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Great surnames for guys and girls
Surnames are very important in the life of every person. If they are consonant with the name and are very pleasant by ear, then this can play an important role, for example, in building a career. Today we'll talk about what kind of cool names there are, and also how to choose them.
A bit of history
Surnames are an integral part of the name of each person, regardless of where he was born, who he is, what place he occupies in society. Since time immemorial it has been customary to give people names that would help create clan clans and groups, as well as determine belonging to one or another clan. At first the names were given to important people - rulers, their main subordinates, and only then this feature became available to ordinary mortals, but even here there was a certain condition. Initially, the surnames were given only to men, and women inherited them from their fathers and husbands, and only in a few decades after the introduction of this innovation.
So the first really cool names for the guys were determined from the kind of their occupation, for example, the one who worked in the smithy, got the surname of the Blacksmith, who sewed clothes - Kravets and the like. But the surnames were given only in the Christian world, the Muslims had a different hierarchy. Their surnames depended on behalf of the fathers. For example, if the father was called Mohammed, then the son had the surname of the Magomeds, if Ibrahim is Ibragimov, but this only concerned the boys, the girls received the surname of their husband, not their father. But this does not mean that all the residents had names. This sign of distinction meant that a person belonged at least to the middle class. Slaves and inferior servants did not even have a name, not to mention such a higher kind of name.
In modern world
To date, class names are not uncommon, as it was once. They can be obtained not only "inherited" from the parents or from the husband, but also to choose independently. Cool surnames for girls are not a problem, it's much more difficult with guys. To the representative of the fair sex, to get a beautiful name, it is enough to either marry, or change it in the registry office at your discretion. For guys, only the last option is possible.
Why change the name
Not always a surname can approach a name. No matter how ridiculous this may sound, it really is a problem that needs to be addressed. According to psychologists and numerologists, the surname at the energy level can not always be suitable for a person, which, in turn, will lead to problems and constant failures.
Class names that will suit you, you can easily calculate with the help of special formulas, but then it will be better to contact specialists. Thanks to this, you can not only get a more beautiful name, but also attract good luck. More than once there were cases when after changing one part of his name the person completely changed - he was lucky, life was directed to the right direction, the changes were visible both externally and internally, the lucky person became more positive, depressions and nervous disorders disappeared, even Improved health. But it also happened that, choosing an unsuitable name, it got worse, so it should be taken more seriously.
Surnames for social networks
Class names for "Contact", "Classmates" and "Facebook" have become something like a kind of chip, without which no one can do. It is by the way the page is signed and what its content is, young people decide whether to get acquainted with the person or not. That's why we need cool names for "Vk". Since social networks do not require documentary evidence of identity, you can register under any name, which is very advantageous and convenient, especially if a person does not want to indicate their real data.
You can even identify yourself with the name of a celebrity, and, perhaps, there will be people who will believe you (for example, now you can often see the profiles of Selena Gomez, Alexei Vorobyov, Natalia Podolskaya). But if the variant with the fake page disappears, then the class surnames for "Vk" can be invented independently, it is not necessary to borrow them from someone. To do this, it is enough to choose several options that are consonant with your name, and after that - the most suitable.
A few tips
Originality should be natural, therefore, creating yourself a nickname, you need to remember a few rules. First, the contrast of the letters. If in your name the number of letters does not exceed four or six, then the name can be chosen in the amount of five to ten or twelve (very rarely) letters, and vice versa - a long name will be well combined with a short surname. For example, Anna Gievskaya, Max Korneyev. Of course, in this rule there are exceptions without sharp jumps - this is when both the name and the surname have approximately the same number of letters with a maximum difference of one or two characters - Ekaterina Loginova, Anastasia Andreeva, etc.
The best option is about five or seven letters for both the name and the last name - not too much and not too little. Secondly, belonging to one's nationality. The originality of the surname does not lie in having something in common with a foreign culture, but in being beautiful. This error is most often admitted by girls, believing that a foreign surname will make them steeper before their peers. But in fact, this is far from the case. Yes, there are cases when the foreign language part of the title not only suits a person, but even makes it better, but all this does not occur so often. Therefore, if you want a foreign surname, think carefully about all the options. But whatever fashion trends, give preference to your native language.
Famous names
The most famous surnames of the world are the main goal of those who want to change something in their life. These include not only the names of show business stars, but also those that belonged to well-known family families, such as Hugo, Chekhov, Boleyn, Giza, Tudor, etc. Hunters have become so numerous that in some countries they even passed a law that forbids you to take surnames that used to belong to the historical family, as there were cases when, having appropriated a distinguished name, a person tried to prove his involvement in a particular clan.
The coolest names of the world
People have become so obsessed with their names that they create ratings of the best in the whole world. To date, there are about twenty ratings of names and surnames, the most common in one or another territory. As statistics show, class names from such lists are so common that it even creates problems for law enforcement agencies, since there are completely identical names. Therefore, beautiful names can sometimes cause many problems, and not just delight.
Let's sum up the results
After reading this article, you already know how people got their surnames, how to choose them, adhering to certain rules, and what should be avoided. If you also decided to change your surname, then before you officially do it, choose several options, ask your family and friends, you can even go to the numerologist so that he can calculate the code for your name and the appropriate surname code. The main thing - take your time with the choice. Of course, everything is fixable, but you can do without unnecessary problems.
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