
How to build up the endometrium? Different ways

How to build up the endometrium? This question worries many women. And not for nothing, because one of the main causes of spontaneous abortion is a thin layer of the inner shell of the uterus. In general, the positive result is affected not only by the thickness, the increase in the size of the tissue significantly improves the favorable environment for conception.

For what?

Let's look at how everything happens and what thickness the endometrium should have. It, first of all, a mucous membrane consisting of two layers: basal and functional. During menstruation, the functional layer is rejected and exits through the vagina. The basal constituent has regenerative capacity. Due to this, the functional layer is restored to the next cycle. The volume of the mucous uterus varies depending on the hormones. That is, the maximum permissible thickness occurs in the premenstrual period. So there is a preparatory work for embryo implantation. And if at that moment the size of the mucosa is insignificant, the egg does not find a place, the functional layer is rejected - pregnancy does not occur.
The problem of hypoplasia or thin endometrium is revealed thanks to modern ultrasound machines, which determine not only the size, but also the structure.

Drug method

Modern medicine provides answers to the question of how to build up the endometrium. Since the condition of the mucosa depends on hormones, then the treatment is appropriate. Often in consultation with a gynecologist appoint estradiol. Thanks to him, the cells of the uterine membrane ripen. In addition to this process, this drug helps to accumulate receptors that react sensitively to progesterone, and it, in turn, affects the size fluctuations, in particular, the thickening of the membrane to preserve the pregnancy.


The specialists in the field of physiotherapy know the solution of this problem without medicines. For this, it is recommended to do exercises that increase the flow of blood into the small pelvis. Replace strength training with non-violent ones: swimming, running, dancing. Very good will be oriental dances, because the main bias here is to work the hips. Also beneficial effect will be massage and acupuncture in the pelvic area. How to build up the endometrium, experts on hirudotherapy know. After applying 2-3 courses in a couple of months, a positive result is observed.

Folk remedies

And how to solve the situation created by traditional medicine? First of all, remember that the formation of the mucous uterus affects the hormone estrogen. That is, you need to apply herbs, of which phytohormones are allocated. These plants must have the properties of progesterone, estrogen and androgen. The group containing phytoestrogens is the largest. It includes linden, sage, licorice, hops, clover. And phytoandrogens contain lovage, celery and ayr. It is believed that the decoctions of these herbs will help to solve the problem of how to build up the endometrium.

But the most active decoctions folk medicine recognizes drugs from a red brush and a hog queen. It is recommended to use these herbs according to a certain scheme. It is necessary to divide the menstrual cycle into two parts. During the first part, and this after menstruation and until the middle of the cycle, drink a red brush. In the second period - the boron uterus. Prepare the broth is simple: you need a tablespoon of grass to pour a glass of boiling water. Infuse in the thermos for four hours. Drink 1 tablespoon every 6 hours. The broth is stored in the refrigerator. Remember that at the beginning of menstruation the amount of herbal tea should decrease until it is canceled. During the menstruation, take a break.

Do not forget that only you have the right to decide on ways to treat herbs or medicines. But you need to do this together with a doctor, because he knows how to increase the endometrium and at the same time not to harm your health.

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