You can not create a watermelon farm from an empty place - you will need seeds. How to grow a watermelon in "Maynkraft", if nowhere near you you have neither fruits nor seeds? The fact is that watermelons do not grow everywhere - you can find them only in the jungle, while you need to look very carefully. In color they coincide with the grass, so you can easily not notice the watermelon and pass by. But if you have already found at least one, then you can prepare to celebrate. This is enough for you to start growing your own crop and learn the secrets of how to grow a watermelon in "Maynkraft".

Cultivation of watermelon from seeds

To get your watermelon, you will first need to get the seeds. It's not some kind of special secret about how to grow a watermelon in Maynkraft. Exactly the same principle grows and other edible plants, so get ready for collection of seeds. You can find them if you break a watermelon. From it will drop from three to seven slices. Each of them can be divided into a couple of seeds, which then go for planting. Moreover, you can destroy the watermelon itself, on which the fruits grow - for this you will get a few additional seeds. But at the same time, be sure to take into account the fact that after this action, watermelons will not grow here anymore, so you can do this in a wild environment, but do not touch the trunks on your farm, because without them there will be no fruit.

As you can see, the seeds of watermelon in "Meincraft" are very easy to obtain. It is important only to find at least one fruit, and from it you can already get enough seeds to grow a small crop, from which you will collect even more seeds.

The impossibility of reverse crafting

Many items in the "Maincraft" can be disassembled for parts and reassembled. This means that you can copy one block from several blocks of material, and then disassemble it for the same amount of material that was required to create it. In the "Maincraft" watermelon does not have a similar property. It's amazing, but you can collect a whole fruit out of nine slices of watermelon, which you will not be able to do in real life. But if you break this fruit, then a maximum of seven slices will fall out of it, which is not enough for a reverse craft. Moreover, sometimes they can be less - the minimum number of slices falling out of a watermelon is three.

So, you know where in the "Meincraft" to find a watermelon, how to extract seeds from it, to grow your harvest, and also have useful information about the fact that the broken fruit can not be backed up. There remains only the most important moment, because of which you are generally interested in watermelon - it's eating it.

Watermelon as a food product

Meincraft's food plays an incredibly important role, since you can still run away from the mobs, but you will not be able to hide from hunger - it will overtake you and kill you if you do not eat in time. Therefore, it is so important to obtain food, and also to grow it yourself. And if you grow watermelons, then you will not experience a lack of food exactly. As already mentioned above, from one watermelon is obtained from three to seven slices. Each of them quenches the hunger by one unit, which is quite enough, given the availability of this food. This gives you the opportunity to eat only watermelon if you want, since you will not feel any shortage in it with a watermelon farm.

It is clear that fried meat, for example, will restore many more units of hunger at a time, but to get it one must kill some animal so that raw meat falls out of it. Then to build a fire and fry it. Watermelons are always in direct accessibility.

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