Health, Preparations
Ginestrol preparation: instructions for use, analogues and reviews
How is Ginestrol taken? Instructions for using this medication will be described in the materials of this article. In it, we will provide feedback from patients, the composition of the drug, its pharmacological features, indications and contraindications.
Composition, shape
What components does Ginestrol medication include? The instruction, attached to this remedy, states that its active substance is mifepristone. Also in the composition of the medicament are additional ingredients in the form of potato starch, lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone, magnesium stearate and sodium carboxymethyl starch.
You can buy this medicine in tablets, which are packed in packs of cardboard.
Pharmacological features of the drug
Do you know what the drug "Ginestril" is? Instructions for use help you understand the principle of the action of this drug, and also tell you about what indications it is used in medical practice.
The medicament in question is a steroidal anti-gestagenic agent of synthetic origin. The therapeutic effectiveness of this drug is due to its composition.
After the introduction of mifepristone into the human body, it inhibits the effects of progesterone, but it does not show gestagenic activity.
Specialists note the antagonism of this drug with glucocorticoids due to binding competition at the receptor level.
As is known, the main role in the formation of uterine leiomyoma is assigned to female sex hormones, in particular progesterone. In this regard, mifepristone can be assigned to a patient to block progesterone receptors. As a result of this treatment, tumor growth is delayed, as well as a decrease in the size of the myomatous nodes and uterus.
Pharmacokinetic properties of the drug
What are the pharmacokinetic features of the drug "Ginestril"? Instruction, reviews of experienced doctors say that with oral intake the greatest concentration of this drug is observed after about 80 minutes. At the same time, its bioavailability is 69%.
With plasma proteins, the drug in question is bound to 98% (with albumin and acid alpha-1-glycoprotein).
After the distribution phase, a slow release phase occurs. At the same time, the concentration of drug in the blood is reduced by half (between 15 and 72 hours).
Removal of the drug proceeds rapidly, with a period of 18 hours.
Indications for use
What can be used to administer Ginestrol? Instructions for use, expert feedbacks speak about the following indications:
- Treatment of uterine leiomyoma;
- Interruption of uterine pregnancy to 42 days;
- Induction (or stimulation) of labor activity (including with full term pregnancy);
- Emergency contraception (postcoital) with unreliability of the contraceptive used, and also in the period after unprotected intercourse.
Contraindications for use
The drug "Ginestril" for abortion can not be used when:
- Clinically unconfirmed pregnancy;
- Tolerated ectopic pregnancy;
- Pregnancy, which arose after the abolition of contraceptive hormonal drugs, or when using intrauterine contraceptives;
- Pregnancy after 42 days.
With leiomyomie, this medication is prohibited to be prescribed in the following cases:
- With submucous placement of myomatous nodes;
- With a tumor of the ovaries;
- With endometrial hyperplasia;
- If the size of the leiomyoma is large.
Tablets "Ginestril" for stimulation of childbirth do not use at:
- Severe gestosis;
- Abnormal presentation of the fetus;
- Pre-eclampsia;
- Eclampsia;
- Premature or delayed pregnancy;
- Disproportion of fetal head and pelvis sizes;
- Undiagnosed bloody discharge from the genital tract during the period of gestation.
Does Ginestril have a general contraindication? The instruction gives a positive answer to this question. Such prohibitions include the following states:
- Porphyria;
- Long-term therapy with glucocorticoids;
- Severe anemia;
- Renal or hepatic insufficiency (in any form);
- Violation of hemostasis (past treatment with anticoagulants);
- Extragenital pathology of a serious nature;
- Pathology of the female reproductive system, which has an inflammatory character;
- Increased sensitivity (including in history);
- Nicotine dependence, especially after 35 years of age.
With special care this medication is taken with:
- Obstructive lung diseases (chronic);
- CHF;
- Arterial hypertension;
- Arrhythmias;
- Bronchial asthma;
- Disturbance of the rhythm of the heart.
Ginestrol preparation: instruction
For the termination of pregnancy (patients' reviews of this drug will be considered a little further), this drug should be prescribed only by a narrow specialist. And to conduct the reception of tablets in this case should be only in the presence of a gynecologist.
So how do you use Ginestrol medication? The instruction for the termination of pregnancy says that it must be used once in a dose equal to 600 mg.
The drug is taken 1-1.5 hours after eating and washed down with 100 ml of water.
To increase the effectiveness of the drug, additionally the administration of 400 mg of misoprostol (i.e., synthetic prostaglandin E1) is possible.
After taking the pill, the patient should be under supervision of a midwife for at least two hours. After 1.5 or 2 days, ultrasound is performed. After another 1-2 weeks, a clinical examination and repeated ultrasound are performed, and the content of hCG in the blood is checked to confirm the miscarriage.
In the event that the drug did not help (that is, the pregnancy continues), the doctor recommends vacuum-aspiration with further examination (histological) of the results of the procedure.
To stimulate labor activity, the drug is administered once in a dosage of 200 mg. Do this also in the presence of a gynecologist. In a day, the medication is repeated in the same dose.
After 2-3 days, evaluate the expansion of the birth canal. This determines the possibility of further use of "Oxytocin" or prostaglandins.
How to use the medicine "Ginestril" with leiomyoma of the uterus? The instruction says that with this diagnosis the drug is usually prescribed in a single dose equal to 50 mg. The drug is taken orally for three months.
As for postcoital contraception, doctors recommend using the medication in question at a dose of 10 mg for three days after unprotected intercourse (regardless of the menstrual phase). Take the pill in this case, preferably two hours before meals or after.
Cases of overdose
The use of the drug in a dose of not more than two grams does not cause the development of any negative effects. When using a drug more than this amount, the patient may develop adrenal insufficiency, which requires symptomatic therapy.
Side effects
Ginestrel medication often causes side effects such as headaches, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, urticaria, diarrhea, amenorrhea, lychiometer, spotting, subinvolution of the uterus, hyperthermia, menstrual disorder, weakness, deepening of the inflammatory processes of the uterus and appendages, Discomfort and pain in the abdomen. If you have these symptoms, you should always see a doctor.
Drug Interactions
It is highly not recommended to take Ginestrol in parallel with NSAIDs. It should also be noted that when combined with glucocorticoids, it is necessary to increase their dose, but only after consulting with the doctor.
Special Recommendations
It is highly not recommended to take this medication as a regular contraceptive.
When using Ginestril to interrupt pregnancy, the patient should be informed of other options for this procedure, especially if the pregnancy continues after two weeks or if there is an incomplete abortion (risk of fetal pathology may occur).
Price and analogues means
Analogues of the drug "Ginestril" are the following medicines: "Ginepriston", "Pencrofton", "Agesta", "Mifepristone", "Genalet", "Mifolian", "Mifegin", "Mifeprex", Miropriston.
The price of the medicine in question is very high and amounts to 5000-6000 rubles.
Reviews about the drug
There are no unambiguous and concrete positive or negative reviews about Ginestrol. However, most patients approve of this remedy. They argue that it is very effective and relatively safe to receive.
It should also be noted that some people, on the contrary, often observe the development of side effects.
All these reviews suggest that the medication should only be taken after consultation with the doctor.
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